Something About Nothing.......part 2 (please join us)

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I am not sure what's going on with me. I am not sure if my body doesn't know what to do since I am just coming off midnights and then going back on Monday at 1045 pm. Or, if I am having a reaction to the tetanus shot I got Thursday. I was fine Thursday, but Friday I woke up with it throbbing (still is) and then I was going through the sweats followed by the chills. Sadly, I still have an appetite.

Barb and Alison, where do you buy your tanning lotions on the web?

1. Hope you are better today :hug: 2. if I had to guess..and, I will, I'd say a problem w/ the shot. Did they warn you of any 'side affects'?

Anyway, Brab and Alison, I wound up buying tanning lotions on EBAY Express. Wow, I could not believe how much cheaper they were than at the salon. I got an Australian Gold, Dream On (I've used that before) for about $10. Most of the online places wanted $25-33, and it's about $45 in my salon. Bonus.

Answer I was going to give...eBay (altho, haveta ask DH what "express" is .... )

As with salon hair products for sale, tanning lotions are 50% mark up also. We buy it for $10...sell it for $20....That's why I had a fit when the boss only discounted our lotions (for employees) at 25% :mad:

Morning all!

(not a morning person....remember? )

Can you believe DS actually said - you two have to stay in your bedroom - you can make out??

:idea: :woohoo:

I'm up too. Keeping it down for Barb. Speaking of Barb, I would like a step by step to great tanning. . . is that a stupid request?? If you've already posted this, I can't find it.

Thank was very quiet here this morning.... :goodvibes I did not post a step by step, but I will try to get to that today or tonite...kay? :flower3: ...(I tend to be forgetful, so remind me....)

wwessing said:
So I fell asleep early last night (after I found the Captain and I had to use diet 7up cuz no coke in the house) and I forgot to take by bra off (yeah, I know, tmi) but I slept fitfully ...

:eek: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1

wwessing said:
Here's some random thoughts. . . I didn't watch or read any news yesterday and I kinda liked it .... I didn't finish paying bills last night so now I haveta do it today also. . .

If I don't see the news at least ONCE a day, I feel 'lost'....especially if it's a day to work doing hair....seems to be the and tv shows :confused3 I have a few clients Friday afternoon that we all chat about Survivor... :laughing: Gets me thru that part of the day.....

I WAS going to write out bills last nite, but they're not due for another week? :confused3 Don't know how that happened...but, okay....

we have tix for Hairspray tonight. DH of course is not going - as it is not a ball game. I am taking DS with me - although he is protesting. He really likes music - it just isn't cool to go to plays. We'll see what his thoughts are tonight.

Enjoy your day - off to prepare some tax returns.


At least you can 'work from home' today :goodvibes ....I hope you & JawsJr enjoy the show .... Will be waitin' for your review....

Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!

You say that while you're sippin' coffee on the back porch/lanai....aren't you :rolleyes1

PERFECT time to give 'em a call... :idea:

That makes me miss Gemma! Of course, with Gemma's pui's, you usually couldn't understand her. At least I understand these.

Sounds like you had a good time last night Sharon! Good to have you back.


RVGal said:
Alright Wimpy... :laughing:

Was waiting to see in anyone got THAT......

RVGal said:
I wuz wondering if anyone would get that! ;)

yeah I did....

Has anyone ever ordered or received something from here:

Nope....sorry.....I've only gotten something from the cookie arrangement place....and, in all honesty, they weren't very good. They were VERY dry and flavorless :crazy2:

Before every race, there is an inspection of every car by Nascar officials... making sure the cars are within the legal guidelines/limits. That used to be all they did, until they figured out that some teams were doing quickie modifications during pit stops, etc to give their car an advantage. Now, there is a post race inspection as well.

Carl Edwards car was found to be missing the cover from the oil reservoir in the post race inspection. Edwards team maintains that the bolt holding it on simply came loose and it fell off... which is highly likely, given that several drivers have had loose caps in post race inspections lately. The problem is, in all the races where the drivers had a loose cap, they were docked 25 driver points (a slap on the wrist)... so, a precedent had basically been set that says Nascar has to punish this infraction. For the missing cap, Edwards got docked 100 driver points (moving him from 1st in Sprint Cup points, to 7th) AND 100 owner points (not a slap on the wrist, a slap in the face). His crew chief was fined and suspended for the next 6 races.

Everyone was expecting him to get 25 or maybe 50 driver points, but the penalties he's been hit with could take him out of the running for the Cup for the season. I haven't heard yet if he is going to appeal the ruling.

Thanks for that explanation.....what's to say they don't finish a race, and before the post inspection, "undo" what they modified during the race?

I would think a missing cap on an oil reservoir would cause some damage or something??...not enhance performance? (let's face it, the cover is there for a reason....)

Sounds like they are making an example of ole Carl....I'd be interested in hearing how this goes....

Barb. Share the cheat sheet any time . :thumbsup2 And no matter who gets a new mattress and breaks it in those bannana's are just WRONG in so many ways .

BTW someone asked about DH and the sleepnumber bed well we are all adjusted now and we LOVE IT . Sleeping much better now .

If nobody else posts cheat sheet...I will later...haveta get ready for work! (aww, c' KNOW you loved those "naughty" nanners... )

I had asked how your DH was adjusting to the bed....glad to hear he is finding his number.... ;)

Did you hear about Robbie Gordon. . . he appealed his ruling and won. . .well sort of. His points were returned, but the monetary fine was increased. . . the manufacturer paid it though because it was their bad.


splain pleeze? :flower3:
Alright .... morning ketchup done!

Off to get ready for work....

Till later y'all.....

Morning homies
I know 10 something in the morning isn't really early but playing catch up plus thank goodness these meds are helping and making it to where I can get some rest and those are some wild nanners Barb :lmao: :lmao:
splain pleeze? :flower3:

Robby Gordon's team got hit with the same 3 penalties that Carl Edwards did... except his stemmed from a pre-race inspection and involved his bumper. They argued that they installed the bumper as shipped from the manufacturer (i.e. "hey, we didn't know it wasn't right") and that they didn't get any advantage in the competition since it was discovered and corrected before the start of the race.

Nascar dropped the points penalties, moving Gordon from 37th to 21st in the Cup standings... but upped the fine on the crew chief... basically saying that it was his fault for not inspecting the part prior to installing it.
Jennifer, I don't blame you for wanting to try out the bed first. Mike and I are lucky enough that we have many mattress stores around us, and probably tried the bed at least 5-6 times before buying it. We are noticing that the floor models we've tried are a bit softer (probably because so many people are in and out of them), so we're waiting for ours to loosen up a bit. It took us a full year to decide on a bed.

Wendy, I have not ordered from Edible Arrangements, but I did receive one. It was very good. I especially liked the fruit that was dipped in chocolate. :rolleyes1

Back from dinner. There is a restaurant right around the corner(as the crow flies{ from me. I enjoyed 32 ruma amd cokes, ooops make that 5. Tha's about the limit for me. anymore and I'm waking up with the room spiining. I also had the combo special. Fried clams and maine shrimp. Surprise, it's the only thing i eat there. With a name of the Ocean Garden, you should order seafordd right?

But no, DH orders steak and wonders everytime why its not good. Listen up, buddy, its a seafood restuarant...jeez
its not rocket science.

CrP, its only 9 oclick and I'm in for thenight seeing as its going to be icey in a bit and DH didn't wnat to be driving, and he knows after 3 drinks i cannot dirve, heck I can't even type. But i"m blaming that on the new glasses that I got today. why didn't someone tell me that bifocals are a pain in the butt. My eyes can't find the right spot on the lenses. I think I'll go back to the contacts.

Sorry....ain't allowed to blame the glasses! :p
Jennifer, I thought of you ... guess what I just got in the mail? A free in-home tryout Certificate for Tempur Pedic. Too late for us :lmao: .

You should get one with your nighttime renewal kit.

You can have any Tempur-Pedic bed (any size/any style) delivered to your home and set up in your bedroom for 3 months with no obligation to buy. Sounds like you have to pay up front though, but if you aren't completely satisfied, they'll refund you the full cost plus pick up the bed at their expense. They'll even remove your old bedding free of charge, if you want.

Brab, it's just No bidding; just buy it. I bought from a seller that allowed me to combine shipping to save on charges. I got 3 lotions (all 13.5 oz) for $52, which includes shipping. That's what I normally would've spent on one bottle since I'd pay tax here. :thumbsup2

What is the weather like in everyone's neck of the woods. I am going to have to build an arc soon.... And now there just was the loudest boom of thunder! Suppose I should get offline!
Wendy, I have not ordered from Edible Arrangements, but I did receive one. It was very good. I especially liked the fruit that was dipped in chocolate. :rolleyes1

AAAhhhhh. . . you're lucky. . .must have one in your neck of the woods. . . they look like the most yummy, droolicious fruit arrangement I have EVER seen. I debated sending one to my parents while they were in FL, but didn't get around to it and now they are home. I'm a loser. . . . I was wondering if they arrived as fresh as they look and if the fruit actually tasted good. So, the chocolate is obviously delish too :yay:

Well, that's two :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 reviews. . . . I'm thinking I will order one for my. . ahem. . . family. I can take pics and try it out myself. . .then come home and taunt all my friends and coworkers cuz I know they won't be able to get one :lmao: :rotfl: (so 4th grade. . )
I'm up, stop nagging!

Ugh, I spent the whole day in bed yesterday. Literally, not euphemistically. ;)

I am not sure what's going on with me. I am not sure if my body doesn't know what to do since I am just coming off midnights and then going back on Monday at 1045 pm. Or, if I am having a reaction to the tetanus shot I got Thursday. I was fine Thursday, but Friday I woke up with it throbbing (still is) and then I was going through the sweats followed by the chills. Sadly, I still have an appetite.

Katie ... the big 2-4? Please. I just found a pair of shoes in my closet older than that (they were part of an Easter outfit I saved for some reason?).

Barb and Alison, where do you buy your tanning lotions on the web?
I buy mine on eBay. The last bottle I bought was Zulmani by Three Wishes Tan. I got a 14 oz bottle for about $16 shipped. It's $56 at the tanning salon!:scared1: I don't do the HOT tingle stuff....
Hey yourself...sorry I missed you...was ketchupin myself.... for 4 hours now :headache: :sad2:

Sorry to hear the snow didn't 'stick' around....stinks for the kids...great for the adults!! I didn't think the wings were the same...but I tried. Have you tried search engines on the interent? Good luck! :hug:

Okay...compared to sis, YES...i can see your tan!! She is really cute....and looks like she's related to ya.... unlike the piece of crap I stuck with for a sister...she looks NOTHING like me....thank God!

Welcome to my world sister :headache:

I'm hittin' the hay too....starting work LATE tomorrow....that is unusal...but, hey...I'll take it!!!

Whoever has the alarm set for the morning PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN!!!! I'm sleeping in cuz it's 1:45AM here.... :guilty:

Lights out.

Doors locked.

Cats & dogs are done and asleep.

Everyone is job here is done!

Nite everyone.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs tickle :rolleyes1


I can't spend that much time ketchuping...I woke up with a really sore throat this morning whe DH came in from work and I just woke up. My sweet little Jacob is gone to the kitchen right now to get me some water and cold medicine.

Baby sis has tanned some too.....she thinks she tans faster than me...:rolleyes1 Can you believe she's nearly 15 years younger than me? She was my flower girl when I got married and my mom said that she cried all night after I left the church wanting my parents to go get me. She stayed with me a lot when she was little and sometimes, I'm almost like a second mom to her. I have a sister that's 19 months older than me too. I love them both. Elizabeth (baby sis) always called me the sweet sister.
Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!

So glad you made it to SC! I hope you LOVE it here in the USA!
We had a pretty bad night here too. Pouring rain all night and now the winds are trying to uproot the trees!

Hope that weather straightens out soon for you Todd! Oh, Todd, ole buddy ole pal.....I nominate you to go by and try the Jamaican Jerk Wings at Lone Palm and go in Margaritaville and try the Jamaica Mistaica wings and come back and report the results..... They give you wet wipes with the wings at the lone palm! They are so messy!!!
Afternoon homies doing a quick stop by and finally got my pc up and running cause I have been using my laptop and thought I would give it one more try for the old pc since my youngest DS messed up the connection on it :scared1: and rehooked everthing and finally got a connection on it :woohoo:
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