Carly & Jesse 08-07-08 WP/WH/SCP I got my high res CD from Disney!! Reception update

Carly--the blusher pics are beautiful! I really like the pic of Jesse's face when he lifts the blusher. He could not smile any bigger!
Dr Cinderella - you are you think that is too young to be married?

True Story - both sets of my grandparents were married at 14/18 to men 19/23...all their folks thought they were never tie the knot!! But they were both married 50+ years
Hey Carly, did you see my question? I was just wondering how old you are? Beautiful pictures!

:eek: never ask a lady her age! And what does it matter anyway? :mad:

Beautiful pics Carly!!! I love the blusher....i had to wear one too! It's very beautiful :bride:
Carly the ceremony pictures are beautiful! I love the blusher on you and to see Jesse's face when he got to lift it all makes it so woth it! You could tell he is just so :lovestruc with you!
Carly-YEA!!! I'm so glad to see that you have been connected to our little world again. Tell Jesse thank you from all of us for getting that computer up and running. ;) Your ceremony pictures are beautiful! I too am a fan of the picture where Jesse lifted your veil...priceless! I can't wait to see more. :surfweb:

Anna Marie
I love some of the things you did with the sand ceremony like having the white put in by the minister as your spiritual foundation; what a great touch! Kris poured his too fast too and ours was a little lopsided at the end, but it got mixed in transit home, so it was okay in the end.

Its funny how you mentioned the blusher. My mom wore hers during her ceremony and always complained about having it covering her face. I decided to just wear the blusher until we got down the aisle and then my dad lifted it off, so it wasn't on my face during the ceremony. I love the story about your eyelashes. Isn't it funny how the little things can really drive us nuts during the ceremony :rotfl: You did look beautiful though! We also just ended up looking at each other during the ceremony and not the minister. Kris was so nervous and was holding onto my hands so tight it was hard to try to face teh minister.

It looks like the ceremony was wonderful. I loved the colors and what a great touch with having your sister sing. :goodvibes
You are on the new Disney photography site. It's the middle picture in your siggy and looks gorgeous!
I was so excited when I heard about that!
I got an email about the official wedding site too! awe are also going on it!! I cannot wait to see it!!!!

Don't leave us hanging, please tell us how it all ends! :)

I won't. Working on uploading more now!!

I love some of the things you did with the sand ceremony like having the white put in by the minister as your spiritual foundation; what a great touch! Kris poured his too fast too and ours was a little lopsided at the end, but it got mixed in transit home, so it was okay in the end.

Its funny how you mentioned the blusher. My mom wore hers during her ceremony and always complained about having it covering her face. I decided to just wear the blusher until we got down the aisle and then my dad lifted it off, so it wasn't on my face during the ceremony. I love the story about your eyelashes. Isn't it funny how the little things can really drive us nuts during the ceremony :rotfl: You did look beautiful though! We also just ended up looking at each other during the ceremony and not the minister. Kris was so nervous and was holding onto my hands so tight it was hard to try to face teh minister.

It looks like the ceremony was wonderful. I loved the colors and what a great touch with having your sister sing. :goodvibes

Thanks Vanessa! One of my friends did the white sand and I liked the idea, but I made up the mom part. It was a good idea, but now the vase is in hiding because it looks so bad!!!
And like you said about Chris, Jesse was so nervous that during our ceremony he kept slapping my hands, kinda like he was clapping. And at one point if got really loud. He doesn't remember, but I tried my hardest to get him to stop!!!

beautiful pictures !!

Linz xxx :)
Thank you!!!!

Carly-YEA!!! I'm so glad to see that you have been connected to our little world again. Tell Jesse thank you from all of us for getting that computer up and running. ;) Your ceremony pictures are beautiful! I too am a fan of the picture where Jesse lifted your veil...priceless! I can't wait to see more. :surfweb:

Anna Marie
Lots more to come!!! Thank you:goodvibes

You're a beautiful bride.
Thank you!

Carly the ceremony pictures are beautiful! I love the blusher on you and to see Jesse's face when he got to lift it all makes it so woth it! You could tell he is just so :lovestruc with you!
I was almost set on not wearing it, but I just couldn't. For some reason, it was really important to him to lift the veil.
Right before we went in, Ken, my planner, was telling my dad about puching it back. And I told him we were leaving it down, he looked at my like I was crazy, but I am soo glad we did it!!

Beautiful pics Carly!!! I love the blusher....i had to wear one too! It's very beautiful :bride:[/QUOTE]
Thank you! I am really glad we did it!!

Dr Cinderella - you are you think that is too young to be married?

True Story - both sets of my grandparents were married at 14/18 to men 19/23...all their folks thought they were never tie the knot!! But they were both married 50+ years
wow Betsy! One of my grandmothers was married at 16 and had 6 girls before she was 23!!!! I would :eek:

Carly--the blusher pics are beautiful! I really like the pic of Jesse's face when he lifts the blusher. He could not smile any bigger!
Thanks Lisa! I know I can always count on that picture to brighten up even the worst day!

Love the pics Carly! You were a beautiful bride, even if you are 17! ;)
Thanks Amanda!
Aww...Everything looks so beautiful. You were gorgeous!!
Thank you!!

Wow those pictures look familiar? lol!! So about some bride wars.... lol :rotfl:
hmm.. maybe because I have showed them to you 473643 times. You can tel me to stop anytime now. Though I am currently working on my shrine so anytime you come to my house, you are forced to see them all over again!!

Gorgeous photos Carly!:bride: :goodvibes
Thank you!!!

I totally forgot to say I never saw your blusher pics. It looks beautiful on you!
Thanks Dawn!

Your 17 right Carly ;) !!!

I have never seen the blusher pictures either.....I love them. YOu look so pretty! I love your wedding story so much!


Thanks Lisa!
Our exit:

We went over to Costco two days before the wedding and bought 4 dozen roses. ($14.99 for two dozen) and they always look good!
It was kinda sad plucking them in our hotel room at the GF, but it saved us a lot of money!!!
Ok These are from so many different cameras:
Everyone all lined up.


And here we come!




And then the bright idea I had to use these streamers...not good!
$1 for a confetti shooter thing. I thought it would be a fun idea. And it was, until the best man shot us in the face.
Let me tell you, that streamer is like 20 ft long, we were soooo tangled.
So, I guess it was fun, but my whole "Do NOT shoot me in the face" speech to the BM was no good. Or maybe it is the reason he did it!!
I have a picture of this somewhere where the streamer is stuck to Jesse's nose!


Then we got in the coach and left...
Or, we just took a short ride around the parking lot!


Poor Major Domo got stuck in it too!









Our post Ceremony Pictures!

Out of the back

This is where we were when everyone was getting ready for our staged exit.

My family

His family

Our bridal party





haha No way carly I love seeing the pics you know that!! I'm totally obsessed! I want to see more in the upcoming week haha !
OH MY GOSH!!! I love...wait let me say that again...:love: your ceremony pictures! You just made a very strong case for DPS let me tell you! I can't wait to see more...keep it coming girl!

Anna Marie
Thanks girls! It was certainly perfect!

And YES! My sister did ALL my floral except the boutonnieres and mother corsages! She did a great job. The pomanders were very easy! Very easy to make yourself! I'd say it was the easiest part of all the floral we did..and we did alot!

Disney originally quoted us at 125$ for a basic (very simple) small mickey pomander for the flower girl only.. so they are pricey! The ones we made for my BM's were larger than the one my flower girl carried.. so consider making them yourselves! Trust's very easy!

Thanks again girls!!!
Lots more to come!!!

I sent you a PM but just saw this. Where the flowers at the back of the chapel permanent? I've never seen those arrangements in pics before.
I had a question about your guests transportation. I got the impression that you didn't provide a bus or limo or anything for your guests and I was wondering if that worked out well? I assume just about everyone has rental cars on vacation anyways, so did you just tell everyone when and where to show up? This seems like it would save a lot of unneccesary headache and money, so I was just wondering. Did they just walk from the Wedding Pavillion to the Whitehall Room (and also the dessert party location), are these all a pretty short walk from eachother? Also, who directed them where to go since I assume you and your bridal party were taking pictures after the ceremony? Thanks!


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