How we're giving away the last podcast cruise

Wow - I have just caught up with the thread. I am saddened things have turned out like this.

Pete, John, Kevin,Corey,Julie,Kathy,Will and Theresa go a fantastic job just by turning up to record a podcast for us every week. I have been amazed by their generosity every week with all the fantastic prizes they have given away- Pete and John have no obligation to do that !! So for a lovely idea to turn sour - well it leaves me upset for John and the gang :hug:

So big :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to all of the podcast crew :hug:
I saw the sour grapes on this thread yesterday - and I stand by that assessment of what it was, regardless of the political correctness that has tried to permeate this thread since then - but hesitated to post in response to it because I couldn't think of a way to do it without getting nasty.

So I'm back today to thank everyone at the podcast and Dreams Unlimited for all that they've done for us, given us, given to others, and all that I know they will continue to do in the spirit of being the good people that they all seem to be and their desire to just do "good business."

I'm really sorry that this generous gesture turned on you, John.
HOLY COW! This thread has a taken a turn! Last time I read was just after John posted. Sorry to all of you looking forward to getting your trip paid for :sad2: Shame that there are those that ruin the fun for everyone!

Just got done reading the thread so forgive my late response, but...........

All the legal talk aside, questioning an act of kindness, when it doesn't directly benefit you, is selfish and weak. I don't buy the idea that someone was only concerned for the pod cast crews legal standing. You can shine a "lets all just get along" light on it all you want, it's BS. I'm not concerned for anyones feelings that isn't concerned for John's and the rest of the teams feelings. I Know John and Kevin and consider them friends. My loyalty and trust lie with them, not any nay sayers. They should have been given the benefit of the doubt. They've earned it. Sorry you're having to deal with this nonsense John. :sad2:

Enough of that.....congrats Corey & Julie :thumbsup2 Looking forward to meeting the little guy in May. :goodvibes

:thumbsup2 Amen!

EVERYONE had a chance to win a cruise MANY times..... all they had to do was call in or email the show (or go search Universal like Rex ;) ) THAT was the no purchase necessary part.........

I am no lawyer but i look at it this way......for a giveaway to be legal you have to also make a prize (one) available under no purchase necessary they gave a way MORE prizes under the sweepstakes (pick a number) requiring no purchase and planned on only giving ONE away to someone that was paying for a cruise...... Seems more generous than other sweepstakes!

Disney does it everyday..... they chose a park visitor that has PAID to enter...... they also chose a winner that enters the sweepstakes (probably only one), that makes it legal......

OK I have rambled on and on but there are a lot of us not going but you don't see us pitching a hissy fit calling foul. :confused3
This news that the cruise won't be given away really saddens me. Although I would live to join you all, it just won't seem possible this year, so I would not have been eligible to get the free cruise anyway.

It's a shame that this country has become so worried about lawsuits and not doing what's right.

I also look forward to hearing Pete's rant on the topic. The podcast crew have been SO generous, it's a shame this is going on.
I too am one of those listeners a little disappointed it had to go this far. Honestly, I thought this was a brilliant way of giving away a cruise. A nice reward for someone who has supported the team and Dreams Unlimited. I can completely understand why John would get so frustrated to shut down the whole contest. I probably would have done the same thing. I never took this gesture as anything other than the Podcast team and Dreams Unlimited doing something nice for someone who has booked a cruise with them. I guess that just leaves us all paying for a cruise we were willing to pay for in the first place. It's unfortunate it has had to turn into a bit of a sour situation and I feel for the team....especially John.

Count me in with the hundreds of others that thank you guys and appreciate all you do for your listeners. I promise you it doesn't go unnoticed. Keep up the good work and try not to let this scenario spoil things. See you on the or not.

Thanks Kevin, John, Pete and the rest of the podcast team for your kindness and generosity- it IS APPRECIATED by the majority of us. Your intent and heart is always there and is noticed. I am so sorry this turned into the drama it did. :wizard: The magic you spread here lifts our spirits everyday.

We will be on the cruise and will be so thrilled to meet you and your wonderful team!!!

for those that can't be on the cruise, I am sure the flatties will make a return appearance!! I know I enjoyed their adventures when I couldn't go to mousefest! :thumbsup2 :banana: Hopefully no one decides to sue the flatties or something......LOL
Just got done reading the thread so forgive my late response, but...........

All the legal talk aside, questioning an act of kindness, when it doesn't directly benefit you, is selfish and weak. I don't buy the idea that someone was only concerned for the pod cast crews legal standing. You can shine a "lets all just get along" light on it all you want, it's BS. I'm not concerned for anyones feelings that isn't concerned for John's and the rest of the teams feelings. I Know John and Kevin and consider them friends. My loyalty and trust lie with them, not any nay sayers. They should have been given the benefit of the doubt. They've earned it. Sorry you're having to deal with this nonsense John. :sad2:

Enough of that.....congrats Corey & Julie :thumbsup2 Looking forward to meeting the little guy in May. :goodvibes

BRAVO Number #2. Honestly, I don't even understand how people have the "intestinal fortitude" to question an act of kindness on the part of others. I don't blame John one bit for canceling the final free cruise. He's had enough BS from TSM to last him a lifetime! I'm not able to attend, but I thought it was a great way to surprise someone!
Just got done reading the thread so forgive my late response, but...........

All the legal talk aside, questioning an act of kindness, when it doesn't directly benefit you, is selfish and weak. I don't buy the idea that someone was only concerned for the pod cast crews legal standing. You can shine a "lets all just get along" light on it all you want, it's BS. I'm not concerned for anyones feelings that isn't concerned for John's and the rest of the teams feelings. I Know John and Kevin and consider them friends. My loyalty and trust lie with them, not any nay sayers. They should have been given the benefit of the doubt. They've earned it. Sorry you're having to deal with this nonsense John. :sad2:

Enough of that.....congrats Corey & Julie :thumbsup2 Looking forward to meeting the little guy in May. :goodvibes

Fantastic Paul! I think you summed it up for a lot of us here. you're awesome!

Going through life I've met some generous people, but what Dreams and the podcast crew have done for us is beyond generous. They've greatly exceeded my expectations in everything they've done for us.

Not only have they provided us with material things like prizes and "Chauchskees" (sp), they've most importantly given us friendship, and a forum to make friends. I think for some people to question the legitimacy of what the crew is doing in regards to prizes is flat wrong. It tells me you don't know the crew, Dreams Unlimited, or these boards very well. They are all about friendship, compassion, and sharing.

Thanks for all you do guys. We love ya! :)
There seems to be a lot of controversy about how we’re giving away the last free podcast - some are saying we are being unfair, some are saying we are breaking the law.
To be honest what was supposed to be fun has now just turned out to be a royal pain.
I have decided that we won't be giving one more cruise away. We have given away the original allotment we had and this was an 'extra' one I threw in at the last minute. So to avoid any more hurt feelings or concerns that we might be breaking the law the last cruise will not be given away.

The good thing is that all of us who no longer have a chance to win a free cruise - are going on the cruise anyway :-)

We're all gonna have fun. Don't worry - be happy
no problems with me here...I just can't wait to be on the cruise with everyone and soaking up that beautiful sunshine :love:
Oh I am sad to see that this thread seems to have turned to bickering. I was so excited when I saw the thread was so long I thought- did they announce the winner already? I am not even eligible and I was excited, I thought it was a nice way to reward the people who are using DU's services.

I hope this doesn't get anyone's spirits down- I am sure you will all have an amazing time and since I will be at home, I want to see tons of threads with pictures/videos/and good stories when you all get back!

Here are some dancing bananas to get everyone back into the spirit of fun! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey folks....

The Podcast team appreciates the support of each and every one of you.

With that in mind, I ask that we turn this around....and I know you all can hijack any let's hijack this one.

In the last week or two, we had a lot of new folks start posting and we have told each of them that they are welcome and this is a safe place to come and meet new friends.

I hope that we can show them that we've said is true.

4 months and 4 days till the Podcast Cruise....

One last warning


Hijack huh?:scratchin

Did anyone watch the Bachelor last night? It was Trashtastic!!!:lmao:
Hey folks....

The Podcast team appreciates the support of each and every one of you.

With that in mind, I ask that we turn this around....and I know you all can hijack any let's hijack this one.

In the last week or two, we had a lot of new folks start posting and we have told each of them that they are welcome and this is a safe place to come and meet new friends.

I hope that we can show them that we've said is true.

4 months and 4 days till the Podcast Cruise....

One last warning


so with Kevin saying we can hijack everything I hijack this thread saying my birthday is JANUARY 10Th and my mom is planning to bake a chocolate cake with fudge and everything made of chocolate.... I'm baking the brownies yummy
so with Kevin saying we can hijack everything I hijack this thread saying my birthday is JANUARY 10Th and my mom is planning to bake a chocolate cake with fudge and everything made of chocolate.... I'm baking the brownies yummy

Happy Birthday!!!!:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
No. But they did throw back some booze! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I was reading a blog written by Chris Harrison ( the host) the shindig started at 9PM and they finished the Rose Ceremony at 4AM!


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