Bringing Home the Magic - Part 2 - 8/18/07 - 9/01/07- list of cruisers on page 1

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I did not spend a ton of time with any DISers in particular as I spent most of my time with my DH and DS, but met many of you throughout the weeks, I really enjoyed our conversations. I really enjoyed the tea - thank you Christine. This was one of the best vacations we have ever had and all the help I got on DIS beforehand and the friendly hello's throughout the trip really enhanced that.

It was lovely meeting you and chatting with you. Hope your DS mends soon and fast. I agree, the ladies tea was enjoyable. Thanks Chris
well delayed flight missed connections we made it home , but with no luggage ...should be here in the morning ....So tired ....Had a great time and it was wonderful meeting soo many of you ..

We made it home yesterday afternoon. We had a wonderful time. I enjoyed meeting everyone. All the folks I did get the chance to meet were very nice and friendly. Thanks again to Chris for organizing the lovely Ladies' Brunch and Tea. We enjoyed the the little gifts we received in our FE. When I delivered my bookmarks, I just put one in every cabin that had a FE (or some kind of pocket, basket or bag hanging from the fish). I hope I did not miss anyone.

It was a very relaxing and fun cruise.:)
Thank you so much for organising the Pirate Night Picture! I know you had to badger the photography session to get it so thanks. I was disappointed that more people didn't turn up as it was a very small picture and we did give everyone an extra 15 minutes to get there after the Susan Egan show but hey it cant be helped I guess people just didnt want to have a group picture. Thank you for organising it again and when I get a sec I will sort out a copy for you.

Hope you all got home safely

Hi everyone - your all probably wondering who the heck is this person????

Well, I actually posted several times before I left, well my family and I did the 11-night July 28 and then went to Paris. I returned to do this repo and overall had a fantastic time.

I just caught this page's comments as my laptop is only a single processor and not a dual which is what I had before the cruise and it went kaput!

Anyway, wanted to reiterate. Saw Conrad - he's still there. Rachel was the CD but you didn't see her wondering around like she did on the PC '05 cruise. She DID however, participate in the skit - If I were not upon the sea skit last night. She had a "ball" playing the role but wish I could say the same about Chris (from Canada) and Trent who were on both of her sides. ROTL - those that know know. ;)

lol it was David from Canada not Chris (who is Chris) but yeah I agree this was great. It was a complete last minute change too which is why they were laughing so much as neither expected it!

Had a blast but I want to say something which I feel I can because it actually happened to me. So, in plain but calm tones I will say my peace.

I had a fantastic time on the ship - it was glorious, fun and ABSOLUTELY 95% enjoyable. HOWEVER, I would like to say that I was ABSOLUTELY APPALLED at the behavior of some of the "DCL GUESTS." Many went out of their way to distance themselves from many guests and in fact were downright rude to many. I PERSONNALLY experienced an episode that I hope no DISser would ever behave like to others.

My experience on DIS cruises has always been a fun and enjoyable experience. In fact, on our July cruise - I left with such a warm and happy feeling I thought - this is what friendship and the DIS is all about. :love:

On this cruise? DEFINITELY NOT! It was so totally out of the norm that I am shocked and horrified that people behaved themselves in this manner. I hope that in the future, we all take a very good look at ourselves and remember this is a Disney cruise and we are all Disney fanatics at heart. Fun for one and fun for all. If you DON'T want to be nice - you don't have to be but please don't go out of your way to be nasty. The other 5% of the cruise was comments made by people intentionally and as for those 53 DIS people that signed up for fish extender gifts? Pam and I only received about 6 gifts. It wasn't a problem but it was defintely noticable as to who got them and who didn't. We being DIS board fanatics, did our merry best to spread the ::MickeyMo spirit and I think we did a fantastic job not to mention we were always (well ok - Pam was) polite and supernice to everyone. Me being Latina - I had only 2 episodes of :mad: but they didn't last long. So the cruise was a 100% enjoyable experience minus a few bumps or two.

Personally Im not sure what you experienced but I agreed that unlike previous cruises there wasn't as much going on with Dis people but I think that the things that were organised such as the meet and the pirate pic and the room tours went well and people did get involved. I didnt experience any rudeness from other Dis members and always said Hi to any Disers I noticed.

As for the fish extenders I dont know what happened there but I will point out that not everyone that brings a fish extender has to give a gift. There were also issues with weight limits so some people didn't bring gifts because of that. We (my parents and our room) gave a joint gift so although we had 2 fish extenders we gave 1 gift as is sometimes the case. I personally thought we wouldnt have got as many gifts as we did and we had around 10 I think at most.

I hope that any future cruises we can all get along. It is a big boat and although it is showing its age - after all - next year will be 10 yrs old, it still holds the magical allure it held for me since the first 3 day cruise 9 years ago.

Thank you to all those that I met - I'm happy and glad that we did. I hope we get to meet on some future cruise. I always like to take something away from every person I meet and learn from each experience. On this one - I learned that I may be from the wrong side of the tracks but I'm sure glad my momma taught me to be nice and polite. As she says, you never know who your going to meet on your way up and their way down. Thank you all for a wonderful and eye-opening experience and I had a blast doing this cruise! Later all! :love: :love: :love: :dance3:

The only thing I was disappointed for was the Pirate Night Photograph because there were litterally 3/4 families that turned up and that was disappointing because it had been organised for 100 which was sad. I know DizzyDAnn had fought hard to get the photographers down and even after waiting an extra 15 minutes it was still a very small pic (the photographer had to come down from deck 4 as he was too high).

I met some really nice Dis people and I hope that everyone got home saferly. I think Disers were definately outnumbered and it was nice that some of us did try to get things sorted out such as the room tours, the brunches and afternoon tea, the pirate photo and the dis meet.
we checked out front of Lumieres and nobody was there , well actually I had someone check for me as I was having to stop alot for pictures ..LOL But they said no one was around , plus I had to make my way to see the DCL CJS along with Captain Thord to get our picture up by Preludes ...

Sorry , I really wanted to be there , but we checked and they said no one was there at the I think 7 45 time that they set aside .

I know everyone gets sick of these types of questions but on behalf of many of us cruising on the Sept. 8th sailing, we have some things to ask. If anyone can please, PLEASE answer one or more of these questions, we would greatly appreciate it!

Are any of the following crew members currently onboard. If so, will they still be onboard in September?
Conrad from Jamaica (server)
Aswald from St. Vincent (assistant server)
Roberto (server)
Ronald from the Netherlands (head server)
Sasha from Croatia (Palo)
Lourdes (Promenade Lounge Bartender)
Yoeman (Bartender at Signals and deck bars)
Wesley (room steward)
Kadir (Bartender at Signals and deck bars)

THANKS SO MUCH FOR ANY HELP!!!!!!!!!!:love: :love: :love:

Ronald was our head server. He said he is staying for 3 more weeks, but is then going to go home and will not be renewing his contract.
I, for one, had a marvelous time. :thumbsup2 We met a couple who have posted on the DIS, and I really look forward to cruising and dining with them again!

We also delivered Fish Extender gifts on the day of the Pirate Deck party. I hope I got everybody from the list, but as people changed rooms, it was too confusing for my little brain to keep track. In the end, I put a gift in every fish extender I could find and hope I didn't miss anybody. We gave out a glo- bracelet and a magnet.

I noticed one day that a gift was delivered to our Fish Extender, but I left it there for Buddy to find as he really enjoys patting down the extender each time we are at the door. When we opened the door later, it was gone. Don't know if it was stolen or not intended for us and taken back as it did say something about Ship of Fools on it. :confused3

I thought the number of FE gifts was fine. People were coming from Europe and suitcase space was limited.

I would like to thank the committee for our FISH EXTENDER Award for most adorable. Buddy really like Eeyore, so when I saw the craft panels on sale, I knew I could use one to fashion something he would like.:love:

I can't say I experienced any down-right rudeness, but I did notice many children who were not properly supervised. They were congregating on stairways, running onto elevators before people could exit, opening doors that they should not have been, and running around during the shows to grab confetti, bubbles and such, not realizing that they were interefering with other people's enjoyment. While it did not spoil my vacation, I did notice it.

I can't believe we had such good weather and a smooth crossing! We had a wonderful server (Leo from India), great food, perfect companions at the dining table and plenty of time to relax as we wished. I look forward to our next cruise.

Thanks to my fellow DISSERs who posted on this thread to help with information and organize events. You made this trip easier for Buddy and I, and we would not have had as much fun without you.

Well, it's back to the laundry. :laundy: One bottle of Spanish Sherry only made it as far as the Orlando airport before it broke. While the smell of my clothing brings back wonderful memories of my tour of the bodega, I'm afraid that others will think I have a drinkng problem!:rotfl2:
i'm too scared :scared1: to get on the scale! i'm just glad they didn't weigh our bags on the way home--cause i know for a fact that all 5 bags GAINED WEIGHT! (i would have had to pay a pretty penny for the overweight bags--disney must pay off the airlines!)
I completely forgot about the Pirate night photo.:guilty: :sad1:

I am gratefull for all that was organized.

I met a few folks and saw a few often, but for me this was about family time. No offense to any of of you and it is not personal. I have lived without my husband for 4 years and my niece lives 10 hours away and I only see her a couple times a year. My priority was to devote as much time to them as humanly possible. As much as I enjoy some of the group activities it is not something my husband enjoys and I respect that. I am sure you all can appreciate that.

Furthermore, I do not subscribe to any one group. I am a DCL lover and enjoy associating with others who share the same interest, but family is my number one priority.

Now if any of you are going in December, I will be happy to hang out and do anything together as Dh is not coming along it will be me, my sister and some other sisters from previous cruisers.:banana: :dance3:
we checked out front of Lumieres and nobody was there , well actually I had someone check for me as I was having to stop alot for pictures ..LOL But they said no one was around , plus I had to make my way to see the DCL CJS along with Captain Thord to get our picture up by Preludes ...

Sorry , I really wanted to be there , but we checked and they said no one was there at the I think 7 45 time that they set aside .


The time was 7.30 and we were there until 745 (which was when the photographers agreed to wait until) then had the photo. You must have just missed us but we were there. There weren't that many people so they might have missed us because of that as well. Gonna try and post the pic at some point next week as my parents have the photo and they are still on hols in Florida.
I can't say I experienced any down-right rudeness, but I did notice many children who were not properly supervised. They were congregating on stairways, running onto elevators before people could exit, opening doors that they should not have been, and running around during the shows to grab confetti, bubbles and such, not realizing that they were interefering with other people's enjoyment. While it did not spoil my vacation, I did notice it.

Have to say I agree with this. Especially at night there were children everywhere! Ive never noticed this before.
i'm too scared :scared1: to get on the scale! i'm just glad they didn't weigh our bags on the way home--cause i know for a fact that all 5 bags GAINED WEIGHT! (i would have had to pay a pretty penny for the overweight bags--disney must pay off the airlines!)

lol I agree! Terrified to weigh! Ate far too much and I'm sure Ive put on loads
Okay , I know the pictures are big , but I wanted to make sure you could see DCL's CJS expressions cause they are too funny ....we will start out with some before pictures and then on to the good stuff and will end with the metting of the 3 Captains ...LOL Enjoy ...Comment if you wish ...















Well there you go , we have regular pics but thought these would be the best for now since you have all been waiting , as to who the other Pirates are in some of the pics , they are Monica as Tia Dalma (got2travel) Who did a Fantastic job if you ask me and she says still still has dome more work to do , also her Mother Wanita , and Chris (grandmaX3) .....Hope you like

I hope you guys can help , I have a portfolio that I keep of as many pictures of me as Captain Jack as possible , It helps like whne the Cancer society and others that want to promote me with something they have coming up , anyway if you have any pictures of me dressed up on Pirate night could you please post those here or send them to my email ... Thank you all in advance and I hope I was able to share a little of my obsession with CJS with you ..LOL

OMG, Todd, that is great! Thanks for sharing the pics. Folk who were on the cruise with you say that pictures still don't do you justice!

I love that Transatlantic picture. So sad we had to cancel.
Hey everybody - its me again- just have to say that although I have been curious as to find out how many lbs I gained some of my pants are lose still so until I officially get home - I am still on vacation and therefore not scale! :dance3:

As for kids misbehaving - did anyone see the teenagers (old enough to know better) doing the surfing bit on deck 10 on POC DMC on the Ariel Vision? I was watching some 16-17 yo male teenager surf he managed to surf the deck about 3 times before he crashed into some waste basket that happened to jump into his way. While I was not happy to see him hurt some little peace of me wanted to know where the parents of these kids were. I was just about to call someone when apparently someone else did because they scattered like the wind.

Also, I noticed that they kids were constantly pushing the buttons. LOL someone managed to catch one of the kids pushing all the buttons and played with their minds a bit. They stopped.

I have a confession to make - I walked up at the last minute to the pirate: picture too late to get in it but did manage to snap a picture of it. So if anyone forgot to buy one - I can post it if you'd like. It actually looked really cute. It was small but not that small and everyone looked fantastic. All in all, a good size picture and you can see everyone rather well.

We are just about to leave for some activity but I can post it later if anyone is interested?????

Also, I would like to add my thanks to all those that handled activities for us, the room tours were fantastic and thank you all who opened their home away from home for us to enjoy. Chris, thank you for all your effort - will talk to you later. DizzyDAnn - thank you for the picture effort - you must have gone to heck to get that organized - thank you one and all! You are all definitely ::MickeyMo :love: !
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