Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I feel like the only shirring failure now! LOL!

I'll have to try it out on my other machine and see if that makes a difference. I have a fab outfit planned if I could shir! I need a lime green peasant top in order to make it work!

Nope, not the only one. I can get it to work about 1 out of every 10 times I try. I usually end up making the tension really loose and pulling the elastic thread so it gathers.
I am so tickled! The shirring finally worked. I got some elastic thread from Joann after my doctors visit yesterday just in case I decided to try it again. The other elastic thread I had was from Hancocks. This one stayed pretty flat after I tried it until I steamed it. Once I steamed it gathered up fairly nice. Once I stuck it in the dryer a few minutes it is very shirred! YAY!!! :woohoo:
I hope some of you can get it to work this way. Did you all use Hancock elastic thread??? I will look at the name on the package if anyone wants to know.
They look pretty different when I compared the strands.
k.. going to try to go to bed now. I hope it still works tomorrow.. lol!

You have no idea how excited I am. I spent 2 days and 1 whole spool of elastic thread trying to figure it out. Never would have guessed it was the thread!!!

I am going to try to shir this afternoon. I am now afraid!!

YES! We are hoping to! I was hoping you would chime in with some hints of must sees while we're there! We're gonna TRY to stay at the new villas at Grand Californian

I am so jealous! We got the brochure for DVC for the villas. I so want to stay there!! There are lots of things to do in CA! And don't forget the fabric store that is about 4 miles from Disneyland!

My Granny was sent home from the nursing home this last week. (She is the one that had the stroke). We are still trying to figure out how and why she was sent home. My mom has been taking care of her, but my mom works full time. She has a nurse during the day. Granny can't really do much of anything for herself. So last night, she went back to the ER. Not sure what was going on...her heart rate was up, her sugar was way out of wack...

The DR at the ER asked why she was not in the nursing home...ummm....that is what we all want to know! So we are hopeful we will get her back in the home...the DR said he will do all he can. So please pray for her again....I know all the prayers here help!:goodvibes

I will keep her in my prayers. :hug:

I'm sorry I haven't been on since my first post. My internet was down, but finally an at&t guy came and fixed it! Yea! I wanted to say thanks to all the ladies who welcomed me! I had a great Mothers Day. My hubby got me my first dslr! It's a Canon XS. I'm so excited. Just trying to figure out how to use it. But my kids got me my newest obsession! Some more patterns from ycmt. I love that site! :love: I got the twirl skirt pattern, and the faith dress top pattern. I'm so excited to try these out. The twirl skirts are my favorite! But I need to make a stop at Joann's first. So I probably won't get to try them out until sometime this weekend. I know I introduced myself but I don't think I really told you anything about me. I have a soon to be 3 year old son named Ethan. His bday party is in 2 weeks and thats all he talks about. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Yes we have a Thomas freak in the house! lol... Then I have a 15 month old perfect little girl named Makenna. She's just learning to walk, but loves to climb on everything, so she's keeping me on my toes. Our newest addition is our little girl Callie. She is only 7 weeks, and I'm breastfeeding her. It's hard to juggle them since their all so young and all need my attention. I'm just trying to get back in the groove of things. I love having a schedule and since we've had Callie, there has been no schedule! I can't wait until things settle down. Anyways I hope to be back soon to show you some cute things I made! Wish me luck! I've never sewn a skirt before! I can't wait!

Wow, you have a lot going on! You get yourself back on schedule and then worry about sewing!

Here is a summer dress that I worked on for the past two weeks. I still need the hook and eye and hemming.


I am working and not use the schedule yet so things are very hectic right now.

That turned out beautiful! You are so talented. And I love the view from your yard!

Hi Ladies! It's been a while since I've last chatted with you! I got a new machine for Mother's Day! Its a Husky 955E. I haven't even open the embroidery unit yet! I made a Maternity top with it so far. I decided that when I get pregnant again, I'd like to make some of my own things. What is the trick to darts? Mine don't look right.

It took me 2 years to try my embroidery machine! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Got back from the doc, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder! And of course it also set off my fibromyalgia pain. I swear this crud only happens to me!

So two shots, some cream, and a jar of muscle relaxers later I'm home. I'll probably make even less sense than normal soon, but I'll probably be entertaining!

Oh, and I paid for my sewing class today! hehe!

My friend has fibromyalgia. I am so sorry for you, as I see the pain she is in.

But good news on the sewing classes! You are going to be hooked!!!

Someone is looking for Strawberry Shortcake? I forgot to quote you and my mind is mush this morning! I am thinking of heading back to my most favorite fabric store AKA mecca, I can try to take pictures of the SS fabrics for you. I don't need much of a reason to head back down there, so if they have what you are looking for I can go back another day to pick it up for you! :cool1:
Funny story....

For awhile I have been "missing" fabric. I "thought" I bought a fabric, but when I went to use it I could not find it. I thought it was just me loosing my mind. I FOUND all my "missing" fabric. My "sweet" "angel" (according to HeatherSue) has been "borrowing" it for AG doll table cloths!!!!!!!! :lmao::lmao:
DH is "considering" a September trip for us!!! THe free dining is something he has loved in the past - keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!

Any suggestions on what I should say to convince him?????:idea:
I hope it works out for you guys! Free dining is a great excuse to go!

Linnette sent me a message today that she is feeling very depressed. Her family is in desperate need of prayers and well wishes. Tomorrow is going to be a very tough for them all. So please say a prayer that everything will turn out well.
Prayers for Linnette's family.

My Granny was sent home from the nursing home this last week. (She is the one that had the stroke). We are still trying to figure out how and why she was sent home. My mom has been taking care of her, but my mom works full time. She has a nurse during the day. Granny can't really do much of anything for herself. So last night, she went back to the ER. Not sure what was going on...her heart rate was up, her sugar was way out of wack...

The DR at the ER asked why she was not in the nursing home...ummm....that is what we all want to know! So we are hopeful we will get her back in the home...the DR said he will do all he can. So please pray for her again....I know all the prayers here help!:goodvibes
Prayers for your Granny.

My 91 year old grandma needs carpal tunnel surgery (and 2 other surgeries on that arm, apparently) and they plan on doing it outpatient. So, my mom will spend the summer doing absolutely everything for her (my grandma tends to play these things up, too).
:wizard:Good luck to your grandma.

I'm sorry I haven't been on since my first post. My internet was down, but finally an at&t guy came and fixed it! Yea! I wanted to say thanks to all the ladies who welcomed me! I had a great Mothers Day. My hubby got me my first dslr! It's a Canon XS. I'm so excited. Just trying to figure out how to use it. But my kids got me my newest obsession! Some more patterns from ycmt. I love that site! :love: I got the twirl skirt pattern, and the faith dress top pattern. I'm so excited to try these out. The twirl skirts are my favorite! But I need to make a stop at Joann's first. So I probably won't get to try them out until sometime this weekend. I know I introduced myself but I don't think I really told you anything about me. I have a soon to be 3 year old son named Ethan. His bday party is in 2 weeks and thats all he talks about. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Yes we have a Thomas freak in the house! lol... Then I have a 15 month old perfect little girl named Makenna. She's just learning to walk, but loves to climb on everything, so she's keeping me on my toes. Our newest addition is our little girl Callie. She is only 7 weeks, and I'm breastfeeding her. It's hard to juggle them since their all so young and all need my attention. I'm just trying to get back in the groove of things. I love having a schedule and since we've had Callie, there has been no schedule! I can't wait until things settle down. Anyways I hope to be back soon to show you some cute things I made! Wish me luck! I've never sewn a skirt before! I can't wait!
You've got your hands full! My oldest was 3 1/2 when my 3rd was born. The twirl skirts are time consuming but really not too hard. Can't wait to see yours.

Here is a summer dress that I worked on for the past two weeks. I still need the hook and eye and hemming.


I am working and not use the schedule yet so things are very hectic right now.

Hi Ladies! It's been a while since I've last chatted with you! I got a new machine for Mother's Day! Its a Husky 955E. I haven't even open the embroidery unit yet! I made a Maternity top with it so far. I decided that when I get pregnant again, I'd like to make some of my own things. What is the trick to darts? Mine don't look right.
Congrats on your new machine!

I feel like the only shirring failure now! LOL!
I'm too afraid to even try.

Got back from the doc, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder! And of course it also set off my fibromyalgia pain. I swear this crud only happens to me!

So two shots, some cream, and a jar of muscle relaxers later I'm home. I'll probably make even less sense than normal soon, but I'll probably be entertaining!

Oh, and I paid for my sewing class today! hehe!
:wizard:Hope you can find some relief. I had shoulder surgery years ago so I know how painful shoulders can be. It is a pain you can't esacpe from.

A dog house would be really easy. Her instructions make a smaller house than the one I made so it would probably be about the right size for a dog house.
You've just inspired me....I was thinking dog house for her little plastic dogs but now you've given me the idea of making a dog house for one of her bigger (like beanie baby sized) dogs.:thumbsup2

Hi All this is my first post on Disboutiquers although I must admit I have been lurking and getting ideas for at least a year and a half. I even had someone come up to me at EPCOT and ask if I was on the tread because my girls were wearing the dresses I made for them after getting inspiration here. So now I am finally posting (mostly because it took me this long to figure out how to post pictures LOL:rotfl2:)

I got this super fabric from billwendy (thanks )there wasn't enough left to make both DDs a dress so I improvised. These are still works in progress and I need advice on what to add next I am thinking a strip around the bottom and a v tie but I'm not sure. I just know it needs something.

The front:

The back (the red is not sewn on only pinned so I can change it):

Thanks for any help suggestions you can offer
Really cute! Now that you know how to post photos will you post your Epcot dresses too?
I'm sorry I haven't been on since my first post. My internet was down, but finally an at&t guy came and fixed it! Yea! I wanted to say thanks to all the ladies who welcomed me! I had a great Mothers Day. My hubby got me my first dslr! It's a Canon XS. I'm so excited. Just trying to figure out how to use it. But my kids got me my newest obsession! Some more patterns from ycmt. I love that site! :love: I got the twirl skirt pattern, and the faith dress top pattern. I'm so excited to try these out. The twirl skirts are my favorite! But I need to make a stop at Joann's first. So I probably won't get to try them out until sometime this weekend. I know I introduced myself but I don't think I really told you anything about me. I have a soon to be 3 year old son named Ethan. His bday party is in 2 weeks and thats all he talks about. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Yes we have a Thomas freak in the house! lol... Then I have a 15 month old perfect little girl named Makenna. She's just learning to walk, but loves to climb on everything, so she's keeping me on my toes. Our newest addition is our little girl Callie. She is only 7 weeks, and I'm breastfeeding her. It's hard to juggle them since their all so young and all need my attention. I'm just trying to get back in the groove of things. I love having a schedule and since we've had Callie, there has been no schedule! I can't wait until things settle down. Anyways I hope to be back soon to show you some cute things I made! Wish me luck! I've never sewn a skirt before! I can't wait!
In case I didn't welcome you the first time, I'll do it again! :welcome:! You sound like you have your hands full! Ethan sounds like Sawyer is with Buzz Lightyear and whales! He's obsessed! Sawyer will be 3 on June 13, so they're pretty close in age! I have a Canon Rebel XSI and I have yet to really figure it out!

That looks great April!!

Hi Ladies! It's been a while since I've last chatted with you! I got a new machine for Mother's Day! Its a Husky 955E. I haven't even open the embroidery unit yet! I made a Maternity top with it so far. I decided that when I get pregnant again, I'd like to make some of my own things. What is the trick to darts? Mine don't look right.
Hi Alicia! I've been thinking of you and wondering how you're doing. :hug: I've never really done darts. Have you tried looking in the bookmarks for a tutorial? Congrats on the new machine! It sounds like a nice one!

I have a high pain tolerance level!:rotfl2:

Got back from the doc, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder! And of course it also set off my fibromyalgia pain. I swear this crud only happens to me!

So two shots, some cream, and a jar of muscle relaxers later I'm home. I'll probably make even less sense than normal soon, but I'll probably be entertaining!

Oh, and I paid for my sewing class today! hehe!
Yikes! I feel for you! :hug: See, I can do that online without hurting you!
I hate going to the doctor because it seems they always find something else wrong, or something else to test me for!

Hi All this is my first post on Disboutiquers although I must admit I have been lurking and getting ideas for at least a year and a half. I even had someone come up to me at EPCOT and ask if I was on the tread because my girls were wearing the dresses I made for them after getting inspiration here. So now I am finally posting (mostly because it took me this long to figure out how to post pictures LOL:rotfl2:)

I got this super fabric from billwendy (thanks )there wasn't enough left to make both DDs a dress so I improvised. These are still works in progress and I need advice on what to add next I am thinking a strip around the bottom and a v tie but I'm not sure. I just know it needs something.

The front:

The back (the red is not sewn on only pinned so I can change it):

Thanks for any help suggestions you can offer
:welcome: I think it looks great as it is! The only thing I'd add would be some straps of some sort. I love the back!

What did you say when someone approached you at Epcot?

I'm proud to be on the failure list. I tried everything. MY NAME IS JEANNE AND I CAN'T SHIR! :snooty:
My name is Cindee and I can't do an IRON ON!!!!:sad2::guilty:
I still love you both. :grouphug:

Funny story....

For awhile I have been "missing" fabric. I "thought" I bought a fabric, but when I went to use it I could not find it. I thought it was just me loosing my mind. I FOUND all my "missing" fabric. My "sweet" "angel" (according to HeatherSue) has been "borrowing" it for AG doll table cloths!!!!!!!! :lmao::lmao:

That's my girl!!
I'm proud to be on the failure list. I tried everything. MY NAME IS JEANNE AND I CAN'T SHIR! :snooty:
Hui my name is Marlo and I can't shir either! Oh and I ahve a fabric addiction too:lmao:

Funny story....

For awhile I have been "missing" fabric. I "thought" I bought a fabric, but when I went to use it I could not find it. I thought it was just me loosing my mind. I FOUND all my "missing" fabric. My "sweet" "angel" (according to HeatherSue) has been "borrowing" it for AG doll table cloths!!!!!!!! :lmao::lmao:
That is too cute!!!!!!!
My name is Cindee and I can't do an IRON ON!!!!:sad2::guilty:
Don't worry I probably couldn't do one either!
Hi I can post pictures but not sure how to quote mulitple post so:

As far a posting the EPCOT outfits they are gone. It was near Halloween in 2007. But I will be sure to post my new one for Jan.

"what did you say.." I think I was thrown off guard, plus I was annoyed at MIL at the time so I think I mumbled yes she told me her Dis user ID and I commented on how cute her DD's Minnie mouse outfit was. Sorry if it was someone reading this my MIL really ticked me off that day and I think it had just happened.

I finished another dress today but can't post it DD is home and I have to run her to gymnastics practice. Hopefully I can do it tonight.
Hi I can post pictures but not sure how to quote mulitple post so:

As far a posting the EPCOT outfits they are gone. It was near Halloween in 2007. But I will be sure to post my new one for Jan.

"what did you say.." I think I was thrown off guard, plus I was annoyed at MIL at the time so I think I mumbled yes she told me her Dis user ID and I commented on how cute her DD's Minnie mouse outfit was. Sorry if it was someone reading this my MIL really ticked me off that day and I think it had just happened.

I finished another dress today but can't post it DD is home and I have to run her to gymnastics practice. Hopefully I can do it tonight.

:confused3 not sure what happened, but I am sorry anyone was upset. I can't wait to see pictures.

Darts! I can do them, but I don't! What happened to your dart? Back in the day when I learned to sew, everything had darts! Basically, just mark the dart lines on your fabric (us a chalk pencil or any kind of marking device that won't show on your finished garment). Then you just pin it and sew starting at the seam side. Back stitch at the seam, but not at the end. When you get to the end, leave a long thread tail (is that what you call it?) and then tie off the threads and cut close to your knot. I usually just knotted it a couple of times to make sure it doesn't come undone. Easy peasy, just do not back stitch at the end!
Hi My name is April and I can't follow directions on a commercial pattern.

I try but get so confused but I just keep at it. I do shir and like it except the first one comes out loose so now I start in the middle and work up and down.
I definitely need to learn to shir this summer!

A few things I made for my niece & nephew's trip next week (I made a few more shirts and some matching shorts for my nephew too):



My name is Cathy and I.....

...can shir.....I dont know why...I just wound the bobbin and stitched a few rows and it did it.....I have no special reason why it worked....:confused3

...have a major fabric obsession....I melt around bridal silk and quilting cotton...:cheer2:

...cannot understand commercial patterns....nope....as a teacher, they frustrate the $#$%*^(^^ out of me... :sad2:

...am Disney obsessed...but you knew that already....:mickeyjum
My name is Cathy and I.....

...can shir.....I dont know why...I just wound the bobbin and stitched a few rows and it did it.....I have no special reason why it worked....:confused3

...have a major fabric obsession....I melt around bridal silk and quilting cotton...:cheer2:

...cannot understand commercial patterns....nope....as a teacher, they frustrate the $#$%*^(^^ out of me... :sad2:

...am Disney obsessed...but you knew that already....:mickeyjum

oooo we are admitting those thing too?:scared1:

Umm, I can shir
I feel a NEED to own all fabric (does that count as an "obsession":lmao:).
Patterns of any kind are not my friend.
And I don't think I need to comment on Disney, given where I live LOL.

Oh and Cathy is a realllllllly sweet personprincess:
Toadstool - I went back to fabricland and took a pic of the Strawberry Shortcake, but now I cant get it from my camera to the computer :confused3:lmao: Just not too good at this stuff all the time.

I did find a pic of it online. It is this pattern and colour, but it is just regular cotton, and not the puckered stuff. I can get it for $6/meter (39 inches) here. That is Canadian dollars, so more like $5.10 US, and they are very generous with their measurements, so I usually get about 45" to the meter.

You have to do Whale watching. It is so much fun. We did that in San Diego and it was a blast. My brother got sea sick though and me and my little sister were enjoying popcorn and that didn't help my brother at all. Oh Fond Memories!!

We did this out of Mass. It was the port that was in A Perfect Storm. This is the best thing to do. That and swim with the dolphins. We did that in Key West.
We did this out of Mass. It was the port that was in A Perfect Storm. This is the best thing to do. That and swim with the dolphins. We did that in Key West.

Wow I really missed a lot if the conversation has turned to Whale Watching out of Gloucester!!!
Here is Lily's Sophie tunic! I can't wait to make more! It was sooo easy! I want to make one with a contrasting fabric. :love: And I love the sis boom fabrics. So fun and colorful!


Well today is mine and George's anniversary! You ask what are we doing? NOTHING! UGH! oh well I guess it is a treat in it self to be together for 19 (we where a blind date 19yrs ago today)yrs and married for 15(we where married 15 yrs ago today on Friday the 13th:love:).

Congats and Happy Anniversry:love::love: Just make your nothing time at home, as special as you can.
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