Has anyone heard rumors of changes to DDP 2009

Do they have these "union" meetings every year? Last year someone was reporting back to the boards from the meeting... I wonder if this is going to happen again? First hand reports before the public release. These people reporting back sometimes got "flamed" on by the boards but hey they are just the messenger.

Do they have these "union" meetings every year? Last year someone was reporting back to the boards from the meeting... I wonder if this is going to happen again? First hand reports before the public release. These people reporting back sometimes got "flamed" on by the boards but hey they are just the messenger.

The gratuity part of the equation is a "term and condition of employment" and was therefore negotiated between Disney and the union. The agreement on DDP/DDE and other tips will be in effect as long as the contract is in effect -- although I think Disney has the option to go back to included gratuity if they want. I'm not sure about the length of the union contract, but they are typically for more than one year.
Actually I don't think $50 with the tip and appetizer added back in would end up being that great of a savings (or at least one would have to look carefully at the kinds of TS meals one has and exactly how expensive one's choices are likely to be). The PP's calculation lists $40 for a TS entree, but aren't there very few TS restaurants that have entrees near that cost--I know Le Cellier is an expensive one--(actually even at the 2TS restaurants we've been to we've never paid that much for an entree), so even if one is ordering the most expensive thing on the menu, I think the savings will still be significantly lower.

And if people aren't actively trying to order expensive things/go to expensive restaurants/order every course at every meal, then there is even less savings. Consider a fixed price meal at Boma or Ohana--26.99. Keeping the CS at 13, and the S at 4, and adding in tax and tip that comes to $50.87. At Whispering Canyon if one gets the meatloaf and soup or salad for an appetizer the cost of that meal would be $36, or $53.50 for the day.

Personally we'd also figure in to the calculation that we aren't always going to maximize the CS and S credits. Often the desserts at CS are a total waste for us (we've asked a couple times to substitute something else like coleslaw or fries, but were told fruit was the only option)...we'd rather just eat a sweet snack which often tastes a lot better than the desserts offered at a lot of the CS. And usually we each get a drink and then end up tossing one of them, since we really can only drink one between the two of us. So that brings the CS value down about $4 for us some of the time. And sometimes the snack we want is only a $2 or $3 item.

On a day like that--cheaper snack, wasted drink and dessert at CS, and less fixed price dinner, we'd only be getting something like a $48 value out of the DDP for the day. Our days would probably end up mixed--some cheap days, some days when we maximize the credits. So in the end we could probably save $50 or $60 for the course of the vacation for the the two of us using the plan. Not actually that great of a savings given one has to pay upfront (taking a chance, for instance, that one's family might get a stomach virus and end up wasting those credits). For us it's definitely not enough to make it worth it to give up other discounts and be required to buy at least a 1 day ticket.

And really, the two of us could eat pretty well on our own $100 a day budget and probably could actually get in a few extra TS meals (sharing or skipping) appetizers and desserts above what the DDP would give one on that budget.

The math is off a bit in the area that your TS needs to add up to $40--which it will @$25 for entree, @$6 for appetizer and @$6. for dessert and $2.95for NA beverage, $2.60 tax and $7.18 for tip= $49.79 for dinner, $10-12 for CS and $4 for snack=$63.79-$65.79 and that would be on the low end especially with higher cost of buffets with the holiday surcharges, peak time surcharges and the increased amount of money that they will be charging for food. $13.00-$15.00 per person per day will add up to a $52-$60 savings per day for a family of four all over 10--multiply that by 10 days and it is a decent savings. Again not great for everyone, but a savings overall. As your party size decreases so does the savings and of course menu choices which makes it important for those of us who want to save money not just to have the convieneince of a prepaid plan to do research and figure out what is going to be best for each of us.
Of course my numbers may be off based on the fact that DS adn DD have very adventurous eating habits and do order tehmost expensive thing, both will get dessert and appy and I will usually get an appy and a frozen drink--like iced capp as my dessert. DH gets whatever whenever and never looks at menu prices--when he is on vacation so there is no economizing and no sharing--that is one of our rules for vacation though.
I havent gone through all of the posts to see if this has been mentioned, but I would like to have the option of an appetizer OR dessert with the basic plan. That way I could order an appetizer for me and dh to split and he could order the dessert to split. Makes sense to me!! There isn't much cost difference between apps and desserts, so why not!?!
You've already given the perfect reason why not! People would order one of each and share!

The appetizer removal was probably not really about the cost of the food. The other thing removing the appetizer did is it eliminated one entire course from the meal. A three-course meal became a two-course meal. That speeds up turnover in the restaurants. More bodies through the door at the same price = higher profits.

The changes in DDP 2008 were effectively a 25-30% increase in profit margin for Disney, accomplished by increasing turnover and transferring the payment of the gratuity from their cost to the customer. And all without a penny of added cost to them. Pretty clever.
Being realistic for just a moment...:rolleyes:

I think if Disney keeps basic DDP and Deluxe DDP the same with only a minor price increase, and adds the DDP Lite that's been talked about in the UK market, that would be a pretty good improvement for many families...provided the DDP Lite is priced reasonably (like under $25).

I certainly can't see them adding back the appetizer and the gratuity for $50 per day. They could add back the gratuity only for $50, but I sure don't see them adding both.

But if they do that with the basic DDP, they'd probably have to add $20 to the Deluxe to cover the tip plus a little increase. I don't see them going down that road.

I think they'll keep what they have and add the option for those folks who don't want to eat TS anyway.

ETA: And, as I've said before, I would not be surprised to see them eliminate the basic DDP entirely (making it their Free DDP during that period), and just offer Deluxe. That's in line with what they had prior to the implementation of this iteration of DDP. They always had plans, but they were much more expensive than what they have been charging for DDP. But the way the economy is, I don't expect to see that this year.
I would def.go for the $50 plan with appie and dessert aand tip! You don't have to try hard to come out ahead , while obviously ordering the most expensive entree adds up, many entrees are around $18 add an appie around $7 and dessert around $6, $3 for a drink tax about $3 and tip around$8 you are at $45 and there is still the SC and CS . I fail to see how it is not a deal. Add to that prepaid and it is a winner . !!
I think the savings really just depend on family size/composition and your choices. Just last week I did up a new comparison for our family for our 2009 trip, if the DDP plan remained Exactly the same as 2008 AND if meal prices also remained exactly the same. Kids age 5 and 6 at time of travel. Didn't count the tip in at all because, if the 2008 plan stands, you pay that OOP either way. I did include tax. Our meals:

CM dinner
Kona dinner
Mama Melrose dinner - Fantasmic Pkg. (so, including appies)
CRT lunch for 2
Crystal Palace dinner
LeCellier dinner

CS lunches:
Cosmic Ray's
Sunshine Seasons
Flame Tree
Lottwawatta Lodge
Captain Cook's
Pecos Bill (2x for 2 meals each time)

I figured out a "pretend" order, though I think fairly accurate given that we've eaten at 4/6 TS and 4/6 CS before and we all tend to stick to our favorite sorts of food.

snacks - I calculated these at $3.50 each. We don't use them for beverages -we bring bottled water. Last trip we mostly used them for Dole Whips (DH), pastries (me), pretzels, etc. We're not really much into popcorn. We plan to use a bunch at Goofy's this time.

Ok, so with those calculations... we still will save $273.03 on the plan. And yes, these are things we would eat/order anyways. Or, at the very least, WANT to order. If I were paying OOP, for example, paying $35 for the filet at LeCellier (I looooove filet) would be a hard pill to swallow. But I'd still want that filet. And on the plan, it's a Deal.

basically, even if the adult basic DDP price went up to $50 and the child to $20, with NO changes, and as long as menu prices stayed the same (or went up), we would still break even using the plan. Or save a little if menu prices increase. Now, I'm NOT hoping that's what happens. I WANT to SAVE $$$. So, I'm hoping that, if it goes to $50, at least the tip is added back in, the appy would be a real bonus, although we'd only be adding that to 2 of our meals, so not a big deal.

What I'm saying is the plan, in it's current incarnation IS still a savings for some people, including us. Even if the price goes up, it can still be a savings. If it goes up AND they add stuff back in - even Better!! Yes, the plan is costly, but Disney food is costly. So if you're going to eat IN Disney, it's going to cost a lot either way. I think it can bring big savings for those with kids. For example, right now the kids' price is $9.99. Chef Mickey's buffet alone is $14.99, never minding the child's CS and snack for the day! The DDP can be a real winner for some families!
I can't see them raising it to $50 without adding things back in!!
You have to remember that this price comes from Virgin in the UK, where the tour operators add a significant premium to the Disney prices. You have to also remember that the dollar is very weak right now, and although the currency conversions may be accurate, that doesn't mean US consumers will be paying $50. They would not be able to charge $50 unless they added everything back in, and I don't think they'll add anything.

I think US customers are going to be paying about $39.99/$10.99 for the same product they were offered in 2008, with continued menu and portion reductions. I'm also expecting the CS/Snack option to be about $22.99/6.99. Those are absolutely WAGs -- I have no inside information...truly guessing.
I don't see them returning the appetizer to the basic plan and still offering the deluxe plan. I really don't see that happening.
I don't see them returning the appetizer to the basic plan and still offering the deluxe plan. I really don't see that happening.

Yes, I wonder about this too. I think the two options most likely 1) what Jim said - slight increase and plan stays the same or 2) Larger increase, not necessarily to $50, but a big hike still, and the tip is added back in.

I hope for #2.
Yes, I wonder about this too. I think the two options most likely 1) what Jim said - slight increase and plan stays the same or 2) Larger increase, not necessarily to $50, but a big hike still, and the tip is added back in.

I hope for #2.

I guess, the thing I worry the most that will happen, will be the offering of 2 dining plans-

1) Basic Low cost 2 counters and a snack a day


2) Deluxe plan, higher cost, 3 meals, 2 snacks and the mug

We are thinking of using the Deluxe plan but we dont want to be forced into it, and this way if your kids want to do character meals, and you want to sit down for meals you will be forced to purchase the more expensive plan!:scared1:

I guess we will just have to see what happens?:surfweb:

At least on this board people want two things: 1) an "affordable" dining plan and 2) a dining plan with the table service appetizer and tip included.

I would not hold my breath about getting both in one plan. With food and energy prices rising it's doubtful they'll ever offer the plan as it existed prior to 2008 again. If they put the appetizer and tip back in they will HAVE to raise the price. WDW may think they are counteracting that by offering a cheaper alternative in a CS plan.

But since we can't be sure yet, it'll be interesting to see what actually is offered.
I thought they were offering the 3 plans in the UK for January 2009! Why would they be offering it in the UK and not here! Maybe someone can post that write up from the UK again!!
How much longer until we know????? I am getting tired of holding my breath! :confused: LOL:rotfl2:

Keeping my fingers crossed for EARLY Aug!

I don't think they could just offer the delux and a counter service plan. Most people said initially that the regular ddp was a lot of food. Can you imagine what they would say if the only way they could get a table service meal was through the delux. I know it would be way to much for us as were pretty full with the ddp. I would just like to see the app included because I would like a to have the option of a a 3 course meal instead of the 2. If your going to take the time to go to a really nice restaurant I think you should be able to experience a 3 course meal. It was the reason we did not like the ddp this year and probably will not do it again if they still do not include the app. We went with people that did not like to spend extra so we did not order an extra app and just went with what was included in the plan. It took away from the experience greatly.
People are smart and most people tend to maximize the DDP. I don't know anyone that wastes credits on bottled water. We all get the high end ice creams or treats. My thought is- why use a credit for JUST a rice crispy treat when I can use it for a treat that is covered in 4 toppings?! :goodvibes

I like having a plan that allows so much and has so much flexibility. I think others agree. If it means adding $4 or 5 to the plan cost, but leaving the snacks alone AND making the dessert OR appetizer an option, so be it. Others might disagree and like that the plan is 'inexpensive'.

If they make changes to downgrade the basic DDP, I'll have to rethink the DDP completely, perhaps paying for the deluxe to get what I feel is a decent plan. Maybe that's what they want us to do!

I know that DW is not out there to make US happy, they are out there to make $$$....I guess I will just have to get used to it.

Funny I'd say easily that 80% of my snacks are BOTTLED WATER.:confused3

With the desserts that come with the meals.....i don't have room for more snacks....and I like to eat.

I figured I would have to pay extra for the water anyway......might as well use my snacks and not pay any extra.

I even use the bottled water to make coffee in the morning so I use a lot.
Although it was Sooooooo nice last yr....the lg bottles of water were good for a snack option.
I don't even waste actual money on bottled water but I used to use snack credits for Diet Coke. The last thing I needed was more food.

And to add the appetizer back in it won't be an extra $4 or $5 for the plan. It will be more than that, at least $10 increase per person per night. If they add in the appetizer and tip, the price increase is likely to be substantial. My guess is that is why we are hearing about a counter service plan. Counter service doesn't need tips and they don't have to include tip money, so they can keep the price down.
:offtopic: Kind of!!!

Just a little something that helps us with drinks!!!

We use our refillable mug at lunch (when we are at our resort), then we get a bottled drink that comes with lunch that we can save for later.


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