Wk of Aug 31 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi everyone! I'm back from WDW, and now suffering with some yucky flu thing. I've got a bad cough and a fever. So no running for me right now, just lots of rest. :sick: I need to trust my base now, because my half marathon is only 2 weeks away! Hopefully I'll be up to a LR on the weekend, and then I can get back in the groove.

We had a great trip! It was just me and the kids, so I had my hands full, but we had a really wonderful time. Staying at the Poly has been a dream for me since I started going to WDW, and it really lived up to my expectations. I loved the atmosphere, and the monorail couldn't be beat. I'm not going to to a full trip report on my blog, but I should have some photos and stories up in the next few days.

Anyway, it's great to be back. I loved looking at the DL pictures, and I am catching up on all the race reports.

I'm thinking of all of you in Ike's possible path. Stay safe!

I really really really really really want to do some local races... but I can't seem to find any.... any ideas on where to look?? I was considering running the A1A half in February to try and PR, but it's on my official "old man" birthday and I'm not sure about the course (since I drive it to work every day...)

If you could point me to where I can find a few local races, I would GREATLY appreciate it....

Kevin :earsboy:

Check out this website:

It doesn't include every race, but it is pretty comprehensive. Good luck!

It's been a while since I've posted on this thread. Just too hard to keep up with everyone and get my job done, kids fed, training in....

Currently I'm training for a marathon in October. Training seems to be going well, but then I ran a half marathon this past weekend and was a bit disappointed with the result. I guess I could just give up, but that won't help anything. I'm chalking it up to a bad day and resuming my training.

Congratulations to all the DL 1/2 finishers. Especially to those who got the coast to coast medal. Very nice.

Kira: Hope you are feeling better soon.

Kevin: Good luck with the Goofy training. Just keep at it and you'll be fitter in no time.

Terri: Good job on being consistent. Two days is better than 0 days.

Jen: Nice going with all the workouts this week. Good luck in your 5K. BTW, I checked out your blog and love the quilt top you made.

Jeff: Thanks for posting all the great pics from DL.

Kristi: Thank goodness for Moms. Glad she was able to pull you along.

Best WISHes to all I've missed. Have a great day everyone.

Aloha WISHers, (Jen in GA, are you out there???)

I'm looking for information on what cities are near Augusta, Georgia, that have reasonably priced hotels. I'm looking for a area within an hours drive to Augusta National golf course.

I will be attending the Masters tournament on Wednesday, April 8, 2009. I will be there for the practice round and Par 3 contest.

I will fly into/out of Atlanta-Hartsfield, and drive to Augusta area.

Please let me know where you would recommend staying.



I really really really really really want to do some local races... but I can't seem to find any.... any ideas on where to look?? I was considering running the A1A half in February to try and PR, but it's on my official "old man" birthday and I'm not sure about the course (since I drive it to work every day...)

If you could point me to where I can find a few local races, I would GREATLY appreciate it....

Kevin :earsboy:
Try the two local timing companies for lists...
www.splitsecondtiming.com and www.accuchiptiming.com

There is a 5K this Sunday near Hollywood Beach, but not sure how I will be feeling be then. I may try the 10K down in Miami on Key Biscayne. Can't find any other 10k's.
There is a Half Marathon in Nov in Boca Raton. I am doing the Miami Ing Half but that is after the WDW in Jan.

I'll keep looking around.

Aloha WISHers, (Jen in GA, are you out there???)

I'm looking for information on what cities are near Augusta, Georgia, that have reasonably priced hotels. I'm looking for a area within an hours drive to Augusta National golf course.

I will be attending the Masters tournament on Wednesday, April 8, 2009. I will be there for the practice round and Par 3 contest.

I will fly into/out of Atlanta-Hartsfield, and drive to Augusta area.

Please let me know where you would recommend staying.



My first thought was Aiken, South Carolina. Not sure whats real affordable there, but it's not a bad commute

Waynesboro, GA is also fairly close.

Norwood, GA is kind of a wide spot on the interstate that might work.

Good luck! I hear it's great.

I got out and did 2.5 miles on the TM today. Tuesday I did a few miles in the neighborhood.

Satuday I am suppose to do 8 miles!:scared1:
Another quick drive-by to report in!

Just back from a 2 miler. Man, it's hot out there tonight!
My first thought was Aiken, South Carolina. Not sure whats real affordable there, but it's not a bad commute

Waynesboro, GA is also fairly close.

Norwood, GA is kind of a wide spot on the interstate that might work.

Good luck! I hear it's great.

I got out and did 2.5 miles on the TM today. Tuesday I did a few miles in the neighborhood.

Satuday I am suppose to do 8 miles!:scared1:

Thanks Carol!
What race are you training for Carol?

"Maybe" the Zooma in Atlantic Station the week before Thanksgiving.

The Galloway Group is aiming towards the Atlanta Marathon, but I know I am not doing that.

Fall's hard for me. It's football time (Granted my team is already in BIG trouble 0-1) so I miss some of the long run weekends. I am going to wait and see on Zooma and make a decision as it gets closer.

I did sign up for Race for the Taste on in October!
Tonight's effort:

Miles: 4
Time: 34:48
Pace: 8:42


Tomorrow is a rest day and I sorely need one!

Enjoy your evening!



I really really really really really want to do some local races... but I can't seem to find any.... any ideas on where to look?? I was considering running the A1A half in February to try and PR, but it's on my official "old man" birthday and I'm not sure about the course (since I drive it to work every day...)

If you could point me to where I can find a few local races, I would GREATLY appreciate it....

Kevin :earsboy:

I just did a Google search when I was looking for some races in my area and found a local running club. I see there is one in Ft. Lauderdale - http://www.gflrrc.org/. Click on the Calendar link and it looks like they have races just about every weekend. I wish I had that many choices in my neck of the woods!

Kira - Hope you're feeling better. Glad you had a great vacation!:)

Well, I'm kinda bummed. I officially decided I'm not going to San Antonio for the RnR 1/2. I just couldn't fit it into the budget. Airfare wasn't too bad, but the hotel was a killer. So no Dynamic Duet medal for me :sad1:
The bright side is I'm going to WDW that weekend instead. Since I have my DVC and an AP, it'll only cost me for airfare and food. At least I can make it a long weekend somewhere reasonably. :)

And I'm still scheduled for RnR 1/2 in Phoenix in Jan.

6 mile recovery run with two beginner runners in tow. Slow, slow, slow, and I was still faster than the two of them. :lmao:
Happy Friday all!

Yesterday I had my best run in 4 months. Granted it was only 3 miles, but it was 3 miles with no pain and at a reasonable clip. Went to the Doc yesterday, who confirmed my IT band syndrome, gave me exercises & stuff and was overall pretty decent (not like the other one-UGH!) I mean, this guy just assumed that I would continue running, so we better fix the problem.

Anyway, busy weekend on tap with son's XC meet, HS directory/email lists to crank out and who knows what else.

Everyone on the east coast--stay safe and dry.

Hey, I can almost keep up now.

I got a run in last night and found that when the winds are high enough, you are always running into a head wind.:rolleyes: I guess Hanna was starting to make an appearance. I did finish my 5 miles with a 10:01 pace though.

Thankfully Ike looks like it will be south of me though (sorry Kevin, Tracy, and all the other south Florida people).

Maura - Glad you had a good run and you have an idea how to get over the injuries.

Jeff - Running again so soon. I figured the Hawaii sit back and relax attitude would have crept in after the big race.

Terri - Sorry that you won't be able to make it to the race. Where were you looking at hotels. I know there are some affordable ones but not next to the race area. It doesn't take that long to get around especially early in the morning.

Howard - Enjoy your rest day. I think the heat melted your memory a little about running close to me. I seem to recall you came speeding up, spent a little time chatting, then took off again. I would love to be able to go at that pace but right now it isn't happening.

Carol - Glad you signed up for RFTT. I will see you there.

Kristi - Didn't know you were coming down to run. ;) From all the other reports from up north, it is cool and comfortable. Perhaps they are attempting to make me jealous...

Cindy - Sorry you had a bad race but good job for sticking with it. There are always bad races and you never know when they will sneak up.

Kira - Glad to hear that you had a fun trip, but sorry that you are now sick. Good luck with your half, you will do fine as long as you take care of yourself and don't push it when you don't feel good.

Carrie - Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new bikes.

Kevin - What exactly is this old man status. I don't think you come close to qualifying yet.

Debra - Where exactly are you. Don't make us send a search party out for you...;)

Have a great weekend everyone.

Hey team - 30 minutes on the TM after a long crazy day. Then a crazy evening of dance for the girls. But I did get on the TM, even if it was close to 8pm.

Tomorrow is what I am calling... my 5K comeback race. I have not raced since May when I did my 1/2 marathon. All summer has been flakey with my mom being in the hospital and other personal issues. So last week I signed up for this race to get me back on track.

Work is insane for me... but I wanted to pop in.
Carol, I ran the Race for the Taste last year. It was my first race! Seems so long ago...
My next race will probably be the Gobble Jog. I hope I can beat last year's time, but I'm feeling doubtful. I was definitely more in shape this time last year. Anyway, are you enjoying the Galloway Group?

I completed week 5 of my "starting all over" program today. Had my best pace yet since my surgery - 12:07. I'm still taking one minute walking breaks. My neighbor didn't run with me at all this week. I could have used her cause it was a struggle. I have a slight cold - mostly a sore throat and headache, but I managed.

The bad news is my old knee injury totally acted up this week. Bad, like the last part of my runs I was near limping. DH and the guy at the running store think it is my IT Band, so today I tried switching to another pair of shoes and wore an IT band wrap. It seemed to help and I made it through my run. I personally am still not too sure about what is going on with my knee and obviously neither did my orthopedic. Regardless, I don't want to stop now - I've got to get my rear back in gear for the Half. I promised myself I'd switch over to my half training program by November.

Have a great weekend WISHers. :grouphug:
Jeff - Running again so soon. I figured the Hawaii sit back and relax attitude would have crept in after the big race.


Aloha Bill,
Er, I define a big race as 39.3 miles over two days. LOL. :lmao:

I never taper for a half, in fact it's less mileage than I normally do on Sunday's in August (which is 16 miles). I finished the race, walked a mile back to Harbor Blvd. to wait for friends. Then I ran the last mile in again with them. That's 15.1 miles. Then add all the park walking, I did 23 miles that day according to my Garmin.

I guess you could call Tuesday's 3.5 mile, and Thursday's 6 mile jogs as relaxing.

1 mile practice with my #1 Princess tomorrow, in preparation of the Nike Kid's 1 mile on 9/21/08.

18 miles on tap Sunday morning, then off to Girl Scout's meeting in the afternoon.

Yeah, so I'm taking it easy this week. :scared1:
The bad news is my old knee injury totally acted up this week. Bad, like the last part of my runs I was near limping. DH and the guy at the running store think it is my IT Band, so today I tried switching to another pair of shoes and wore an IT band wrap.

Leah - ouch! Dh swears by his foam roller for his ITband issues. You can get one at Target. We actually had to buy him a new one since he wore the first one slap out. He also wears the straps and thinks they help too.

Carol - I have signed up for Zooma on Nov 16th. It should be fun. It throws a bit of kink in my training schedule so I will just have to run it without a taper but I have done that before.

Jeff - book your hotel room yesterday for the Masters! People in Aiken rent their houses out for the week so it gets kind of insane.


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