Any MISTAKES made on past trips?

Not speaking up at the time when I had less than magical service.
thinking that having my entire family join us for a week would be fine since we were in Disney after all. Should have known better considering I cant stand to be in the same room with them for more then 10 minutes. Lets just say 2 days into the trip I walked out on them and left them in Epcot!!
Just back from an 8-day trip.

I seriously underestimated the amount of water I needed to drink. I ended up pretty dehydrated - got puffy ankles and puffy bags under my eyes (ewww!). Took about three days of slamming down extra water to catch back up again (and see my ankle bones!). I thought I was drinking enough, but I guess not!

I also wished I had "trained" much more ahead of time to get used to the amount of walking at WDW. I ended up with pretty severe shin splints after a few days, which was very painful. [I even ended up renting a motorized scooter the last three days of the trip due to the pain.] I think that if I had gradually increased my walking about six months before the trip, it would have allowed my body to get used to to the walking.

Finally, I wish I had scheduled my trip for later in the fall, when it would have been cooler. Very hot and humid (90 degrees every day and it rained a lot, which added to the humidity). If we had gone in mid-November instead, I would have been much more comfortable.
Not on the last trip, but the trip before, we didn't use Fastpass. That was a major mistake. Now we are Fastpass fanatics.
Not shopping!

We were @ MK, walking out and my dad, who went with me that time, asked if I wanted to go into one of the shops. Since we were going to dinner at HOB at DTD later on, I said no, thinking I could shop there later. BIG MISTAKE, we get to HOB and sit down, and then 5 minutes later, we had a medical emergency and had to go back to the hotel, which was off-site. I did not get to do any shopping that trip, as we were only there that one day. Moral of the story? DO. IT. NOW!
Ok, just back what I would NOT bring down...wipes (didn't need then DS3-out of diapers) so many batteries, should have brought only 1 spin toy, not so many hair things, no nail polish, only 1 jewerly set, no sneakers (I wore flip-flop everday,DH wore reg shoes, DD wore sandals & water shoes-DS was the only one who wore sneakers everyday) sharpies (2) -bring a rectracable one--so much better, sunscreen (I brought down 5 bottles-didn't use ANY) I'm sure that there is more that I brought that I DIDN"T need, my BIGGEST suggestion is to get a prescription of Amox b4 you go down, BOTH of my children go sick down there...Couldn't get my reg. ped. on the phone-& they wouldn't give me 1...had to go to rent a car & go to the doctor down there.
HAHA! :rotfl: The lines at MCO are horendous! I'd rather wait in line for a fun ride, than for the airplane anyday! :rolleyes: We're trying Sanford airport this time around- heard that it's smaller and less crowded,here's hoping...

This is the ONLY airport that we fly into there and we love it! Not nearly as much hassle. The only thing it that there is no mE - you have to rent a car and it is about 45 minute drive to Disney.
My biggest mistake is not scheduling an extra day of vacation (from work) at the end of my trip to "recover" from my vacation. I always come home exhausted and then off to work I go. Ick! I guess I haven't learned my lesson because I'm doing it again this time, lol! Gotta stretch those vaca days![/QUOTE]

Smart!!! Will try that next time
a water view room. We asked for water view at POR in 2005 not knowing that also includes pools. We were awoken 2 nights by screaming kids.
Not ok.

This time I specified QUIET location as a top priority. Ill probably be looking at a parking lot, but if its quiet I dont care.
:goodvibes I think our biggest mistake was only doing the 4 day Disney Cruise followed by 3 days at the parks. We should have done the 7 day Cruise since we had been to the parks so many times we were all wishing we were still on the ship. It would have been much more relaxing. I also have one for a friend of mine... on that same trip she left her pre-purchased park ticket at home and had to buy new ones.:rotfl:
Placing ALL our 4 day hopper passes in those Complimentary Cheap Cast Away Cay lanyards to only have everything fly out while riding Test Track at Epcot! We were very lucky that Managment saved our trip with complimentary 3 day hopper. THANK YOU MGM Manager Scott Buchanan! You Saved our vacation! Please make copies of your tickets and keep the copy
safe because they can reprint them only if they know the numbers.
Inviting a large family friend to WDW who said they only wanted to go along for the ride. When ariving we found out that they only came with $100 cash in their pocket! My Wife and I Felt sorry for the person so we paid $$$$ for a 4 day hopper pass and $$$$$$$$ to feed them and buy them souveniers. I also ended up not only paying for everything but pushing the 20 y.o. 450 lb. through the parks in a wheel chair only to have them complain how stupid everything was. Oh did I mention that my wife and I were also pushing 2 kids in a double stroller? This was in June in 98 degree heat too. It was such a F U N trip!
Before my wife and I had our kids we were married for about 4 years we went to WDW and ate at Alfredo's at EPCOT. The next day we left the parks to embark on a 7 day Western Caribbean Carnival Cruise out of Tampa FL. I senced that my lips were tigling and by that evening they were about the size of 2 small lemons! I was having an alergic reaction to the Sea Food at Alfredo's!. After a lovely night in the Ships Infermery, steroid shots and 500.00 later my lips and face inflamation started to go down. We charish those snap shots of that trip! I was told that I could not go out in the sun the rest of the trip but we still managed to see and do alot. A shellfish dinner at Epcot to never forget!
I packed waaaay to many clothes (we came home with a large suitcase packed full of clean and/or brand new clothes). I also planned waaaay to much, we needed some "down time" and there was none.

I plan on doing a lot of things differently next time!

The other thing I did that I would not do again is plain according to EEH. It seemed a lot of people did the same thing I did and parks were packed!
Also, we mad a BIG MISTAKE not using the Photopass photographers enough! It (disk) costs the same whether you have 50 pictures or 350 pictures... so we will have them snap away next trip! :goodvibes
Inviting a large family friend to WDW who said they only wanted to go along for the ride. When ariving we found out that they only came with $100 cash in their pocket! My Wife and I Felt sorry for the person so we paid $$$$ for a 4 day hopper pass and $$$$$$$$ to feed them and buy them souveniers. I also ended up not only paying for everything but pushing the 20 y.o. 450 lb. through the parks in a wheel chair only to have them complain how stupid everything was. Oh did I mention that my wife and I were also pushing 2 kids in a double stroller? This was in June in 98 degree heat too. It was such a F U N trip!

Ugh! That was very kind of you and your family. $100.00? Oh my! It had to be tough to listen to complaints from them, you and your wife are good people! :goodvibes
Two big ones:

Trying to fit an early TS and late TS in the same day--especially with the first being Boma. Let's just say I wanted to :ack: for the rest of the trip!

Trying to go to bed early before leaving. We had to wake up at like 4:30 so we got into bed at 8, shut off the lights and tried to force it...well we didn't fall asleep until like 1:30!!! It was such a horrible sleep too! Next time I'm going to bed when I'm tired, I don't care if it's 12! At least I'll sleep well what little sleep I get.
The biggest mistake I make is packing too many clothes and shoes. Yes I do laundry there and I still pack tooooo many things. This next trip I am traveling very light!!!!!!
Packing waaaaaaaaay to many clothes and planning our days according to the park that day being the one with EEH (busy, busy, busy)!
The biggest mistake I make is packing too many clothes and shoes. Yes I do laundry there and I still pack tooooo many things. This next trip I am traveling very light!!!!!!

Me too! I'm just back from a trip earlier this month, and despite my better judgment, I overpacked again (even knowing I'd be doing laundry!). I do better each trip, but still overpack.


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