4X4 rolodex~POSTAL!!!!

Can't wait to get them back. I picked up my rolodexes at CKC so as soon as I assemble them, that's 3 Christmas gifts checked off the list!
they are all so great too!
NEE you will have a hard time parting with them!
i picked up some rolodex's at walmart the other day. they were ok. just plain black. but it will work!
This has been the best price I have been able to find on rolodexes. They also have free shipping on all size orders.


It holds 125 cards- I figure for anyone i am giving them too it will be plenty. I think since I am getting 6 back I will end up keeping 2. 1 for swap details and 1 for a date reminder.

ooooh a swap calendar!!! I didn't think of that.

One's going to be for B'days.
One is a gift.
One is going to be a perpetual calendar, I just need to make Number pages.
One can be for Swaps.
And I'm not sure what to do with the last one yet.

PO3, Krylon makes a spray paint for plastic if you want to make them different colors.
i think it might be metal?? that's how it looked?? i'll have to check it out more when i get home. i figured even if it's plain old black nobody cares about the sides of it!

i'm actually going to use of of my sets to make a monthly book using chipboard pages and use my new bind it all. Tinker turned me on to some great paper that has the months all over it and that's going to be my background for my pages. Morgansmommy also used in on her July ones & I just love that paper. Then I want to go through my pics and pick out my favorite pics of my little man for each month and go from there!
NOW that is my plan. Lets see if I in fact do it!!!!
my game plan is to get them all to the post office tomorrow before and after swim!
i have all but 2 postal!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!
what a workout that is!!!
so i owe some of you change and this afternoon i'll sit down and figure it out. i just put all the money and checks in a pile, paid for it myself and now will figure out what's what. i did however put dc on all of them. only to make myself feel better. i would not want one to be lost and it did not have it on it. i can't wait for all of you to see what a great job EVERYONE did! so all involved, step forward and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

this was my first time hosting and i think it went pretty well. it's a little over due date, but all in all it was good! i hope everyone likes everything and has the right groups and i did not mess anything up. if you could please check in to let me know that you have rec'd it back i would certainly appreciate that. i'll check you off once you post. i will feel a lot better once they all reach everyone.
thanks guys!
:woohoo: :woohoo: Time to stalk the post man!

Are you glad they are out of your house?

Did you get to take photos?

So, I'm going to Walmart Monday. They have a good base?
:woohoo: :woohoo: Time to stalk the post man!

Are you glad they are out of your house?

Did you get to take photos?
yes they are out of my house!!!!! and i'm so glad!!!!!
yes i did take pics and will try to upload them this afternoon, in between cleaning. my computer has been so acting up lately that i'm afraid to even try. but i will!


So, I'm going to Walmart Monday. They have a good base?

that's where i bought mine. mine has a wire looking side.

So, I'm going to Walmart Monday. They have a good base?

If you don't want the wire sides- I just got in the $5.50 petite files (black plastic without high sides). They came very quickly and I thought they were fairly inexpenzive. I posted a link in message 1184- their is no shipping charges even if you only order 1 file.

Yay Holly! Fun mail this week! :cool1: Thanks for hosting such a fun swap!:thumbsup2
i'm so hoping that some of you Massachusetts girls get yours today!

i can't wait for people to start getting these to see the reaction to them.
i hope you all love them as much as me. i really hated parting with them!
i'm so hoping that some of you Massachusetts girls get yours today!

i can't wait for people to start getting these to see the reaction to them.
i hope you all love them as much as me. i really hated parting with them!

Hope I don't disappoint you since I am not one of the Massachusetts girls, but I got my package in the mail today and I am in Florida!!! I was shocked when I checked the mail and saw the envelope. I was trying to remember if I had bought something on ebay, since I didn't expect my cards till later in the week. As you have said they are fantastic. Can't wait to put them to use. My dh is have surgery tomorrow (kidney transplant) so maybe I will take my filler cards and start filling them out with birthdays and anniversaries while I am sitting at the hospital. Like I mentioned before this is my first swap and I was so excited to see the end results. Looking forward to seeing what designs were in the other groups. Everyone is just so creative!

Thanks again for hosting this. Great job!



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