Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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-i ate fudge and drank lots of coffee today....

-every year at this time, some folks get all weird and decide that the creche at city hall,/public spot is no longer acceptable. they also do not want christmas carols in the school pagent, and all calendars marked winter /december vacation. fights/lawsuits ensue. the battle continues.
yet, and this is a big yet......
a woman teaching school lets her 6 and year old students name a teddy bear. parents go ballistic and went from jail and beating her to within an inch of her life are now screaming off with her head.

welcome to the holidays and the peace on earth notion.

okay= i'll shut up now. someone else take the microphone please.

when you are in a foreign country, you learn quick what the laws are.
no one can name anything mohammed without a major scene developing.

i think we all should mail that dudette christmas cards to her jail.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Next thing ya'll be swappin' people in the family :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You can still plan another one...maybe next year or year after...this time INCLUDE DS so he knows your intention and doesn't make any last minute decisions to prevent your plans from happening ;)

I'll be waitin' on those pix..altho, I haveta get movin' around here...I'll check in around lunchtime... :goodvibes

So, anyone want to bet how hungover our girl Tricia is?? :rolleyes1

Hey they could have my but I don't want another one in return!:rolleyes1

I hope to make it back for Christmas 08. Gotta invite Todd over to join us for Christmas dinner.

DS decided about a week out to join us last year cause he and his girl friend of 3 years had just recently split up. Of course that meant the plane ticket set us back over $500!:scared1: We paid less than $700 for the other 4 of us. :sad2: My plans are for that trip to be planned well in advance and include all the kids.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I feel the same way some days.....

Lori...loved the Beach Club pix...I think I gained 5lbs just looking at them! :eek: All that chocolate.....THAT is a LOT of work...worth it tho...absolutely gorgeous works of eats! .....gee...I really hope SOMEONE gets to EAT it and it doesn't go 'waste' :rolleyes1

How cool! I bet she WAS thrilled to have such a fuss made over her..... :goodvibes Ya haveta admit, when you wear a GOH badge, or a 'costume' or whatnot, the CM's really do go out of their way for the kids :rolleyes: And that is a great picture!!!

This is the granddaughter you always speak of? She is SO that face....

Ya know....I was secretly hoping Tricia would stop by and PUI :rolleyes1 oh well....guess she was havin' too much fun.... :confused3

Those decorations are just amazing. I do think they just get trashed though because they are out in the open for well over a month. But they do look very yummy! I can't believe we never went over to get pictures of the set up at the Boardwalk and especially at the Grand Floridian. I want to see that bige gingerbread house in person and missed out on it.

We also didn't find any special decorations at the Poly, maybe we just didn't look hard enough.

Oh yeah, the lady with Ally in that last pic is my mom.

And yes that is the one I am always talking about. I have some of her dancing at Cosmic Rays to post later that are really cute!
i did 15 days last year.
it did not go over well with mr mac.
this year i am cutting back a few days.

big party at lori's place.....
i'll get out the mapquest and be there in about 16 hours.
who is bringing the munchies?

i'll bring the tp so we can do up that one certain person's house lori has mentioned before.....:rolleyes1

then go for a few days in the early fall and hang with me.

you know me so well..........
after i finish posting this, i need to read the thread to be current...

cliff notes i will do.......
bubba;s mom will tell you where i am.


what a memory!

yea, this is poster month.
i have some kewl smilies for christmas to put up here.

Hey, if mr. mac doesn't like it he can fly down and join you for a while.

Yep you guys can come for a party here, the house is still clean!! But I think Barb was talking about everyone joining me for my summer long trip in Orlando.

And joining you in the fall sounds like a great idea. But I'm not going to HHN!:headache:

I found lots of cool smilies too!
you can do it.
i'll build a fire under you.
it helps a person move fast.......

congrats for climbing in the numbers.
keep it up and you will pass janet soon.

macraven 1,200
bubba's mom 1,199
RVGal 638
yankeepenny 527
loribell 484
keishashadow 477
marciemi 370
tlinus 336
GemmaPixie 275
AlexandNessa 266
Metro West 216
roseprincess 203

I passed Janet. Now if I can just post 44 times without Penny posting I will pass her too!
there is a fun thread in the games section i post on.
it is the like it , hate it, never tried it food thread.

you'll get to 3000 before the end of the year i bet

I'll have to go over there and check that out.

i am with you on that one todd.

hey, is this it on the discussion?
haven't read that far to the present yet......

I put in my two cents worth too.
wow an entire mac page.

i thought you all were still yaking while i was typing....

I had to run out for a little shopping but i'm back now!

i had soooo many pages to ketchup on, i forgot the other things i was gonna post now....

loved all the pics i saw, loved how others have really clean houses, like the idea that the big party is at lori's this next weekend, so happy rose won the tickets for the plane and now can do the orlando trip, granddaughter and daughter about 4 years apart? both just little doll in the pic.

never have been away on christmas time for vacation.
always had to juggle schedules of sons in college and home for break time.
prior to that, never made travel holiday plans due to unexpected lousy driving or flying weather out of chi town.

haven't even started on christmas yet.
have an artificial tree hidden among boxes in the basement, ornaments also...just have to get the time to dig it out. youngest son loves the tree and bugging me for it.

need to buy cards, gifts, bake cookies.

i'll get my butt in gear by the 20th and get it all done then

Yep, daughter & granddauther 4 years apart!:scared1: :eek: Thanks, I think they are adorable myself but I'ma little biased.

Tell you hat, I'll join you in the fall and you can join me for Christmas!

I haven't started on Christmas yet either. Didn't even attempt to go get the tree today after all, just to stinkin windy & cold.
I spent a productive day out shopping. :) The mall really wasn't that crowded. Found a parking spot right near the door! Amanda (DD24) went with me. Two guesses who I bought the most presents for. She found a gray wool coat with toggle buttons and a hood. The hood will come in handy running between buildings for her classes. Saved $120 on it. :woohoo: That Macy's 20% coupon came in handy, plus it was on sale. Amanda is a whiz at finding good deals. When she was in high school and prom time rolled around, she always found a gown for like $20 or $30 in the clearance section! Sure saved me a bundle. :love:

Found the ornament for the exchange today. Boy that turned out to be more of a challenge than I had thought! Was hoping to get it mailed tomorrow, but they are forcasting 8-12 inches of snow. Uggg, I am not ready for this.

Got a pork tenderloin with pineapple salsa cooking for dinner. :yay: I'd better go check on it and find a veggie or two.

Sounds like a fun day shopping. Glad you got your ornament found, hope the snow holds off and you can get it mailed. I feel bad complaining about it being cold here since it is nothing like most of the rest of you get, but I guess it is all relative. Our temps just flucuate to much for us to be able to handle cold.

Dinner sounds yummy. I'm gonna have to go start ours soon.










-i ate fudge and drank lots of coffee today....

-every year at this time, some folks get all weird and decide that the creche at city hall,/public spot is no longer acceptable. they also do not want christmas carols in the school pagent, and all calendars marked winter /december vacation. fights/lawsuits ensue. the battle continues.
yet, and this is a big yet......
a woman teaching school lets her 6 and year old students name a teddy bear. parents go ballistic and went from jail and beating her to within an inch of her life are now screaming off with her head.
welcome to the holidays and the peace on earth notion.

okay= i'll shut up now. someone else take the microphone please.

It is absolutely rediculous. That poor woman.

when you are in a foreign country, you learn quick what the laws are.
no one can name anything mohammed without a major scene developing.

i think we all should mail that dudette christmas cards to her jail.

Good idea.
Well, I am off to get dinner started. I will return later to hog the thread and post more pics of my girls and bore you all to tears. Hmm, maybe I ought to pst some of my guys too?!? I really do have pics of them.

One of these days I am gonna get my Universal pics scanned. For some none of them are digital. Maybe I could start out scanning just a few a day.
the jelly belly factory is about a 10 minute drive from my house.
i go there frequently for the tour and free samples.

they advertise locally of discount days where you can buy the rejects.

Sounds like the Godiva Factory..... (neighbor across the street works there....)
Just stopping in for a quick hello from the laptop since my printer is SLOWLY printing out Christmas cards - at the rate of about one every two minutes. I've been working on it all day (got the cards done early, now just printing) and I bet I have 30 of the 100 I need to do done! And I can't type on a laptop so blame any errors on that, not the wine this time!

We did get the tree up and I think so far at least I really like having an artificial one. Makes it much easier to get the million plus ornaments on! The boys went out in the snow all morning, then we went in the whirlpool (lots of fun in the snow!) then we did the tree. They just came in again from out in the snow where they had fun playing in the dark. I'm guessing we got about 6-7 inches. Enough to have fun, but hopefully it will warm up some and the roads will be okay soon!

I don't know WHAT I did to my arm, but it's been killing me for the last 2 days. I can't raise it (and of course it's the right one) without a really sharp pain. I've been taking motrin and trying to rest it, but of course that's nearly impossible. Just weird because it just started hurting overnight and has gotten worse. Don't remember doing anything in particular strenuous. (Well, I got my annual pap smear Friday but can't see how that would affect my arm! :confused: ).

Well, everyone have a great "remaining rest of weekend!" Off to do all those things that should have been done already!
wow, i noticed how clean your house was.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: now THAT is funnie... it's been torn apart all day putting the Christmas/winter decor out :rolleyes:

macraven said:
i almost posted a video of my cat.
but after seeing you have carpet, i can't post mine now.
we have carpet under all the junk that shows in the cat video..:eek:
great pics of mr bubba and son.

Oh...i luv kitties.... please post it :flower3: (you ever been to the "I can has cheezeburger" site?)

As for the carpet, it was new when we moved in (not MY choice of color, but we make due) and living in the north, you know you need carpet...especially when you live on a 'slab'....
haven't even started on christmas yet.
have an artificial tree hidden among boxes in the basement, ornaments also...just have to get the time to dig it out. youngest son loves the tree and bugging me for it.

need to buy cards, gifts, bake cookies.

i'll get my butt in gear by the 20th and get it all done then

i think ya better start sooner than the 20th :rolleyes1

only about 3 weeks to go...the time will go faster than we think! :scared:
I spent a productive day out shopping. :)

Found the ornament for the exchange today. Boy that turned out to be more of a challenge than I had thought! Was hoping to get it mailed tomorrow, but they are forcasting 8-12 inches of snow. Uggg, I am not ready for this.

Got a pork tenderloin with pineapple salsa cooking for dinner. :yay: I'd better go check on it and find a veggie or two.

Sounds like a great day!! I love to accomplish at lot shopping.....

Working on my ornabuddy this week..... I hope you don't get as much snow as they are forecasting.....i hate snow too :mad:

How was your dinner? Pork is on our menu for tomorrow :thumbsup2
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