>> Funniest Overheard Comments Part II <<

I've read that the most common question asked at MK is "What time is the 3:00 parade?" It's so common that CMs are instructed to answer a certain way, so guests don't feel stupid. They are supposed to reply, "The parade will pass HERE at..."

After DW learned that she would continually ask me when the 3:00 parade was and giggle.:goodvibes

HAHA ive been asked that SO many times, its hillarious! What they actually mean is 'when does the parade get here!'

I have also been asked:
- What time exactly will the rain stop *** I wanna go outside on some rides!
- Oh my god I can't believe Im meeting you - you must have known Diana , what was she like!? (Im english, and therefore must have known her! I was also 11 when she died)
- Have you had tea with the queen?
- Do you go clubbing with Princes William and Harry?
- So where are you from? Engand. Oh what part of america is that and how did you get here - drive?
- Did you have to learn English to come and work here? (My name tag says i am from england!)
I heard a lady refer to the monorail as the "Skytrain" the other day. I thought my eyes were going to be permanently stuck in the back of my head...
:confused: It's a good bet that the person has been going to WDW for a long, long time. Don't forget that originally MK was Disney World as far as parks were concerned--no other parks existed. It took a long time for a lot of us to break down and call it MK. I think my family finally started to do it gradually in the mid-90s. It doesn't surprise me in the least that some people have continued to do it,. After all, some people still call the TTA the WEDway Peoplemover and refer to Mission to Mars, etc.

Being a Floridian, I started going to WDW shortly after it opened. I do remember when they built Epcot and visited shortly after. I've called it the Magic Kingdom for quite a while now, but it is really hard not to refer to TTA as the Peoplemover. Maybe some day.
Some of the funniest things we heard:

"Let's go over to Toy Story Mania and get a fast pass first..." overheard when we were exiting HS for a break at 2 pm on Dec 22 by a group entering the park. The wait was at 200 min and, of course all FP were gone.

"I'm scared! Oh My God I'm having fun!" screamed by a little girl in the slide at CBR pool...this became our favorite saying of the whole trip.

"We can go around the park and get all of our fast passes first, then we won't have to wait in line." Overheard at rope drop at HS

I am sure there are many, many more....

haha...I didn't, I started laughing and the lady turned around and looked at me. My mom said "ohh thats jiminey cricket, hes a cricket." Luckily the lady wasn't insulted but glad we said something. She said "ohh that would have been embarassing wouldn't it?" I just nodded and said Yup! hahah Then she proceeded to ask us other questions, we were glad to help. :laughing:
I was sitting here thinking, "Like they would really have a cockroach character." Then I smacked my head: Santa brought Wall-e for Christmas, so I should know better.

While on line last month for ice cream in the MK, I was carrying one of our friends little girls who is Asian and 2 women commented to be heard "why would you want a kid who doesn't look like you?"

Not sure if that was stupid, mean or both:confused3
I can't quite figure out how to copy and paste someone else's text - but the comment regarding "why would you want a child that doesn't look like you" is so mean that it's hard to believe that someone would even say it. (not that I don't believe it was said). WOW! I don't know if there's even a snappy, funny comeback that could be made. Maybe, I think she does look like me with an innocent expression on your face?
I can't quite figure out how to copy and paste someone else's text

Just hit the QUOTE box at the bottom of the post it will automatically copy the entire post and you can edit as long as you don't delete the [ quote ] and the [ / quote ] at the end
A delightful British family, outside of the WCC at the WL approached me (as I left the restaurant to use the - er - um "facilities"), asking how to use the pressed penny machine, located nearby. I pointed out that the quarters went in the specified spots, and they had them ready to go. I then pointed to the penny slot and directed them accordingly. Their comment "What's a penny?" Thankfully the pence comparison was adequate, but alas, they had no pennies! Checking my pockets, I discovered that I also had none (only "silver") and they wandered off dejected. :sad1:

To this day our youngest DS (8 years old, who was with me at the time) breaks into a British accent (which always sounds a wee bit like Harry Potter...DS's acting range is somewhat limited :goodvibes ) and asks "What's a penny." What a little goof he can be! :banana:
While at CSR one night, I got out of the pool and started shivering. A lady told me "If you think THAT's cold, try the hot tub!" (104 degrees...):rolleyes1

If you were shivering getting out of a pool that is heated to 75-80 degrees into the cool air, I think she meant that going from 104 degrees to the cool air would be even more of a shock!:goodvibes
We just got back from WDW on Sunday. While this isn't a funny thing a guest said, it is very very weird. We spent the morning at Epcot on our last day and while waiting outside the International Gateway we were talking to the security guard. She was telling us all these stories and how one time when she was working at bag check at the MK, this one lady gives her her bag to be checked when the CM saw something move. Turns out it was a snake! :scared1: She told the lady she couldn't bring it into the park but she was saying how it was her baby and whatnot. Talk about strange! :confused3 So the security guard told us not to bring any more snakes or she might have a heart attack. :teeth:
Just hit the QUOTE box at the bottom of the post it will automatically copy the entire post and you can edit as long as you don't delete the [ quote ] and the [ / quote ] at the end

Thank you so much. I have always been typing what the other poster said and being that my typing is a bit slow and not always so accurate and I'm on dial-up so pulling anything up and then saving and having to edit because of misspelled words, etc., well the whole process can take quite some time, so I really appreciate your helpful words.
The monorail systems in Vancouver and Freno, CA are called Skytrain - it's a generic term for monorail.

Not to be argumentative but "monorail" is the generic term for monorail. Skytrain is a specific name used by two cities for their transportation system. It's like calling the subway in a city "The Bullet." The generic term is "subway" and the specific term for that city is "The Bullet." :goodvibes So, the monorail at WDW is not the Skytrain.
:confused: It's a good bet that the person has been going to WDW for a long, long time. Don't forget that originally MK was Disney World as far as parks were concerned--no other parks existed. It took a long time for a lot of us to break down and call it MK. I think my family finally started to do it gradually in the mid-90s. It doesn't surprise me in the least that some people have continued to do it,. After all, some people still call the TTA the WEDway Peoplemover and refer to Mission to Mars, etc.

How many years has is been though? 26 now? People need to get a clue, I understand 5 and under but that's just silly. It's like say USSR or Yugoslavia.
:lmao: It was September the 18th.........
Epcot ................."Boy it's HOT here"
Struck me funny somehow.......:rotfl:
I'll admit it...I'm one that says "disney world" instead of "magic kingdom". I have been going for close to thirty years and to me disney world will always be disney world. not being disrespectful or hardheaded...it's just that it will be DW until the end of time for me:goodvibes
How many years has is been though? 26 now? People need to get a clue, I understand 5 and under but that's just silly. It's like say USSR or Yugoslavia.

A rose by any other name......

The name thing has been blown way out of proportion here for many things.....

I guess I'll just ignore those posts and head to MGM after I go to Disney. Too bad I can't take the Skytrain! :lmao:
Talking to a relative at a wedding and we both discovered we had been to Disney over the summer, she then continues to say and I quote "We decided that the summer months in Disney are way to busy, so we booked a trip to be at Disney the week of Christmas when its not as crowded":eek: I cant wait till she gets back to see how that went.


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