DDA Chapter 13

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So the urge to snack won out over the urge to fit in my pants. I had 24 Teddy Grahams and a little glass of skim milk.

Did you know if DH ingests a single drop of skim milk or diet soda he will immediately die an excruciating death? It's true! Just ask him! He can not POSSIBLY drink those! (We HAVE normal soda and 2% milk, but you should have heard him screeching about the milk & soda I bought today.)

Oh, and did you also know that the 2% milk in our fridge is the LAST container of 2% milk in the entire world? It IS. Just ask DS. When that milk is gone the only milk left will be the SKIM milk, and nobody could possibly go to the store and buy more 2%. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I wish I could go away all by myself for awhile. :rolleyes1

:rotfl: Your milk and diet soda comments made me crack up.... my sister is the same way! :flower3:
Well, since I'm in my old Photobucket account, and I'm two months behind on current pictures, I will reminisce past Halloweens. :teeth:

What nice pics! The editing software that came with my laptop has a feature where you can lighten up shadowy areas, so I am SURE something as advanced as Photoshop has that, too.
How is Bethany doing these days? Is her mom pretty much out of the picture?
Thanks. I would have no idea how to clean up that picture. :confused3

Her mom is still in Florida, but she comes up about one weekend a month to visit. It's hard on Bethany, but Bob got a webcam for when they talk on the phone. She really needs some stability and I don't think she gets that with mom. Mom is more interested in being a friend, not a parent. There are some behavior issues that Bob needs to deal with. Nothing MAJOR, just little things like having to be told not to do something and 2 minutes later she is doing it again, and then again, and again. It drives me batty. She's doing well in Kindergarten and starting to read little words. She really needs speech therapy but the school says she's age-appropriate. If she were my daughter I would be stomping up and down. There is no reason why a 6 year old can't roll her R's, say th instead of d, lisp her s's, etc. She says dat for that, dumpin for something, and gewl for girl. Sorry, I guess that more than answers your question.
:rotfl: Your milk and diet soda comments made me crack up.... my sister is the same way! :flower3:

It's not like DH is some captive invalid who is totally dependent on me to buy his beverages. He went to Sam's today! He bought a case of bottled water! If he was running low on soda he should have bought some!

He bought milk YESTERDAY. I figured DS still had milk, so I just got one gallon of skim. It has NOTHING to do with either one of them! When the 2% runs out we can BUY MORE! :headache:
I don't think we are going to get it done tonight ladies. :sad:
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