Ok you guys...its on, the LIVE Nicki and Todd..Summer edition!

Hijacking for just a minute :rolleyes1 Got my pictures up on Photobucket (all 204 :scared1:) and here are a few from the new pirate rooms at CBR pirate:




When you consider we had 26 agents touring the room, only one "extra" hand in the pictures is pretty darn good if you ask me :rotfl:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming :goodvibes

OMG!!! These rooms look so awesome! Thanks for the pics!:)
I'm not even sure I remember what 40 was like anymore. Especially since I got my AARP card. :rotfl2:

I'm another of those people coming up on 40 this year... it really stinks... (well that's not really the word I used, but hey, be nice now!)

Nicki, Sounds like you had a GREAT day.... Cait and I were going to try Tutto, but I really don't do well with wait staff that are inattentive. (really.) The dessert looked WONDERFUL though!!!!! I'm looking forward to making our ADR's next month... starting the planning already!
Another one of the Group-of-40-Gals here ... :rotfl2:

Nicki, your review of Flying Fish was fabulous and I really want to thank you for the menu pictures. Jay and I were already planning to smack ourselves silly with the fishes but now it's set in stone.

The cheese plate .. the port flight ... the scallops ... the desserts ... sign me up and pass the drool cup! :lmao:

I was also really happy to read that you enjoyed Mandara ... didn't I tell you it was a little bit of heaven? :cloud9:

Here's hoping we can do a drive-by in October ... would love to meet up with you guys at the Squishee stand in France. :hug:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: God, it happens quicker than we realize!

I get an aromatherapy massage about every two or three months. Edward, my masseuer, will on most occasions also use the hot stones on me. He knows my weak points--shoulders/neck from stress and my lower back, also from sitting at a desk 8 hours a day (and then of course another 4 or 5 at night being on the DIS! :rotfl2: ). I look forward to these treatments every time. I may have to give the Mandara a try the next time we are at Disney.

That is not funny! She even told me I had a wrinkle on my forehead! I cannot wait to go back that spa!

Oh my gosh ... I cannot wait to eat at Flying Fish in December! I am not a huge seafood eater but really want to try either the snapper or the scallops. DS and I actually agreed to pick one of those and then maybe the pasta dish so we could share and not 'go hungry' if we don't love the fish. DH is already drooling for that steak!

I was debating going back to Tutto. DS and I really enjoyed our meal there last year & I wanted to share it with DH. Thought about dinner but then the menu you posted didn't excite me. Lunch on the other hand looked devine! So Tutto it is for lunch! Now to decide where to have dinner ... :goodvibes One thing for sure is that it won't be Nine Dragons! I thought I really wanted to try it but I am just not taking the chance. We can get good chinese food at home!

So sorry to hear that your trip is coming to an end! I really enjoy your reviews and can't wait for the next ones! Only 198 days til our trip (and next Mom & Son Eat the World dining review) but who's counting! :rolleyes1

I am so sad to be home but honestly I need a break from all the food! I think I am going to put Tutto down for lunch and dinner, I love them both! Flying Fish is awesome, the NY Strip is killer too! Whatever you do, stay far far away from Nine Dragons, just thinking about it makes me :sick:

Great update!

We have ADRs at Flying Fish next month :banana:. It's been 3 years since we've eaten there and I had heard some negative things, but it was a favorite of ours and I'm so glad to see you liked it!

As for the kids, sorry you had to put up with that. Parents like those shouldn't take their kids into nice restaurants and ruin the experience for everyone else.:sad2:

Tell you what, if those kids were just starting their meal I would have walked out and grabbed a corn dog instead...they were just hellions! The food at Flying Fish is wonderful but the service was top notch!

I am so glad the food at Flying Fish made up for the kids' antics! We just booked a "family" trip to Disney World yesterday and we're going in August for free dining. My parents are paying for all us kids plus spouses plus my brothers' kids to go so it'll be quite the ordeal but I'm hoping for a kid-free dinner at Flying Fish!
I think a massage is on my list for this next trip too. That sounded so heavenly :cloud9:

Have a safe trip back home!

I hope you get your kid free dinner and have time to relax at a spa....it is a great way to end a day!

Another great review! :thumbsup2 FF looks fantastic and it's another on my to do list. My youngest DS LOVES peas, and wants me to try and make the risotto. Sorry those kids where so bad! From a young age, I have taught my DS's how to behave in a restaurant. Maybe someone needs to teach those parents! Hope today is going well, and can't wait for you to get home to tell us how it went!popcorn::

The peas were so fresh and the risotto was delish, I would go back just for that!

Honey that sounds like an incredible afternoon & evening!!!!:cloud9:
--except for the obnoxius kids/parents next to you at dinner. I just don't understand people :confused3 A. my kids wouldn't dare act like that out to eat and B. I'd strangle them if they did!
I understand it's Disney World and it's family friendly, but rude/obnoxious misbehaviour is not acceptable :headache:

Hope you have another wonderful day wandering by yourself :goodvibes

It was a great day and yesterday was almost more of the same...if we ever acted up we got the look from my mother, you never ever ever want to mess with the look because if you did then my dad would escort us out of wherever we were and we sat in the car until my mom was done with her shopping, dinner etc....but these people were just oblivious to the kids and when a waiter has to bring it to your attention and you still do nothing to wrangle them in, well then you have a problem!
Sounds fantastic!

I'm sorry about the kids also. Had the same thing happen at the park yesterday. Two boys sat down right in the middle of our picnic and proceeded to interview us and beg for food. Their mother just sat and read her book...never said a word. They sat with us the entire meal. :eek:

No way, that is horrible! Did you feed them? Sounds like they were trained to beg

That spa sounds great....isn't it wonderful to be pampered at those places? DH gives me a certificate for a spa day every now and then, and it's just such a nice change of pace.

Flying Fish sounds great....I think it's going on our list for next June since we are thinking of staying near the Boardwalk.

I can't stand parents like the ones you ran into! Why is it that people think that children don't have to exhibit good manners when they are in public? I'm not anti-kid by any means....I have a 5 year old girl and a 16 month old boy and 6 nieces and nephews who all live in the same town as me, so I'm around the little buggers all the time.....but kids should not impact other people's experiences. Like Chelle said....my kids have never acted like that in a restaurant, and if they tried it, I'd kill them!

Oh yes the spa was amazing, my favorite thing in the world but man is it costly! I highly recommend Flying Fish, we have been there twice and the food was terrific both times! I have the 2 nieces and they never act like that because my sister taught them that going out was a priviledge...same way we were raised

Thanks for such wonderful live reviews! Out-of-control kids are horrendous - so sorry that you had to deal with that!
I went to BevMo yesterday and stocked up on XFusion liquer and thought of you :goodvibes! And, next to the XFusion was Nuvo! Wow, here I am visiting in San Diego and only had thoughts of WDW while in a liquor store :rotfl:!

Thank you so much for reading them! Oh that Nuvo and XFusion, rock my world! I do have Nuvo at home now so I can save the $15 in Epcot and put it towards 2 other cocktails! I cannot believe I did not have my favorite Magical Star Cocktail this trip!

All spas will do that. I remember the first time I did spa treatments, I was on a cruise, and they heavily pushed their products on me, but I resisted. They get some serious moolah on those products.

Yeah the few spas I have been to they try and sell me stuff but not $700 worth, that is insane!

:rotfl2: Welcome to the club, my dear. ;) You're looking at one of many who turned (or will turn) 40 this year! :eek: Do you get called "Ma'am" a lot? ;)

Oh yes they do and I hate it....I keep looking to my left and right and wondering, who are they talking to?? :scared1:

That is my single biggest pet peeve, at WDW or anywhere, for that matter. A couple of coworkers and I went to our regular sushi place for lunch last week, and a little girl was just running around the tables. She was pretty disruptive. I hate it here and I hate it at WDW. If I'm alone, I have no problem asking the parents to call their kids back to the table. I am more reticent among "company".

I know it is Disney but that is no excuse to let your kid raise hell and interrupt other diners....it is just so inconsiderate!

Anyway, back to the meal. Loved the scallops photo! Yum! I love the red snapper, but it's been years since I've had it. I remember how good it was. And the chocolate dessert looked great. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. :)

I loved the snapper but I was so intrigued by the scallops...now I love both so I am going to trick DH into ordering one or the other but he is head over heels with the steak....hmmm maybe I can order for my invisible friend?
WOW, what a day you had!!! I'm probably the only one here who thinks the massage sounds awful, but that's because I could not stand someone I don't know to touch me like that - the whole massage thing gives me the creeps.:eek:

I was nervous about having a man do the massage but man he was a gem! I feel like a million bucks today!

Maybe the facial, but then that included a massage as well..yuck...I almost went for a pedicure and manicure last time I was there, but they only had availability with a guy and could not do it (hey, I'm a former nun, what do you expect?? :rotfl2:). Also, the receptionist was awfully snotty - which is so rare at an upscale place.

A snotty receptionist can ruin the experience! They do have facials where they do not massage the neck and shoulders and stuff....

Anyway, what's the deal with those brats ( a term I never use). Of course, not their fault as the parents should have taught them from the time they were babies appropriate behavior. Doesn't take much - just have to explain to munchkins what we do here, etc. Those kiddos must be worse than nightmares at home!! Where Jo the Nanny, when ya need her??;)

Yeah, a good paddling would teach them a lesson...I was trying to give them the death glare my mom gave us but I guess it works on your own kids and not other peoples :rotfl:

Have not tried the Flying Fish yet, but sure must next trip!! Looks scrumptious - photos are fabulous, of course!!

Thank you!! Hope you're havin' fun today! Safe trip home!:hug:

You should try FF, you will not regret it!

I have been lurking along since Page 1. Thoroughly enjoying your report! :thumbsup2

There is NO WAY, I mean NO WAY I could have tolerated kids rolling on the floor and bumping into DH's chair. If our server or a manager wasn't able to help I am afraid I would have been hideously ugly to those parents, and it would have been loud. I daresay it would have been the sort of scene to warrant the involvement of Disney Security. :scared: I have NO patience for that behavior, and if the behavior is having a direct negative impact on my dining experience then it is time to inconvenience the parents of the naughty children. I am sorry you had to start off your meal that way. I love Flying Fish. And Cali Grill. And Narcoosee's. And Citrico's. ;)

I think DH and I are signature restaurant hogs now, cannot wait to try Citricos and Narcoosees...maybe Artist Point too! I was this close to losing it on the parents, DH can let that roll off his back but I get sooooo testy! I did say a few things loud enough for them to hear but they had so many wine glasses and Irish Coffees going on they were too buzzed to hear me!

Oooooooh :cloud9::love::lmao:

I've only ever had one massage before and it was by a girl and it wasn't very good. :sad2: One day I will have to try another one ::yes::

Sorry to hear about the out of control kids. It's also a pet peeve of mine and whenever I encounter them I always say very loudly "Don't you have parents????" so that the parents can hear it and that usually solves the problem here at home but when on vacation, it seldom works. I either get ignored or get dirty looks. For some reason, a lot of parents seem to not want to parent their kids while on vacation. :confused3 We encouter a lot of those kind of parents in WDW but most especially on Disney cruises :sad2:

I guess sometimes it just comes down to laziness or parents thinking that they should also be on vacation from being a parent.

My daughter will only be just shy of 3 when we go in October but I think that WDW will offer a lot of opportunities for us to teach her some new things....such as waiting in line for things and having proper behaviour in busy public places. I know she won't be on her best behaviour at sit-down restaurants but I am going to do my best to keep her from disturbing anyone around us! Geez I hope that works out for us :rolleyes1 :rotfl2::rotfl:

I would love to see a photo of the glowing Nicki :thumbsup2

I am just the regular Nicki now, the glow has worn off the minute I got back to work ha ha! When we took our niece and she was a little too hyper I said to her, Kayla act like a good girl, and she would get all upset and say "But I am a good girl, are you still going to buy me a balloon?" :rotfl:

And Nicki, your spa day sounds like it was fabulous. Maybe I need a spa day at WDW. Nah. It would take too much time out of commando touring. ;) Maybe I need a spa day before we leave for WDW!

I found that doing a solo day (or 2) I was able to do everything and have alot of time left over so a spa day was perfect for me....and I was all mushy glowy, squishy after!

It sounds like you had a great meal at Flying Fish. At least the signature meals are really great this trip, if some others aren't.

I will say, they cost alot of $$ but they are totally worth it!

Nicki - I am glad your vacation ended better than it began. I really enjoyed your report (as always). Thank you for taking the time to share with us! I hope you and DH have a safe trip home!:flower3:

Thank you so much for reading and joining in!

Wow Nicki, I'd have been upset with those kids in FF too. Some parents have no clue...:headache: Glad you guys had another great meal there!

Thank you for turning me onto this place, we love it!

Awesome spa day...sounds like a great way to spend an off-park day.

Flying Fish looks scrumptious...I don't even like peas but that risotto with the scallops might convert me! And love dessert samplers...so fun to try more than one dessert at a time.

Sorry about the out of control kiddos -- some people think "fine" dining means that whatever their bratty kids do is "fine":upsidedow

Have you been to FF yet? You got to go, you will love it...but go to the spa first! Dessert samplers are the best, wish every place had them!
That is not funny! She even told me I had a wrinkle on my forehead! I cannot wait to go back that spa!

Honey, I have a lot mroe than "one wrinkle" on my forehead. You might not want to hang out with a "wringled forehead" gal in Marco if you only have one! :rotfl2:
Thanks for taking time out of your days to post these FABULOUS food porn reviews. They feed my fix until my Aug. trip to the GF. I may try to get over to FF, even though all my ADR are made. One question, I see by an earlier trip report the photo of you and Todd, and you both look slim a svelt, is that a real picture because with all this food you should weigh abot 300 lbs apiece!! Thanks again for a great live report.
Why did I not put Flying Fish on my list for this trip. :sad2: Well, in my head I am already secretly plotting my next visit for 2010 so I will have to add it there. I have to let DH get through this trip first before I can mention the next. He does better if I break it to him slowly. :rotfl:

There is always another trip to take and you can put it on that list! Todd just says, let me know when we are going!

Flying Fish looks great!!!!! Something that NEEDS to go on our wishlist for next time!

I am glad your vacation ended much better than it began! Hope you enjoyed your last day and have a safe trip home!

We're off to Disneyland Resort Paris at 5am, so I'll have wait to read the last part of your trip when I get back!:goodvibes

I hope you have a wonderful time, I am so envious, I would love to go to DLP!

Ok Nicki. I just cancelled my FF ressie today bit now I am going to have to see if I can get it back. That soup looks
Ah-may-zing!!! Hopefully I can get it back into our schedule.

Update! I got it back! Yes!!!

The soup was fantastic, I could have downed a pot of that stuff...read your other post, glad you got it back on your schedule!

Those scallops looked awesome. :goodvibes I think I would have been like you, having trouble deciding between that and the red snapper. Thanks for all the great reviews. :)

They were the tenderest scallops too! But I did miss the snapper, oh well next time!

Terrific review...thanks for taking us along on your vacation! Hope you have a great trip home.

Thanks for tagging along!

The food from Flying Fish looks great. I will have to get my husband there...he dislikes Sea Food, so a restaurant with the word Fish in it is usually off limits. :)

I am so sorry you had to deal with the ill behaved children. We had a similar experience at Turf Club and it ruined our entire meal, as we were seated at the same time. As much as we wanted to say something, we bit our lips. It was annoying to say the least though...Especially since I shared a long booth with many of the kids....

Does your DH like NY Strip? If so book FF, DH says the steak is great! I have decided that I cannot stay quiet if kids are disrupting my meal...I am paying darn good money to eat there and I will not have that affect my meal!

May they get the rest they so deserve (what? real life? interferes again!)

Thanks for getting in touch with Nikki and taking the time to post here!

(stalker, friends we've yet to meet!! :goodvibes *g)
OK so its my attempt at humor!!

thanks for the update!

KatMark, thanks for letting everyone know that I was zonked out! Yes real life interferes again, back to work and now I need to get moving on my Oct ressies, I have one month to make them!
Thanks for the FF! I have one more signature spot left and I just can't decide between FF and Yachtman's. Those scallops sound really good!
I'm another of those people coming up on 40 this year... it really stinks... (well that's not really the word I used, but hey, be nice now!)

Nicki, Sounds like you had a GREAT day.... Cait and I were going to try Tutto, but I really don't do well with wait staff that are inattentive. (really.) The dessert looked WONDERFUL though!!!!! I'm looking forward to making our ADR's next month... starting the planning already!

I am turning 37 in Oct and I am starting to completely freak out about it! We have dined at Tutto three times and this was the only time I had an absent server...the other two times they were great! I wonder if it was because I was solo?

Glad they made it home safely, thanks for updating us!

Home and happy to sleep in my own bed! But I am staving and missing my croissants....a Slim Fast shake is not cutting it!

Another one of the Group-of-40-Gals here ... :rotfl2:

Nicki, your review of Flying Fish was fabulous and I really want to thank you for the menu pictures. Jay and I were already planning to smack ourselves silly with the fishes but now it's set in stone.

The cheese plate .. the port flight ... the scallops ... the desserts ... sign me up and pass the drool cup! :lmao:

I was also really happy to read that you enjoyed Mandara ... didn't I tell you it was a little bit of heaven? :cloud9:

Here's hoping we can do a drive-by in October ... would love to meet up with you guys at the Squishee stand in France. :hug:

Bren...I took those pics especially for you, I know you love your cocktails and cheese plates (you little mouse you) and you guys are fish lovers too! And yes you are so right, the stone massage is incredible and I prefer the Mandara to the GF Spa...I wish I could go every day! One of these days we are going to be at WDW the same time and yes, we will all get tipsy on the slushies! And Jay and Todd can carry us back to the resorts!

Honey, I have a lot mroe than "one wrinkle" on my forehead. You might not want to hang out with a "wringled forehead" gal in Marco if you only have one! :rotfl2:

How about a sun wrinkled girl cuz thats how I feel right now! I think I need Botox!

Thanks for taking time out of your days to post these FABULOUS food porn reviews. They feed my fix until my Aug. trip to the GF. I may try to get over to FF, even though all my ADR are made. One question, I see by an earlier trip report the photo of you and Todd, and you both look slim a svelt, is that a real picture because with all this food you should weigh abot 300 lbs apiece!! Thanks again for a great live report.

Oh girl, what you dont see in the pics is Todd's little belly and my, um, Italian pear shaped bod, hey curves are in right? Just look at Kim Kardashian!....but I can promise you we do not eat like this at home, hardly ever drink unless out with friends and I do excercise every single day, I walk about 4 miles every single day and my drink of choice is water with lemon.... Eating this rich and this heavy at WDW does take its toll on us, we get sluggish and sleepy and DH has to push me up the hills at Epcot :rotfl2:

I hope you get FF into your schedule, you will love it!
Thanks for the FF! I have one more signature spot left and I just can't decide between FF and Yachtman's. Those scallops sound really good!

I have a picture of the new Yachtsman menu, will post in a sec
I am turning 37 in Oct and I am starting to completely freak out about it! We have dined at Tutto three times and this was the only time I had an absent server...the other two times they were great! I wonder if it was because I was solo?

How about a sun wrinkled girl cuz thats how I feel right now! I think I need Botox!

Sun wrinkled! What is the sun? Haven't seen that here in ages...all it does is rain and be cloudy. And my wrinkles are natural...but then I've got 14 years on you! :scared1:
Hi everyone, I am back home now and I want to post my last day for you! DH had to stay in Orlando all of Tues so I had another solo day! For breakfast I had a plain croissant from BWI Bakery, we bought some the night before..it was so yummy!

I slept in, and tried to get a late check out but the Swan said they had a huge convention and I had to get out at 11am. I called Bell Services, stowed the luggage and decided to go back to Epcot because I didnt know what time DH would come to get me...and I like Epcot :rotfl:

It was 11:30 by the time I reached Epcot, had no clue what I wanted for lunch and then I remembered Remy at Chefs de France so I went there. They open at noon so I took in the Impressions de France show, that was great but dated, WDW needs to redo all of their movie shows!

I was led into Chefs a little after noon and seated by the windows...this was my view....


That is the France slushie stand, power of suggestion? You will see! I also had a view of Belle for the character meet and greets.


My server was Vincent and he could not be more doting and attentive to me...he made me feel pampered and told me to take my time, sit and enjoy my meal and sip my tea leisurely until the special guest arrives. The pace of my meal was nice and slow...no rushing at all, the food was not brought out too quick for me either.








I opted for the French Menu and an Ice Tea. Very good cold strong ice tea and Vincent never let my glass go half empty, he would show up with another fresh glass...that is a huge thing for me!


Vincent brought me a nice crusty hot french roll...and frozen butter....:scared1: and he told me I could have as many rolls as I wanted....love this guy!


The french onion soup was nice and hot, loaded with cheese, bread and onions...I loved it!



I opted for the ham and cheese quiche (served hot) and a side salad. The salad was great, mixed greens with a balsamic vinegrette dressing, it went perfectly with the quiche. I am a quiche lover, make them all the time at home...this quiche was so light and creamy and fluffy, not too salty and had a nice nutmeg flavor, the crust was so flaky and tender...I ate every single bite...I would get that again and again!


Dessert was profiteroles with vanilla ice cream, warm chocolate sauce and berries...WOWOWOOWOWOW! Where has this been? I do not like cream puff pastry but this, added with decadent ice cream and the best chocolate sauce my lips have ever touched, white chocolate curls and fresh fruit, I could die a very happy woman! The chocolate sauce was thick and rich and soooo good...real French chocolate! I took my time and ate every single bite.


As I was in my own little world of bliss this little guy came to say hello.



Is he not the cutest thing you ever saw?? The maitre d' came around the dining room pushing a cart with a silver dome on it...she lifted the lid and on a platter of cheese and fruit Remy appeared! He was so cute and made little mouse squeaks....If the food wasnt so good and reason enough to eat at Chefs this little guy sure was!

So glad you guys are home safe and sound. Thanks Kathy for letting us know. :hug:

Ahhh..a wrinkle....bless your heart. :hug:

Don't think I've ever given a wrinkle a thought and certainly not these days - I might get worried that I could scare a small child!!:rotfl2:

Ooo, must have been posting at the same time - aww, that little Remy is soo cute, even for a rat! ::yes::

For a minute when I saw the photo with the blond woman side view, I thought, what's Mia doing there?? She's looks just like DD from the side. too funny!
I left Chefs a happy girl and decided to take in the English Comics, the French Waiter show and then I needed something cold, it was blazing outside and I was just melting. So...I had to try the Grey Goose Lemon Slushie.


I think I like this better thank the Grand Marnier one...it is very good, nice and lemony and refreshing!

I took in Innoventions, the Chinese acrobats, the Canada Show, the American Adventure, the China show...I saw it all...and guzzled down half a dozen water bottles too!

Here are some bonus menus for you! On the way back to the Swan to meet DH I decided to walk to the YC to take new menu pics....















I don't know whose sadder that you are no longer at WDW....you or me! :lmao: No more living vicariously through Nicki's live reviews!

Seriously, thank you so much for posting these....you really do make your readers feel like they are there with you, and that really helps in passing the times between trips for all of us Disney obsessed folks at home!
Dh finally picked me up at the Swan around 6:30 and he was just whipped..and not hungry so we just got on the road to go home, he has another meeting in Ft Myers today so he just wanted to sleep. Bummer cuz I was hoping to eat at WPE for a nice salad!

Guess what my dinner was?? Chicken nuggets from McDonalds! They were not that bad, this from a girl that just at at BlueZoo, Cali Grill and Flying Fish :rotfl:

We did alot of talking about our Oct trip and what we decided to do is the 3 nights at POFQ (that didnt change) but we cancelled our CL room at the BWI and decided to stay regular BWI and saved $800...to us it doesnt make sense to spend that kind of money when we will only eat breakfast in the lounge and I am too OCD to have the IPO do my ressies...I would rather spend the $800 on signature meals and booze and F&W snacks....oh yeah and the spa!

Thank you guys for sticking with me, I have enjoyed writing this review for you and loved your comments and chatting with you too! No one could ever understand our Disney obsession like all of you!

Now, just 4 more months until the next edition of the Nicki and Todd show, this time for 10 nights/11 days and no solo days (boo)! Can you imagine how many times I am going to change things around in the next 4 months?

Here is what I am thinking though, give me some feedback!

Boma (or TH)
Cape May
and CS places like Main Street Bakery, BWI Bakery, Starring Rolls

Sci Fi
Chefs de France
Tutto Italia
Grand Floridian Tea
and tons of CS places but mostly F&W


50's PT
Cali Grill
WP Cafe
Il Mulino
Paradiso 37
Nicki, thank you so much for taking us along on this trip! I'll be looking forward to October....nothing better than being an armchair traveler on a MickeyNicki WDW trip!!

Kathy was right - you are so much fun and your Dis "blogs' are absolutely the best!! :hug:


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