DDA Chapter 6

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You can also use crushed pineapple (2 20 oz cans) and mix that with a 1/2 box of instant vanilla pudding (3.4oz size). This way is yummy too!!

That sounds exactly what we had. :thumbsup2 I had never heard/seen something like it before (and I'm not a big Jello person), but this was really good. My mother will be thrilled that there's a recipe! Thanks! :goodvibes
My appointment is at 1:30 MST.

You got it! Please let us know how it goes, until then I will say a prayer and be sending sticky (and peace!) thoughts! :goodvibes

I hated it with Katie. It was this nasty lemon-lime flavor and I really had to work to gag it down. I was teaching at the time, and had to drink it before leaving the school, and then drive right to the doctor. I honestly thought I'd have to pull over and toss my cookies, but somehow I made it.

When I was pregnant with Jacob, my doctor told me they were participating in a study, and asked me if I would rather drink the Glucola or eat a King Size Snicker's bar. Hmmmm, tough question, right???

By the time the twins came around, I guess the study had not been successful because I had to drink the nasty stuff. It was orange that time around, and it was horrible!!!

I had the orange with the challenge, and they said I would have the lemon-lime for the 3 hour (since it is a different formula). I told them I really didn't know if I could do lemon-lime, but it turned out to be orange anyway. I can completely sympathize barely making it through! I asked if I could do glucose tablets (which would be EXACTLY the same, just tasting better) and they said no. :confused3 Oh, well, it's over!

I drank the orange while I was pregnant with Alyssa and Matty, and this time tried the lemon-lime. I must be a weirdo (that's rhetorical people! :teeth: ), because I didn't think it was half-bad.

Jen, a hockey player?!!

::yes:: Yes, on both accounts! ;)

I didn't know that diabetes was a risk for you. Considering how little weight you've gained I wouldn't have suspected it.

I was told that nausea is the sign of a healthy baby...Healthy Mom not so much...but healthy baby. My boys were all healthy.:thumbsup2

Well, multiples increase your risk tremendously. Also, even though I ordinarly hypoglycemic, it is a risk factor because my body isn't great at regulating my blood sugar (even overcompensating is a sign that it doesn't know what it's doing ;)). Even still, they just screen everyone who is pregnant, risk factors or not.

Crap! I forgot to watch! Well, 15 minutes left.

We were out buying a laptop. :rolleyes1

Hooray! I looked, but did i miss what kind you ended up getting? Networking it isn't bad at all, hopefully you'll be up and running soon!

Phil stayed in major abdonimal pain off and on through Monday. He saw the dr Mon afternoon and he suspected gall stones. Scheduled an ultrasound for Tues morn and send home with a script for some meds. Well, those meds didn't do jack and we ended up at the ER at midnight Mon night. Got home at 5am with a script for Prilosec in case its an ulcer and for vicodin. Ultrasound Tues morning showed no stones so we're leaning toward the ulcer dx. The meds seem to be helping some, but he's still pretty queasy and often feels weak. Hopefully the GI dr will call back tomorrow to make the appt.

Otherwise, I've spent the week trying to catch up on all of the sleep lost sitting with him through the weekend pain and then at the ER.

I hope all is well. Seeings as how I'm God knows how far behind, I may just jump in here. Please let me know if I missed anything big! I hope that everyone is doing well. :grouphug: and :wizard: all around.

I am glad Phil is feeling a little better now. I bet it could be an ulcer. I hope he is feeling 100% soon!

Nicholas just woke up and came in my room. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants someone to tell him how many eyelashes he has. I can hardly type this without giggling. Then he started stammering about something and again I asked what he wanted and this time he said Kinzcash. :rotfl: That must have been some dream he was having!

:rotfl: Too cute! I have some fantastic sleep walking stories from the Kaufmans about my poor BIL, and my sister has spoken some doozies in her sleep as well. We always think (after the fact) that we should start a journal or something!

Good morning all! Denise, have a great trip!

Im headed to work..then out for dinner/drinks...I may be back tonight, but tomorrow i have a huge test at 730am, so if you could cross yoru fingers for me, id greatly appreciate it! i dont wanna pay 130 bucks to take it again!

TGIF and hae a great day

Get some rest tonight (try!), and good luck on your test tomorrow! :wizard:

My van passed the emission inspection today. The best thing is that I did not have to spend a dime. The man at the service station reset the the code for the "check engine" light and that seems to have done the trick.

Hooray for passing! I'm thrilled that it was such a simple fix. How is the weather forecast now for tomorrow's party? I hope it's looking a little brighter!

So Kyle and I are the proud parents of not one, but 3 new free Webkinz! :blush: :rotfl: I was slightly embarrassed by this notion, but it really couldn't have been any better a deal for us. I have needed to purchase more thank you cards for a week or two now, so I thought I'd check out the prices at Hallmark. I was only going to get one or two packs, thinking they would be more expensive than the previous ones from Target, etc. Well they are on sale 40% off, so I found some cute ones for a dollar cheaper per pack than I would have paid at Target. By the time I bought what I needed, I had accumulated 3 free Webkinz! :thumbsup2 For once, I was not even a sucker who bought crap she didn't need just to get a "free" deal :rotfl:
First of all you will have a washer and dryer so DO NOT pack for 3 weeks. I usually pack for a week and a half and just do a load of laundry here and there when we have time. That should greatly decrease you anxiety. I'm already getting things together for our trip in 64 days :goodvibes

Don't let Elizabeth here you say this! :rotfl:

Robyn and Tammi - I'm making the Strawberry Pretzel Salad too! :) Must be a weekend for it!
Hooray for passing! I'm thrilled that it was such a simple fix. How is the weather forecast now for tomorrow's party? I hope it's looking a little brighter!
Nice in the morning with scattered afternoon thundershowers.
My van passed the emission inspection today. The best thing is that I did not have to spend a dime. The man at the service station reset the the code for the "check engine" light and that seems to have done the trick.

Yay! :banana:

Don't let Elizabeth here you say this! :rotfl:

Robyn and Tammi - I'm making the Strawberry Pretzel Salad too! :) Must be a weekend for it!

Precisely what I was thinking! OF COURSE Kristine needs to pack for 3 weeks! :rotfl2:

Enjoy your strawberry pretzel salad, everyone! :)

Jennifer - Yay for free Webkinz! :cool1:
The laptop is a Toshiba. A very basic one, with no bells or whistles. I told them to take out all of the trial software and whatever because we are ONLY using it for internet access, e-mail, and to load photos from our digital cameras. That's it. I guess we can think about using it to watch DVDs on the plane, but the guy said the battery life is only 2 hours. Uncle1 did say there is a website where you can see which seats on the plane have electrical outlets - might have to ask him about that. We didn't get the extended warranty because the whole machine was $500 and the warranty was $250. We'll just buy another one if this one breaks! :rolleyes:
They haven't called me so I don't know if it is ready or not. DH didn't think they said they would call, so maybe I misunderstood. :confused3 I'll go by after work to get it, unless we are having massive storms AGAIN.

Luckily Uncle 1 is very techno-savvy so he can answer my questions and help me get things sorted out. :)
Princess & I are off to the mall to exchange some shorts. Hopefully the smaller size will fit her.
Couldn't you just make her a pair?:laughing:

I returned the stuff the Marshalls at lunch. Good thing I was paying attention as the clerk forgot to give me credit for the $30 capris. They had a Baggallini organizer/wallet type bag-about 5x7 or so that you would wear either direction. They also had a Teeny Baggallini that I really liked but both were bright yellow.

Bernadette if your SIL can't make it work you can pop the items in the mail and I'll do them quickly for you. With my machine it takes about a minute per button hole
Thank you! How nice but it won't come to that. If we can't get my machine to work I'll have to get a new one. What do you have?

My van passed the emission inspection today. The best thing is that I did not have to spend a dime. The man at the service station reset the the code for the "check engine" light and that seems to have done the trick.

Bernadette - good luck with the button holes! That's one thing I haven't tried. I'm all for the snaps with a pretty (fake) button on the outside. ;)
Thanks. I was thinking of velcro too but I really need to get the button hole thing down so I can make Joe a button down shirt.

Good morning, DDA!!! Thanks for all of the well-wishes for Phil. He's feeling okay now. Still nausea seems to be hanging around, but the severe doubled-over-in pain part has subsided. He is still feeling pretty weak though, which has him concerned. I'm going to try the doctor again in a few min in hopes that they can get him in next week.

I'd better get moving though as I've still got to pack for camping and have a few errands to run. Have a good day everyone!
:wizard: Hope you can get Phil an appointment! Have fun camping!

So I think I have everything I need for the weekend.
Hope you can have some fun this weekend!

So Kyle and I are the proud parents of not one, but 3 new free Webkinz! :blush: :rotfl: I was slightly embarrassed by this notion, but it really couldn't have been any better a deal for us. I have needed to purchase more thank you cards for a week or two now, so I thought I'd check out the prices at Hallmark. I was only going to get one or two packs, thinking they would be more expensive than the previous ones from Target, etc. Well they are on sale 40% off, so I found some cute ones for a dollar cheaper per pack than I would have paid at Target. By the time I bought what I needed, I had accumulated 3 free Webkinz! :thumbsup2 For once, I was not even a sucker who bought crap she didn't need just to get a "free" deal :rotfl:
Congratulations! Do they have names?
Nice in the morning with scattered afternoon thundershowers.

Hmm.... well hopefully they'll scatter anywhere but your house! :wizard:

Yay! :banana:

Jennifer - Yay for free Webkinz! :cool1:
The laptop is a Toshiba. A very basic one, with no bells or whistles. I told them to take out all of the trial software and whatever because we are ONLY using it for internet access, e-mail, and to load photos from our digital cameras. That's it. I guess we can think about using it to watch DVDs on the plane, but the guy said the battery life is only 2 hours. Uncle1 did say there is a website where you can see which seats on the plane have electrical outlets - might have to ask him about that. We didn't get the extended warranty because the whole machine was $500 and the warranty was $250. We'll just buy another one if this one breaks! :rolleyes:
They haven't called me so I don't know if it is ready or not. DH didn't think they said they would call, so maybe I misunderstood. :confused3 I'll go by after work to get it, unless we are having massive storms AGAIN.

Luckily Uncle 1 is very techno-savvy so he can answer my questions and help me get things sorted out. :)

Well, it sounds like it is a perfect bargain for what you need it for. Congratulations! :)

Congratulations! Do they have names?

Not yet. I haven't even logged on or opened them, I'm not sure what I'm planning on doing with them. :)
Bernadette - I can't even DRAW a pair of shorts, let alone SEW them! :rotfl2: I am quite skillful at exchanging things, though! ;)
Sounds to me like Marshall's is continuing to get more styles of Baggallinis.

Jennifer - I am a little nervous about the laptop since we have never had one before. I am sure I will get used to it. :)

Princess is napping but she keeps coughing. She coughed so much I went back to her room with a cup of water, but she was asleep!
Momboss isn't feeling well, so she is napping, too.
I need to go to the grocery but it is raining big, fat drops and the clouds are BLACK. Hopefully by the time Princess wakes up it won't be raining anymore.
The neighbors continue with their reign of terror. :rolleyes: Yesterday they were shoveling something (sand, maybe?) from the driveway into a wheelbarrow. This morning (at like 8:15!) they had a load of gravel dumped into the driveway. Now they are over there scraping and banging and generally being annoying. They also have what sounds like a leaf blower but I think it is some sort of saw. Those people are NEVER going to be finished with all of their construction projects! :mad:
Hi, all! Thanks for being so excited about my trip. Other than dh, the credit card company, and the airlines, you are the only ones that know about it. I can barely contain myself!

I want to think of a way to surprise the kids with it. I know that Laura will need to know in advance, and I'd like her input on a few things. I may keep Miles in the dark until we are ready to leave, though. Any recommedations?

I was all set to go with Pop, since just about everyone who had a preference said Pop. Then I saw that Bernadette would be at ASMusic for very similar dates. (I hadn't been paying attention to anyone's dates, because I never thought I would be going this year.) Now, I'm still deciding between the two. I am also doing the spreadsheets of fun as to whether to have the dining plan or not. I am leaning towards not, because the two that are going with me aren't interested in doing TS every night or going to signature restaurants. I want to see how much we'll be spending on the TS we do plan to do, though, to see.

I'm thinking sticky thoughts, Glynis!

Jennifer, what are your three new Webkinz, and what is the Hallmark deal that allows you to get them free?

I have to start some laundry, but I'll try to be back before ds gets home.
Well I am going to be reall nosey, and even if we did this before just humor me, ok?

How did you meet your spouse/so?

John was working for my cousin's husband and stopped one night at their house to ask a question, I was there because every Wed. we used to go there for dinner.
Well I was serving coffee and when I went to give him his I spilled it in his lap. After we left, said cousin gave him my number and he called that Friday.

Chuck & I lived down the hall from each other at Michigan Tech. He was a sophomore and I was a freshmen. We had some mutual friends. I heard his name all the time from one of my male friends. Even though I didn't really know him, I had a crush on him. My sophomore year, we ended up hanging out in the same group. We hung out for about 3 months when we finally went out. 363 days later, we married!
My van passed the emission inspection today. The best thing is that I did not have to spend a dime. The man at the service station reset the the code for the "check engine" light and that seems to have done the trick.

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: and a Phew thrown in for good measure

You got it! Please let us know how it goes, until then I will say a prayer and be sending sticky (and peace!) thoughts! :goodvibes

I had the orange with the challenge, and they said I would have the lemon-lime for the 3 hour (since it is a different formula). I told them I really didn't know if I could do lemon-lime, but it turned out to be orange anyway. I can completely sympathize barely making it through! I asked if I could do glucose tablets (which would be EXACTLY the same, just tasting better) and they said no. :confused3 Oh, well, it's over!

::yes:: Yes, on both accounts! ;)

Well, multiples increase your risk tremendously. Also, even though I ordinarly hypoglycemic, it is a risk factor because my body isn't great at regulating my blood sugar (even overcompensating is a sign that it doesn't know what it's doing ;)). Even still, they just screen everyone who is pregnant, risk factors or not.

Hooray! I looked, but did i miss what kind you ended up getting? Networking it isn't bad at all, hopefully you'll be up and running soon!

I am glad Phil is feeling a little better now. I bet it could be an ulcer. I hope he is feeling 100% soon!

:rotfl: Too cute! I have some fantastic sleep walking stories from the Kaufmans about my poor BIL, and my sister has spoken some doozies in her sleep as well. We always think (after the fact) that we should start a journal or something!

Get some rest tonight (try!), and good luck on your test tomorrow! :wizard:

Hooray for passing! I'm thrilled that it was such a simple fix. How is the weather forecast now for tomorrow's party? I hope it's looking a little brighter!

So Kyle and I are the proud parents of not one, but 3 new free Webkinz! :blush: :rotfl: I was slightly embarrassed by this notion, but it really couldn't have been any better a deal for us. I have needed to purchase more thank you cards for a week or two now, so I thought I'd check out the prices at Hallmark. I was only going to get one or two packs, thinking they would be more expensive than the previous ones from Target, etc. Well they are on sale 40% off, so I found some cute ones for a dollar cheaper per pack than I would have paid at Target. By the time I bought what I needed, I had accumulated 3 free Webkinz! :thumbsup2 For once, I was not even a sucker who bought crap she didn't need just to get a "free" deal :rotfl:

I think you have enough webkinz to thoroughly keep you busy through the rest of your pregnancy. You'll have to make lots of money to get the proper rooms for all of them ;)

Yay! :banana:

Precisely what I was thinking! OF COURSE Kristine needs to pack for 3 weeks! :rotfl2:

Enjoy your strawberry pretzel salad, everyone! :)

Jennifer - Yay for free Webkinz! :cool1:
The laptop is a Toshiba. A very basic one, with no bells or whistles. I told them to take out all of the trial software and whatever because we are ONLY using it for internet access, e-mail, and to load photos from our digital cameras. That's it. I guess we can think about using it to watch DVDs on the plane, but the guy said the battery life is only 2 hours. Uncle1 did say there is a website where you can see which seats on the plane have electrical outlets - might have to ask him about that. We didn't get the extended warranty because the whole machine was $500 and the warranty was $250. We'll just buy another one if this one breaks! :rolleyes:
They haven't called me so I don't know if it is ready or not. DH didn't think they said they would call, so maybe I misunderstood. :confused3 I'll go by after work to get it, unless we are having massive storms AGAIN.

Luckily Uncle 1 is very techno-savvy so he can answer my questions and help me get things sorted out. :)

Chris has a Toshiba laptop that is very basic. He only uses it for internet and photos. It is fine for his needs. He will tell you that the battery does not last long at all. You will need an outlet nearby :thumbsup2
I was a senior in high school and me and a bunch of friends used to go to a weekly dance at a teen center the next town over. Chris also went to the dances. I met him several times between September and March. I was working at a movie theater at the time and my best friend wanted to go out with a coworkers son, but she wouldn't go alone so I needed a "date". Mind you I had never had been out on an official date with anyone. I decided to call Chris and ask him out. That was no easy task as no one knew his phone number since his family did not have a phone until just days before (think dirt poor). Anyhow I did get hold of him and he accepted my date. We went to the movies to see Lethal Weapon. We've pretty much been inseperatable since. In fact our second date was the next day. :goodvibes :lovestruc

Chris was a sophmore in high school when we met. I went off to college, but came home on weekends and he finished high school then he went off to a 2 year college and we both came home on weekends. We both graduated from college in 1991 and were married in 1992.

Chris proposed to me on Christmas Eve 1988 and he was just a High School Junior. Can I just say that my parents were not impressed and were totally in denial. His friends thought that he was crazy. We were engaged for nearly 5 years before we got married, but it goes to show that you just know when you've found "the one". Now that I see my boys growing up I can't imagine Nick being engaged in 4 years :eek: So now I see my parent's point, but back then I knew that they were trying to ruin my life :rotfl2: Oh and my parents LOVE Chris now.

It is amazing how different you feel about something when you think of it from the perspective of it being your child and not yourself. I got married at 20 after dating someone less than a year. I KNEW that he was the one. My parents had only met him once in the 1st 6 months we were dating. I can't imagine what my parents thought. Mom says that when we announced our engagement that my dad fell asleep on her shoulder crying that night. I had been in a bad relationship just weeks before Chuck & I started dating. Actually, Chuck was the reason I was finally strong enough to end the relationship. I figured if someone as wonderful as him could be my friend that I deserved better in a boyfriend.

Now, if my daughters were to come to me after only dating for a year and I'd only met their boyfriend once, I think I'd have a panic attack myself.
Ohhh, so you are the older woman. :teeth:

Age doesn't bother me, but for some reason I always told myself that the person I married, must be older then me. :confused3

I dated someone 6 months younger than me and a year behind me in school when I was in high school. I don't know if I could have handled anyone younger than that. In high school, most boys are just too immature when they are your own age let alone younger! The guy I was dating was an exception as I'm sure Chris must have been to catch Deb's eye!
I was able to get Laura's birthday lunch at CP, but there are no CM dinner times before 9:00 while we're there. That is Miles' favorite place, but maybe Cape May or LTT will work for him. I need to think about this and call again quickly. I've never not called at 180 days. :rotfl:
We met in college. I was a sophomore transfer student, and he was a freshman. My roommate was friends with his roommate, so we just started going for meals together, etc. Eventually we realized that we didn't particularly care for our roommates, but we enjoyed being together. I actually graduated 2 years before he did, because he was in a co-op program (5 yrs), and I was in a regular BS program (4 yrs). I found a job in the same area that he was still in for college for those 2 years. We married exactly one week after his graduation, and we'll celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary at the end of May and 25 years of being together in December.

We married 2 weeks after Chuck's college graduation. He started grad school two days later.
Speaking of Cape May, did you say that is the 14th? What time? Are you doing a big reservation or just all getting individual reservations for the same time? I guess I should see if I can get us in when you are going to be there. I think Laura will survive. ;)
I'm going to beg some spare pixie dust if you've got it. I was told by my doctor that I'm not producing enough progesterone, so they've put me on a pill for that. I have to go to the doctor for an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon to make sure that all is well. Please send me good thoughts for a safe baby, and an ultrasound that shows that all is going well!


Prayers & pixiedust: that all is well.
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