DDA Chapter 13

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as long as we are re-posting Halloween photos...

Kathrin at age 2

Theresa did... :rolleyes1

No, no, longer than that.

Thanks. I would have no idea how to clean up that picture. :confused3

Her mom is still in Florida, but she comes up about one weekend a month to visit. It's hard on Bethany, but Bob got a webcam for when they talk on the phone. She really needs some stability and I don't think she gets that with mom. Mom is more interested in being a friend, not a parent. There are some behavior issues that Bob needs to deal with. Nothing MAJOR, just little things like having to be told not to do something and 2 minutes later she is doing it again, and then again, and again. It drives me batty. She's doing well in Kindergarten and starting to read little words. She really needs speech therapy but the school says she's age-appropriate. If she were my daughter I would be stomping up and down. There is no reason why a 6 year old can't roll her R's, say th instead of d, lisp her s's, etc. She says dat for that, dumpin for something, and gewl for girl. Sorry, I guess that more than answers your question.

Hmm. I would think the articulation things would be easy to fix with just a bit of speech therapy, and I also think her self-esteem will start to sag if it isn't addressed soon. The other kids are going to tease her.
Princess loves to talk to her grandparents via webcam!
Hopefully her mom isn't too detrimental to her development. Is she in counseling?

I don't either. He looks very odd to me.

It's his eyebrows.
Elin, such sweet pictures! (And I think we'll make it, especially with picture posting! :thumbsup2 )
and in July...


not the best photo of them, now that I see it on here... they both look tired!
Here are our pumpkins from last year! It's the best I can do as far as Halloween pictures past :teeth:

It wasn't about him, it was about the original HSM.... I think it was the 100th or so time it was on the disney channel, and lots of DDAers were watching it the same evening for the first time.

I don't like HSM, either! :rotfl2:

I don't think we are going to get it done tonight ladies. :sad:

Well, there's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every thread!
Oh, this costume is so cute too! It's so nice... is it from the disney store?!

I love this costume and it gets so much attention! She wore it for the third year in a row to Hall-zoo-ween, but you could see about an inch of her shoes, so this was definitely the last year. :guilty:

Kevin insists only a girl can wear it, but Tia and I were bantering the other day that Matty or Noah could wear the body with a different hat. :)

ETA: I bought it online from Disney Shopping or whatever it was called three years ago.
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