May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 5

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Holly - I am sure you will be ready to celebrate! How many more semesters do you have left? Will you be on a break during the cruise?

I bet John and Sophie are having a grand time...wonder what dear Amy is up to all alone at home! She is probably throwing block parties every night!

Hey V, we took Amy with us! She was allowed to come!
well the Devil Rays just tied it up in the 7th, gotta watch the end.

Watching it too V - I go away, the Indians pull into the lead in the division. I come home, and they will probably lose!
I think I hurt my mom's feelings and I didn't mean to. A couple days ago we were talking about the cruise and I said oh there may be cancellations close to the due date etc. Well she put in a call to the TA and got on a wait list and they called her today with a cat 9 room for two adults $6100. She said she didn't want to infringe and I blurted out that I didn't want to eat dinner with them every night. It came out all wrong. I have no problems with her coming it's just I don't want to spend all 15 nights with her and my sister. She abruptly got off the phone and won't answer. I didn't mean it meanly I meant I don't want to do everything together. If that makes any sense. She is very sensitive.

You didn't need to worry, you are eating dinner with us! We have the big table already with you guys, the Morkerts, PJ, and Kim and family.
Hello - just thought I'd make sure I kept up on the reading. Always good to see what is going on. I have noticed no one liked my question about multiple posts - too hard to explain via posting? I'll have to work on this little challenge next time I go to post.

WELCOME threebritts! Enjoy getting to know everybody...

I kept waiting to see an answer, and did not see one (someone probably answered it now).

Just hit the little "+" sign in the lower right of the post. You can do this on multiple posts. When you are ready to finally post, hit "post reply" and all of the quotes you wanted to comment on will be in your post. If you want to comment below each one, just put your cursor after the "/quote" at each quote.

Hope this helps.
hey guys.....

back to school was really great. Something really interesting happened to Johnny/us tonight. A French shopper at his store, an elderly man, always talks to DH and since he started selling wine is a big fan. He has always said he would tell DH about his life.

OMG, he arrived home tonight with a 15 page samll font typed "life" clearly marked "for your eyes only" "not for publication" - WOW, this guy has a GREAT story, a GREAT life. He is French, I had to translate a lot, but he has met tons of Presidents, rubbbed shoulders with the best and hey, I want him over for dinner.

OK, there were guys on streetcorners in NYC in Spiderman outfits saying the same thing. Are you sure he is legit V? The "for your eyes only" has me wondering a bit . . .
Indians just went up 3-2, now Borowski has to show why he is called a "closer".
Can you believe it???? He gave up another hit and tied the game! Borowski is NOT a closer!
Can sombody please tell me how to post a pix in the message box? Thanks!

First you need to upload your photo to somewhere like photobucket, or the DIS also has a community photo site here. Once you have your photo posted, right click on the photo, and choose "copy image address". Now, make a post, and where you want to insert the photo, type "
" (no quotes).

Indians go 1-2-3 in the 11th, and my laptop is almost dead.
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