Why do I appologize for my Disney Gene?


<font color=blue><marquee>My "Muddy Buddy manly si
Dec 29, 2007
So, last night I was helping out one of my wife's friends plan a Disney trip, and she was amazed at my wealth of knowledge about Disney. She kept saying you sound like the book I just read. And I kept appologizing to her and my wife (who is slowly warming up to Disney) because it really is a sickness to know all this stuff. :rotfl:

Anyway, is there anyone else out there who has to add to every Disney info moment, "I'm sorry, I know it's really bad that I know all this stuff." I know that most of you on this board have more knowledge than me, and I humble myself before your knowledge. :worship:

Thanks for everyone of you. When I was younger, I was an Anthony, and I still cannot deny my crazy love for Disney. Have a magical day!
I know just what you mean. We were planning our grand gathering last year and I just started rambling on about good park days and bad park days and dinners and making our ressies, MVMCP, and you get the picture. Everyone at the table was looking at me like I was crazy. Then my brother said I sounded like a Disney travel agent. I reminded him that I was a travel agent for 5 years before I went to nursing school and I still love doing this stuff. In the end they all just said please plan it out it would take years to understand all that stuff. It definately makes you feel like a oddball at times that is for sure but I love love love it!!
I also know what you mean. I was telling a coworker that I booked Disney for September and he asked me "What do you do for a whole week in Disney? How big is it? Acres?" Well, I couldn't let him walk away uninformed so I proceeded to to go wdwinfo.com and show him the maps and pictures of our resort and, okay, a few tips, ticket pricing, MNSSHP, character meals, AK (Notazu!), Epcot, YOAMD, the castle, the freeway system, DTD, transportation, Mickey.....
So as I go on and on, unable to stop myself, his eyes get bigger and his jaw drops and he says "Don't you get tired of it all?" <sigh> Noooo, unfortunately for the people around me. Then he says that he's not sure he could ever go because he wouldn't want to work that much for a vacation. Panicked at the thought that I might have actually put someone OFF Disney, I told him that when he wanted to take his kids he should come talk to me and I'll set them up. I then proceeded to apologize for my ferver but I think that the damage has been done. I think he thinks I am insane. I prefer to think of myself as a passionate person. I am glad you all are here! We can be in the Disney insane asylum together!
OK I think I'll jump in on this topic (since I'm sure we all have our own story on this)

As a child I had visited both WDW & DL and do remember enjoying it. However it didnt impact me like it did when (as an adult,father,husband) took our first family vacation to WDW in May of 2005.

That did it, it had more of an impact on me than anyone else in my family. So now I'm the Disney freak! Oh well, I'll take that title any day:-)
besides who's the freak when someone goes to WDW completely unprepared?

Via iPhone
I'm glad you're all here too. It makes me feel more normal. At least I know that I'm not the only person out there that starts plannning their next Disney trip the minute they get home from the one they just ended. I can't tell you how many times I get the that blank look when I tell someone I'm going another trip to the World. The usual reponse id again?????? Followed by WHY haven't you already done that? They just can't understand but you folks all can and I love that.
I never apologize. There is no need. I bide my time because usually people end up apologizing to me. After inevitably making fun of me at some point for my Disney knowledge, that person or someone they know, will be planning a trip to Disney at some point. And WHO do they come to???? And WHAT happens when they get home???
Usually it's something like this.... :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: thanking me profusely for saving their trip, they don't know what they would have done without me, this tip or that tip saved their day, they never would have seen anything if weren't for me, how do I know all that stuff, they will never make fun of me again, ect, ect...

Not trying to "blow my own horn" but I have helped alot of people with their trips and this has happened to me many times. They come home absolutely stunned by how they underestimated a Disney trip and very thankful that I know what I'm talking about.
I haven't apologized but I have been told that I sound like a DVC cast member selling them a wonderful Vacation:laughing:
I have another story. I was flying down to WDW form Indy, and I met a family on the plane. They had questions, and we had two hours. So, I helped them plan it out. I actually ran into them in the MK later that week and they were so happy for all the help. It really made their vacation better. I think in this forum, it is not bad to tell of your successes. Don't worry about bragging because you know we have all done this at one time or another. ;)
I do still feel the need to apologize. And I'm never sure how much information to give those who ask, as they seem to get overwhelmed quickly. But then they come back with statements like "it was the best of times and the absolute worst of times on our Disney vacation." Oooooh...I could have helped you avoid the absolute worst of times part, but oh well... :headache:

Are we just enabling each other with our addiction here, helping each other to put more money in Disney's pockets?

I like to think we're spreading the magic :wizard:
A. apologize for nothing, you are in good company here, no need to hide your vast trove of obscure knowledge on WDW.

B. I have had folks send me pvts and ask me if I work at WDW cause sometimes my answers are too through... although my answers do often contain references to aliens, conspiracy theories, and quotes from silence of the labs (or is that someone else's voice in my head, I can never tell)

∏. While in world I have over heard CMs giving faulty information, and sometimes it is so far off I am compelled to butt in and mention the correct information... which I know I should not do, cause it gets me some seriously evil looks, then again, that could be my cologne.

4. I do my best to resist trying to explain to folks who are going to WDW that they really should not "wing it" since WDW is twice the size of Manhattan with a lot more to see and do you might want to do some research and make an outline of an itinerary so you can better focus your time and see more, rather than less... but that gets similar reactions as my cologne, just like telling people not to goto Europe in August because it is closed gets you funny looks. (most of Europeans take holiday in august, so lot's of tourist attractions, restaurant, and hotels are operating on reduced staff)

∞. if you come across too strong at a WDW nut, someone might give you a job reviewing restaurants.
I'd been a closet Disney World lover for years until the last 4 or 5 years. I even kept it from my family until they realized how often I was going. It took them 10 years to realize it....:laughing:. They now know how much I love it, but can't really understand why. I've given up trying to explain it.

My co-workers have caught on to my Disney World obsession as well. I can only explain it to them by saying "it's our second home"; which to us it truly is. If I tell them its because of the magic I may get fired! :laughing:
A. apologize for nothing, you are in good company here, no need to hide your vast trove of obscure knowledge on WDW.

B. I have had folks send me pvts and ask me if I work at WDW cause sometimes my answers are too through... although my answers do often contain references to aliens, conspiracy theories, and quotes from silence of the labs (or is that someone else's voice in my head, I can never tell)

∏. While in world I have over heard CMs giving faulty information, and sometimes it is so far off I am compelled to butt in and mention the correct information... which I know I should not do, cause it gets me some seriously evil looks, then again, that could be my cologne.

4. I do my best to resist trying to explain to folks who are going to WDW that they really should not "wing it" since WDW is twice the size of Manhattan with a lot more to see and do you might want to do some research and make an outline of an itinerary so you can better focus your time and see more, rather than less... but that gets similar reactions as my cologne, just like telling people not to goto Europe in August because it is closed gets you funny looks. (most of Europeans take holiday in august, so lot's of tourist attractions, restaurant, and hotels are operating on reduced staff)

∞. if you come across too strong at a WDW nut, someone might give you a job reviewing restaurants.

Oh, WO, you amuse us to no end..
This is too funny!:rotfl:
I try to keep my Disney obsession on the down-low. However, if someone mentions it to me? Watch out! I do try not to go overboard but, once ya get started, well, YOU know what I'm talkin' about.
My husband laughs when he hears me giving advice to friends planning Disney trips. But he sure was happy with all my knowledge when we were there for 15 days this past Christmas. We were at Animal Kingdom on Christmas morning and got off and back on rides with no wait at all. My BIL thought I was nuts for having a daily itinerary but sure was smiling when we simply walked on rides that I had gotten FAST PASSES for....

Yeah, they all laugh but I'm the one smirkin' inside.....

Now, if I can only save up enough $$ for another cruise.....
ding... i love it when the non-believers notice part way though the trip that they never waited in a line more than 5 min.
When I announced to friends and family I was moving to Florida they all thought I was crazy.

Believe it or not I used to make fun of people that went to WDW for vacations. After my husband and mother died my sister practically had to tie me up to get me to come to WDW.

Of course within a day of being here I was kicking myself for missing out on all the fun at WDW for years.

Now I get introduced as a Disney geek. Guess I could be called worse. :)
You know, I find myself doing that as well. The apologizing. I think it is that Hermione Granger tone I tend to adopt when speaking about the parks. That and the rabid look in my eye! :)

But seriously, more often than not a great deal of the folks I have given advice to come back and tell me they appreciated the extra knowledge. It just tends to make me feel like an "insufferable know it all" at times. Though I don't purport to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination, my Disney dork gene has a tendency to show itself in weird situations!
When I announced to friends and family I was moving to Florida they all thought I was crazy.

Believe it or not I used to make fun of people that went to WDW for vacations. After my husband and mother died my sister practically had to tie me up to get me to come to WDW.

Of course within a day of being here I was kicking myself for missing out on all the fun at WDW for years.

Now I get introduced as a Disney geek. Guess I could be called worse. :)

i knew I liked your for some reason... adopt me.
My most embarrassing Disney gene moment happened just recently. I was at a restaurant and I overheard someone at the next table mention the words dining reservation. My ears perked up, and I heard that they were going to Disney World in a few weeks.

I have to admit that I did it. ;)

I actually offered to give them advice at the restaurant. My wife was rolling her eyes and looking at me like I was crazy. :rolleyes:

It is a sickness. It really is a sickness. An addiction.

Hi, my name is Chris, and I am addicted to Disney. I have the Disney gene. :laughing:


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