Stop Making Me Laugh Or I'll Pee My Pants! Go Back! I Lost My Shoe! Trip Report!

When I left off, I was singing Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A pirates life for me! and the kids had taken a very unflattering picture of me with my mouth open. I guess they didn't care for my signing too much (I don't blame them.) 'cause halfway through the song, they asked me to turn off the music.:confused3

Like I said before, it took a whopping 10 minutes before the kids had the portable DVD player out. We are a family who loves movies. Not so much the action or dramas but comedies are our favorites. The day before leaving, Hunter and Lacey had gone through our movies (I don't know exactly how many we have but I know it's more than 300.) and picked out several for the road trip. First up on the playlist was Fun With Dick & Jane. They laughed in the backseat while John and I talked about our day in the front.

The drive from West Monroe to Mississippi is soooo boring. There's nothing to see but wetland and crops.


After being on the road for a little while, our tummies started to rumble but we knew we weren't stopping until we got to Vicksburg, Mississippi. It's a tradition to stop at the McDonald's in Vicksburg. I know it's not super good food but it's a tradition. What can I say? Since it's a bit of a ride to Vicksburg, we broke out the Lay's potato chips to hold us over. Then, we saw that we were nearing Vicksburg.



And here's the bridge that takes us across the Mississippi river. Like Clark Griswold, John has to sing "Deep River, My home is over Jordan." Except he doesn't say river, he says "rither". It cracks us up every time.


The Mississippi river. Sorry, the side of the bridge got in the way.


Then we see the Mississippi sign:


A closer pic:


I'm going to sign off for now. The dryer just stopped and if I don't get the clothes out while they are still warm, I'll have to iron them. I hate ironing!

Are ya sure you can't stretch next year out a l i t t l e longer. We're planning to head down on the 8th of June next year. Christian's birthday is the 9th. It would be SO cool to meet, but it looks like we'll just miss you.

Can't wait till the next installment!
Are ya sure you can't stretch next year out a l i t t l e longer. We're planning to head down on the 8th of June next year. Christian's birthday is the 9th. It would be SO cool to meet, but it looks like we'll just miss you.

Can't wait till the next installment!


You know, it's possible that the dates may change a little further down the road. I'm probably going to go ahead and book using the 27th through the 5th but if a promo comes out later, they may change.

It would be cool to meet some of my Dis friends in person. John would be into it too.
Just got back from Football Jamboree. A lot of fun. Beautiful evening out there tonight. Sheri got to go home and cook steaks for 4 hungry boys. Aust calls at 4 and says "hey mom can you cook for me tonite?" Of course she says yes and then he says "hey mom can Joel, Brock and Josh come too?" How do you turn them down.

Love the beginning of this trip. Of course I couldn't see all those pretty sites. I'm locked up in the trunk. I do kind of remember crossing the river. I could hear the water. And I do remember hearing John singing but I couldn't understand the words.

Keep up the good report.
Love the pictures so far. It's been a long time since I've been over the Mississippi River. A REALLY long time.

I hope your dates do change. Our might change just a little too. Depends on a lot of things. I know I want to be there for Christian's birthday, but our current dates have us leaving on a Tuesday. If I can swing it, we'll leave earlier. Like Sunday. But I'm not sure how much $$$ we can put into the trip less than a year later. Partly depends on whether SeaWorld et al offers the Buy 3/Get 2 free thing again too. We going over to the other side of Orlando for part of the trip next time (please, please, PLEASE let Harry Potter World be open by then!), but we also have to do Star Wars weekends. And I want to actually be at Disney for Christian's birthday. We might do Universal/Sea World first. Don't know. Depends on the friends I'm supposed to be meeting, and the specials that are offered.

Hopefully we can make ONE day overlap at least.

Waiting to see McDonald's! popcorn::
Hi Lisa - did I miss a post somewhere..? Did you get a bounceback offer? How did this upcoming (2010) trip evolve?

Sorry if you covered it already, feel free to point me in the direction of the post :)
Oh the fun of roadtrips:rolleyes: It seems like you are totally prepared and everyone is having a fun time.
I love that you took pictures of being on the road!!! I'm a big fan of all the little details!!! :surfweb:
I love your TR! Can't wait for more. I am also a paralegal and know JUST what you mean about clients changing the documents (1,000 times) at the most inconvenient times! I laughed out loud when you threatened to scalp her. I've had those exact same thoughts myself!
I love your TR! Can't wait for more. I am also a paralegal and know JUST what you mean about clients changing the documents (1,000 times) at the most inconvenient times! I laughed out loud when you threatened to scalp her. I've had those exact same thoughts myself!
Hey girl! Aren't the Disboards a lot "cooler" than the Intercot boards. I just feel so much more comfortable over here. I still post on Intercot but I find that people are a bit judgmental over there.

Oddball is a mix of Miniature Pinscher and who knows what. We adopted him from the animal shelter when he was just about 6 weeks old. I've got to find a recent picture of him so ya'll can see my other "child".

Yes! I feel much more comfortable posting here, too. I can't wait to see a photo of Oddball!
I love your trip report & all the time & detail you put into it. I'm looking forward to reading more!
It's a tradition to stop at the McDonald's in Vicksburg. I know it's not super good food but it's a tradition. What can I say?

I totally get the tradition thing. That's how family memories are made! "Remember how we always used to stop in Vicksburg...." I can't even tell you how many times we say things like that amongst my siblings when we get together now as adults. We do a little of the same thing with our Disneyland road trips. Like, we always stop in Woodburn, OR on the way down because it's the perfect distance and they have good I-5 access to restaurants and gas. And when we get to Buttonwillow, CA, I always have to pretend I have a British (probably more like a cockney) accent, and repeatedly say "Buttonwillow" with this accent. Everyone loves it! I'm sure everyone loves it as much as me! :rolleyes1

On an aside, thanks, lisalonglash! I got my siggy fixed, and I know other people were looking for that info too! :worship:
Just got back from Football Jamboree. A lot of fun. Beautiful evening out there tonight. Sheri got to go home and cook steaks for 4 hungry boys. Aust calls at 4 and says "hey mom can you cook for me tonite?" Of course she says yes and then he says "hey mom can Joel, Brock and Josh come too?" How do you turn them down.

Love the beginning of this trip. Of course I couldn't see all those pretty sites. I'm locked up in the trunk. I do kind of remember crossing the river. I could hear the water. And I do remember hearing John singing but I couldn't understand the words.

Keep up the good report.

I once cooked for every kid, their siblings and their parents after a football game. We intended to just cook for a couple of families but then word got around and it turned into a huge party.

John thought your comments about being in bad hilarious. He said next time he'll type out an itinerary and the words to all of his songs so you can keep up with what's going on.

Love the pictures so far. It's been a long time since I've been over the Mississippi River. A REALLY long time.

I hope your dates do change. Our might change just a little too. Depends on a lot of things. I know I want to be there for Christian's birthday, but our current dates have us leaving on a Tuesday. If I can swing it, we'll leave earlier. Like Sunday. But I'm not sure how much $$$ we can put into the trip less than a year later. Partly depends on whether SeaWorld et al offers the Buy 3/Get 2 free thing again too. We going over to the other side of Orlando for part of the trip next time (please, please, PLEASE let Harry Potter World be open by then!), but we also have to do Star Wars weekends. And I want to actually be at Disney for Christian's birthday. We might do Universal/Sea World first. Don't know. Depends on the friends I'm supposed to be meeting, and the specials that are offered.

Hopefully we can make ONE day overlap at least.

Waiting to see McDonald's! popcorn::

We used to do Sea World and Universal and Disney World. John's not a big fan of Sea World so we haven't done that in yers. We might would do Universal again. I don't know. I'm going to play around with the dates on the Disney site and see what kind of rates I get.

Hi Lisa - did I miss a post somewhere..? Did you get a bounceback offer? How did this upcoming (2010) trip evolve?

Sorry if you covered it already, feel free to point me in the direction of the post :)

We did get a bounceback but the dates were just for 2009. We've been going to Disney for 12 years now and have no intention to stop any time soon. It's a yearly thing for us. So, on the drive back home, we started planning for 2010.
Hopping on board, great start!

Welcome aboard! I hope that you have a great time reading about our Disney adventures!

Oh the fun of roadtrips:rolleyes: It seems like you are totally prepared and everyone is having a fun time.

Sometimes I think I am too prepared. I had way too many snacks in the snack box and we didn't eat them all. But.....they were there if we needed them.

I love that you took pictures of being on the road!!! I'm a big fan of all the little details!!! :surfweb:

I think I have a few more "on the road" pictures.

I love your TR! Can't wait for more. I am also a paralegal and know JUST what you mean about clients changing the documents (1,000 times) at the most inconvenient times! I laughed out loud when you threatened to scalp her. I've had those exact same thoughts myself!

Then you know exactly what I mean. Sometimes, I think they make changes just to upset me and/or their soon to be ex's.
Yes! I feel much more comfortable posting here, too. I can't wait to see a photo of Oddball!
I love your trip report & all the time & detail you put into it. I'm looking forward to reading more!

I am going to try to get another installment up sometime this weekend so you'll have more to read.

I totally get the tradition thing. That's how family memories are made! "Remember how we always used to stop in Vicksburg...." I can't even tell you how many times we say things like that amongst my siblings when we get together now as adults. We do a little of the same thing with our Disneyland road trips. Like, we always stop in Woodburn, OR on the way down because it's the perfect distance and they have good I-5 access to restaurants and gas. And when we get to Buttonwillow, CA, I always have to pretend I have a British (probably more like a cockney) accent, and repeatedly say "Buttonwillow" with this accent. Everyone loves it! I'm sure everyone loves it as much as me! :rolleyes1

On an aside, thanks, lisalonglash! I got my siggy fixed, and I know other people were looking for that info too! :worship:

There's absolutely nothing special about the Vicksburg McDonald's. It's just the place we always stop at and it seems to make it official that we're on the road to Disney. Isn't it funny how you remember some things that are so insignificant.

I'm in! Great start, looking forward to more. :)

Hi! I'm glad that you're hear to read along.
Morning all,

It's been a busy morning already and it's not quite 11:00 a.m. I was up and at 'em at 7:00 a.m. this morning. I put a load of clothes in the dryer, swept the floor, mopped the floor and just finished waxing them.

John is outside putting a coat of sealer on the end of the house. We live in a log home and one end of the house is exposed to the boiling hot Louisiana sun. So, about every two years, we put a coat of sealer on it. It takes a lot of time to do it since the logs are round and you have to do it with a paint brush so you can get in every little nook and cranny.

Hunter and I are about to get ready to go to the music store. He has been chosen to learn how to plan a viola. Lord help us all! I'm praying that he'll pick it up pretty easily otherwise I feel certain we'll be hearing a lot of squeaking and squalling every night. Lacey laughed and said thank goodness he plays football to balance out playing the viola.:laughing:

Lacey called yesterday to say that her grant will even pay for her enrollment fees and her books. Sweet! She starts classes next Tuesday. They used to take online classes but now that they've switched colleges, she'll be attending actual classes. She's really excited about that.

Oh, I almost forgot, I also have to find my boss a birthday present. His birthday is next week. What the heck do you get a man who needs nothing? I'm sure I'll find something.

Chat with ya'll later.
Morning all,

It's been a busy morning already and it's not quite 11:00 a.m. I was up and at 'em at 7:00 a.m. this morning. I put a load of clothes in the dryer, swept the floor, mopped the floor and just finished waxing them.

John is outside putting a coat of sealer on the end of the house. We live in a log home and one end of the house is exposed to the boiling hot Louisiana sun. So, about every two years, we put a coat of sealer on it. It takes a lot of time to do it since the logs are round and you have to do it with a paint brush so you can get in every little nook and cranny.

Hunter and I are about to get ready to go to the music store. He has been chosen to learn how to plan a viola. Lord help us all! I'm praying that he'll pick it up pretty easily otherwise I feel certain we'll be hearing a lot of squeaking and squalling every night. Lacey laughed and said thank goodness he plays football to balance out playing the viola.:laughing:

Lacey called yesterday to say that her grant will even pay for her enrollment fees and her books. Sweet! She starts classes next Tuesday. They used to take online classes but now that they've switched colleges, she'll be attending actual classes. She's really excited about that.

Oh, I almost forgot, I also have to find my boss a birthday present. His birthday is next week. What the heck do you get a man who needs nothing? I'm sure I'll find something.

Chat with ya'll later.

I once cooked for every kid, their siblings and their parents after a football game. We intended to just cook for a couple of families but then word got around and it turned into a huge party.

The parents club cooks on Thursday nights for all the players (90) for the pre game feed. Two of the churches in town have volunteered to do it this year so they are working that out. It would be great. We don't know many people that can hold 90+ people.

John thought your comments about being in bad hilarious. He said next time he'll type out an itinerary and the words to all of his songs so you can keep up with what's going on.

You tell John I would appreciate that. Words I pretty much know (well, except for his words) it's the tune I can't carry. I bet if I sang loud enough you would have opened that trunk and got me out. Of course, you might have left me stranded along side the road somewhere and who knows what would have happened to me. I felt all safe, warm and cozy in that luggage.

You have had a very busy morning. Don was cooking biscuits about 9:30 and Sheri called to see if we wanted to go eat breakfast. We don't turn down a meal. The biscuits got done and we were out of here.

Then we headed to Wal Mart, Fall Apart and got 2 new stadium chairs. My big butt hurts on those metal bleachers. Our old bleachers were wood and at least they had some give in them.

When we got home the neighbors 6 pit bulls were out roaming. So I'm waiting on the sherrif to get here. Has been a terrible week with those dogs. Law says no more than 4, our covenant reads no outside dogs and no dogs left out all night. They don't follow rules real well. The attorney is working on it. Thursday afternoon when Don got home they had torn down part of the fence and were all in my back yard. The poor Princess about had a stroke.

Love the viola. Sandi played it for 9 years. She was in the youth symphony, first chair all thru school. We paid a lot of money for a new one her junior year. After about 5 years she hocked it. I was not happy but it was hers. So about 3 years ago, what does she do but go buy a cheap one and start playing again. You know you musical people it is in alto cleff not treble like most string instruments.

Awesome about Lacey's news. I am so glad for her and for you. Getting to save some money for you. (makes more Disney money)

Have a great weekend. I'm gonna post some jamboree pics in a bit.



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