But We Haven't Lost Last Years Weight Yet! COMPLETED PAGE 32!

Your report is excellent. I'm really enjoying it! If my DD saw those ribs, she'd be begging for a trip to Tony Roma's. (BTW, she's only 4 but she loves herself some ribs!)

Can't wait to read more. Thanks for taking the time to post. :goodvibes
Oh lovely, which places are you going to

Breakfast @ Crystal Palace 8.25am

Lunch @ Sci Fi dine in 12.20pm

Dinner @ Ragland Road 5.30pm

Lunch @ Le cellier 12pm

Hoop de doo revue 5pm

Breakfast @ Tusker house at 8.25am

Breakfast @ Chef Mickeys 9.30am

Mama Melrose Fantasmic package @ 4.05pm

Dinner @ Boma 6.20pm

Dinner @ Yachtsman Steakhouse 6.05pm

Dinner @ Kona cafe 5.20pm

Dinner @ Crystal Palace 6.20pm

Cant wait they are all new restaurants for us. Now i can show the boys what they can look forward to eating :goodvibes
Never stayed at POFQ but I am sure you cannot go wrong with a Disney property. My vote for your next trip is Xmas at disney - don't get me wrong it is BUSY but they lights and the decorations made it so worth while. That was our trip instead of coming home to England.

Loving the reviews I didn't have EOS on my list but reading your reviews I think I might just have to make it one.

We have the following for our August trip

Raglan Rd
Tuskers Bfast
CP Dinner
Park 1900 Bfast
LeCellier Dinner

Our ticker is the same! Like the line up, we are also eating at Ragland Road, Tusker House, CP, CM and LeCellier :thumbsup2
Our ticker is the same! Like the line up, we are also eating at Ragland Road, Tusker House, CP, CM and LeCellier :thumbsup2

That is cool maybe we will see each other. I see a lot of fellow Brits on this thread so nice to see.

what property are you staying at? We are at POFQ driving down from NC
Breakfast @ Crystal Palace 8.25am

Lunch @ Sci Fi dine in 12.20pm

Dinner @ Ragland Road 5.30pm

Lunch @ Le cellier 12pm

Hoop de doo revue 5pm

Breakfast @ Tusker house at 8.25am

Breakfast @ Chef Mickeys 9.30am

Mama Melrose Fantasmic package @ 4.05pm

Dinner @ Boma 6.20pm

Dinner @ Yachtsman Steakhouse 6.05pm

Dinner @ Kona cafe 5.20pm

Dinner @ Crystal Palace 6.20pm

Cant wait they are all new restaurants for us. Now i can show the boys what they can look forward to eating :goodvibes
Great choices!! :)

Hope you do a report!! :)
Orginally for South East, Essex.

Xmas is awesome at Disney. The weather I would say similar to UK Summer in the 70's quite chilly (for me) in the morning I wear a light sweater jacket but by 9.30am or so I was in just shorts and t-shirts no need for jacket in evening.

We were tired of coming back to England and just running around visit family and friends so decided to take a vacation (I hate being at home with no family around at Xmas and disney took our minds off that)

thanks for confirming the ADR's I had to call the 1st day free dining and I was one of the lucky ones in not having issues with the lines. I added Raglan last minute as i need that bit of home - fish and chips here i come :woohoo:
Orginally for South East, Essex.

Xmas is awesome at Disney. The weather I would say similar to UK Summer in the 70's quite chilly (for me) in the morning I wear a light sweater jacket but by 9.30am or so I was in just shorts and t-shirts no need for jacket in evening.

We were tired of coming back to England and just running around visit family and friends so decided to take a vacation (I hate being at home with no family around at Xmas and disney took our minds off that)

thanks for confirming the ADR's I had to call the 1st day free dining and I was one of the lucky ones in not having issues with the lines. I added Raglan last minute as i need that bit of home - fish and chips here i come :woohoo:
You are so lucky living out in the States!! I would looooooove to!!!! :)
Signing on for this dining report! popcorn::

We are going in September I have some of the same places picked out as you.
I loved your reviews from your last trip and am loving these too! Thanks for sharing!
OH MY!!! Those ribs looked to die for!! :lovestruc We are nowhere near a Tony Roma's here in hicksville Illinois, but I am drooling on myself. Sometime I need to venture off Disney Property and check out the rest of Orlando...but Mickey has a strange hold on me and my pocketbook to where I can't bear to leave!!! :lmao: Can't wait to read more!

We stayed at Port Orleans for breakfast and used the food court again. I really wanted beignets but we thought we should use some counter service credits up! So I ordered the waffle and Tony ordered the pancakes. The pancakes came with bacon, and I had strawberries with my waffle (I like to try have at least one portion of fruit a day!!!!).:rotfl:

I wasn’t looking forward to this to be honest, I thought it was going to be quite dry, but it was lovely. Really fresh and light, and strawberries covered in maple syrup really are very passable! Nice sized portion as well. I gave this 9/10! Tony gave the pancakes 8/10 and says they were light and fresh . . . he only gave the bacon 1/10 saying it was fatty and inedible!! We can’t bear streaky bacon, it’s all fat!!! Here they are


Mid-morning we got a bit peckish so thought we would share something. We were near Sunshine Seasons (we were in Epcot, by the way!). There was SO much choice on the bakery counter, took a good 5 minutes to choose! Went for the Key Lime Pie in the end. This was just OK. The base was very nice, and the meringue topping was nice, but I didn’t like the actual pie filling. It was more like lime mousse, than the usual key lime pie filling. Not much substance to it! I seem to remember Tony liked it, but he hasn’t written his comments down so I will get him to come on here and comment later!

Lunch! Very excited about this – trying Le Cellier for the first time. We purposely booked lunch as we’re not massive steak fans but really wanted to try the place we had heard so much about . . . I know it’s not popular to “waste” table service meals on lunch, but the lunch menu just appealed to us more.

We got in about 10 minutes after our ADR time. First of all I was really surprised by the size – I have heard loads of people commenting on how small it was so I was expecting something Beaches n Cream size!! It’s not quite that bad! But man do they cram the tables in! The man at the next table’s elbows was virtually on my plate at some points. And while on the subject of the tables next door – on one side we had a couple who literally never said a word to each other all through the meal and were having a good listen in to our chat; on the other side a family of 4 who saw fit to comment and laugh every time I took a picture of my meal :headache::rolleyes2! I was getting really annoyed with them by the end – I had the great urge to shout out “Do you Dis?”, just to see the puzzled looks on their faces !

Anyhow, on with the review!!! I had planned what I was having – I was going to go with the three course menu which you can use as a dining credit, just so I could try the famous cheddar cheese soup. But when we got here I really wanted the filet steak (mainly because it comes with mushroom risotto which I adore). So Tony agreed to have the three course menu so we could share the soup – yey!!!! :love:

This is the only picture I have of the bread –sorry! I didn’t love any of the breads, they were all OK, nothing stunning! We ate them all though, and Tony certainly seemed to like them (again Tony, you seem to have missed this off your review sheet – I knew I should have been checking it each night!).

Then the soup arrived – this was GOOD. Cheesy, creamy and loads of bacon. I only gave this 8/10, not sure why! Tony gave it 10/10.

On to entrees; I ordered the Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon (with wild mushroom risotto, white truffle and herb butter sauce) cooked medium well and Tony went for the shaved Prime Rib sandwich (toasted ciabatta with cheddar cheese, sautéed onion and horseradish cream sauce). He gave this 7/10 – sandwich was just OK but the fries were excellent. I had a fry and they were really good – more like proper British chunky chips!!

On to my meal! The risotto was superb – I have a huge thing for risotto and this was just excellent – I could have had a whole bowl of it. Creamy and cooked to perfection - I gave it 10/10. The steak I gave 9/10 to – it was tender and had a lovely chargrilled flavour. Tony tried a bit of my steak and gave it 10/10 – best steak he had even had apparently!

Dessert time (you know we had room!!). I talked Tony into trying the chocolate mousse as I really wanted to see it! Well he wasn’t very happy with me!! He didn’t think much of it, saying it was “dull” and a bit bland. I tried it and thought it wad a slightly strange flavour, not great. He gave it 6/10.

I ordered the maple crème brulee - I love me some crème brulee!! Again though, this was only OK, I found the maple flavour a bit overpowering, and it was burned so badly in places that the after taste was quite bitter. Only 6/10.

All in all an excellent meal though – I wouldn’t go back for the desserts, but I certainly would for everything else! Our server was very friendly as well, though took ages coming with the cheque at the end.

Now I am a little embarrassed by this next entry – I can only put it down to stress (we had to spend the rest of the afternoon taking our hire car back as that had now developed a problem!). All I know is apparently we had room for something else to eat, even after a three-course lunch, as I seem to have a trip to Ghiradeli’s on my food-notes! In our defence we did just share one!! We went for our favourite from last year – the Mint Bliss (one scoop of mint icecream and one of chocolate ice-cream, dark chocolate fudge sauce – which we replace with “normal” fudge sauce- whipped cream and a mint chocolate). This was so good! Is there any better combination than mint and chocolate?! I gave this 9/10. Tony hasn’t commented again, so will have to update you himself!! You would think he wasn’t enjoying having to write a food review in bed every night before he was allowed to sleep!!!

For some reason I failed to get a picture of this, so this is last years!

It gets worse on the piggy front. We then went to Goofys to get a make your own snack (which I swear we put in the fridge and didn’t even touch until the next day!!)! I was a little disappointed to see they no longer have crushed up Reese’s cups, they now have Reese’s pieces instead. More disappointment when I saw the choc chips are no longer mixed chocolates, they are all dark chocolate now (more of the choc chip situation when I get to our second visit next week!!). I was game though and so ordered my favourite combo from last year – marshmallows, dunked in milk chocolate, rolled half in Reese’s and half in choc chips, then drizzled in caramel. To be honest I was a tiny bit disappointed – the Reese’s pieces made it so much harder to bite in to as they were so crunchy. I miss the ooey gooeyness of the cups! It was OK (7/10) but I wouldn’t order them again. Tony ate most of this though and seemed to really enjoy it!

Tony has a Mickey rice crispie head in milk chocolate, rolled in oreo crumbs and choc chips, and drizzled in caramel. He says “it was good, think it was a mistake to refrigerate it, as it went rock solid so quite painful to eat in the end. 8/10”.
Mickey Crispie Treat

Dinner, and another new place for us – T-Rex. Now we had no expectations of the food being good (after a vile meal in Rainforest Café in LA a couple of years ago) but we really wanted to see the dinosaurs and the meteor showers! So we planned this meal on a day when we would be having a large lunch, so we could just have a one course dinner, just to see the effects inside!

This is the outside - not a very good shot I'm afraid, and none of my inside dinosaur ones really came out! Sorry!

We got straight in at our reservation time (that never happens at RFC either!!) and went into a large room (not sure of the name of it, wasn’t the blue ice room).

There was actually quite a lot we fancied on the menu, so we decided to share a couple of things. We started with a couple of drinks – Tony had a Caveman Punch which he saw the pretty picture of on the outside of the menu and just ordered! Only after he had ordered did he see what it actually was – rum, banana liquor, peach schnapps, and fruit juice - he had thought it was a fruit punch going by the picture! “Strong” is a slight under-exaggeration!!! 7/10 and just lucky we weren’t driving!


I had a smoothie where you could pick from loads of different ingredients – I took a piccie so you can see the choices available

– I went for Reese’s pieces with chocolate sauce! More a dessert than a drink, didn’t help my thirst at all, a bit sickly – BUT very good!!!!!!!! 8/10! :rotfl:

You can see I already had my sweater on - air con was freezing! be warned!

We had a lovely server, very friendly and knowledgeable and she brought us some extra plates to share on. We had ordered the Red Earth Rigatoni (Rigatoni simmered with Italian sausage, caramelized onions and mushrooms in a red wine tomato sauce) which came with garlic bread, and the Gigantosauras Burger (Two burgers piled high with onion rings, lettuce, tomato and cheese), which came with waffle fries. We also added bacon to the burger!

Half the burger!


Other half of burger with some pasta - look at the size of those burgers!!

As I mentioned we really weren’t expecting much of the food, but we really, really enjoyed it. The pasta was really flavoursome and fresh – we both gave it 8/10. The burger was lovely, really moist and tasty and just what we fancied. Waffle fries were also very good. Be warned – portions are HUGE. We didn’t even nearly finish! Food wise this place was far superior to RFC, and I would return. Theme-wise though we prefer RFC and the tropical storms and the chimps screaming! To be honest you could barely tell when the meteor storm happened here - the room doesn’t go nearly as dark as at RFC, and I didn’t hear any dinosaurs roaring! Would definitely return though!:thumbsup2

Up Next . . . another foodcourt breakfast, Cookes of Dublin and California Grill.
Thanks for the Trex review we will be eating there Wednesday we are going mainly for the experience but it is good to know the food isn't bad.
oh excellent so far matey! We loved T-Rex and sat just outside the ice cave - have to say we loved all the dino's roaring and everytime it happened Indi would stop everything turn around and yell 'what's happening mummy?!' - hilarious! :rotfl:Anyways, on with the food review!!:cool1:
Nothing gets me more in a Disney mood than seeing a Mickey Waffle. Gosh I just LOVE those things. Even if I have to smother it in "fake" maple syrup. Thanks I need to see that after the day I've had.
Please tell me you're joking that they don't have crushes reese's cup in Goofy's anymore?! How will I crunch through reese's pieces?!

When you posted the photo of the smoothie menu in T Rex I automatically chose peanut butter cups and chocolate syrup (mentally of course!) and laughed when I saw you'd chosen the exact same thing! Have you tried the Peanut Butter Cup milkshake in 50s Prime Time? If you haven't - you must!!

That burger looks absolutely awesome and huge!
Wow! That's t-rex burger looks lush!!!! And mmm, don't get me started on how much I love waffle fries!!!!!!

Oooooooooooh I can't wait for my turn!!!


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