KellyJo18's Planning Journal - WP/LS/UK - June 21, 2007

Kelly Jo,
Your tags and invites are sooo cute!! You did a great job.How long did they take?

I was online looking at the Cricut machine and that thing is not cheap. Even the Disney cartridges alone cost $100 each :scared1:
If I do end up getting it, I know I better be making all my own invites too.
oh my gosh. all of your stuff is tooo cute! i love it all. this is totally what i aspire to do when i have a wedding (someday... but with how my boyfriend is it'll probably be in like 10 years :rolleyes: )
Kelly Jo,
Your tags and invites are sooo cute!! You did a great job.How long did they take?

I was online looking at the Cricut machine and that thing is not cheap. Even the Disney cartridges alone cost $100 each :scared1:
If I do end up getting it, I know I better be making all my own invites too.

Thanks! It is really hard to say how long they all took me to make. I really broke up the time. It took me two days (probably 7 hours each day :confused3 ) just to get the shapes cut out on the Cricut. Another couple days to hand cut out the eyes, hands, buttons, etc. After all of that the layers had to be glued together and finally put on the tags/rehearsal invites. I would guess I put way too much time into them and that's why I'm working on them still as we speak :rotfl:.

The Cricut is really expensive. The cheapest I've ever seen it is at Walmart. I've had my eye on buying one but can't bring myself to do it (I was determined to keep our sorbet ice sculptures in our wedding budget and have been saving my money). They have so many cartridges and with them all being around $100/each it could easily become a hobby that gets out of hand! :eek: Luckily we have a local scrapbook store that rents out their cartridges (unfortunately it's only local for me for a couple more days). I was able to rent the Disney ones for $7/each and you get them for three days (which is why i spent 7 hours on them two days in a row - I was determined to get everything cut out and not have to rent it again).

oh my gosh. all of your stuff is tooo cute! i love it all. this is totally what i aspire to do when i have a wedding (someday... but with how my boyfriend is it'll probably be in like 10 years :rolleyes: )

Thank you! All of these compliments really are making me feel pretty good about it all, I've been so worried lately. At least your boyfriend is giving you plenty of time to get ideas! I always thought it would take my DF that long to finally propose too but they surprise you sometimes :goodvibes.
I have to share my stupidity with you all... so I've been spending my evening finishing the covers of our 'Ohana invites. I had about five left to do when I decide to reread the inside and realize that transportation is not spelled TRASPORTATION :scared1:. I guess that's what happens when you rush :sad2:. I just carefully pealed all of the layers off and only ripped one which isn't too bad. I was worried I was going to have to start from scratch (including the Cricut dies). Well... back to work...
Good Luck Kelly I know that they will be perfect when you get done!! We are also eating at O'Hanas for our Welcome Dinner.

Love the Minnie/Mickey tiki torch cups you bought from the Disney Store. They are too cute. I don't think we have a Disney Store in NC anymore. I am going to see if they have them at the Disney Outlet Store at the Beach. I think my two flowergirls would love them!!

Good Luck Kelly I know that they will be perfect when you get done!! We are also eating at O'Hanas for our Welcome Dinner.

Love the Minnie/Mickey tiki torch cups you bought from the Disney Store. They are too cute. I don't think we have a Disney Store in NC anymore. I am going to see if they have them at the Disney Outlet Store at the Beach. I think my two flowergirls would love them!!


Thanks! I took a break after my screw up to watch the end of the Piston's game which turned out as good as my 'Ohana invites :rotfl: :sad2:. Have you ever been to 'Ohana? I was so impressed during my last trip I have been craving their potatoes since!

I wish I wasn't moving so soon or I would offer to get you the tiki cups and send them your way. I don't think our new town has a Disney Store either. I'll let you know if I find one!
Hi Kelly,

I am glad you took a well deserved break! It sounds like you have your hands full between projects and moving. I hope that the Outlet store will have the tiki cups. If you happen to come across two more, please let me know. I can reimburse you! If not please don't worry...your wedding date is so close I know you have alot on your plate!!

Have a relaxing night!!

Are you having an intimate/escape or a custom/wishes wedding? Sorry if you've already posted this, I wasn't able to find it.
Hi Kelly,

I am glad you took a well deserved break! It sounds like you have your hands full between projects and moving. I hope that the Outlet store will have the tiki cups. If you happen to come across two more, please let me know. I can reimburse you! If not please don't worry...your wedding date is so close I know you have alot on your plate!!

Have a relaxing night!!

Would you want two Minnie's since they are for your flower girls? Let me know. I'll PM you if I find them :)


Are you having an intimate/escape or a custom/wishes wedding? Sorry if you've already posted this, I wasn't able to find it.

Sorry, I don't know if I have ever posted that... opps! We are having a custom wedding around 75 people attending.
I can't believe I haven't posted anything here in over a month... the time is flying by, our wedding is going to be here before I know it. Only 19 more days! :scared1: DF and I are moving from Michigan to Florida on Tuesday and it is crunch time with us trying to get things done for the wedding since we are planning on taking most of it with us instead of sending it on the plane with our relatives. Between packing and making things for the wedding (not to mention work) I've pretty much been stressing out frequently.

Awhile back I bought DF tickets to go see Alton Brown (from Food Network) and the show was tonight. I couldn't have worse timing! It was a lot of fun but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about all of the things I should have been doing instead. When I got home I started working on our invitations for the welcome dinner but just finished off my last glue stick. I figured that meant I could spend a couple minutes updating all of our plans.

So a couple months ago I rented the new Disney Cricut cartridges from a local scrapbook store and made a bunch of Mickey cut outs for our welcome bags. I finally finished gluing all of the layers together and made our tags.

This is the information tag for the outside of the bags so the resorts know which bag goes to who and when. Hopefully I didn't forget to include any information on it.

Here is the other tag I made for the bags

This is the front cover of the 'Ohana invites I am working on. Sorry this is not a very good picture and I apparently did not cut the eyes out as well as I should have because you can still see black edges around the white. Oh well... once you get down to having a few days to finish something you don't really care about it being perfect (which is so hard for me because I am such a perfectionist).

I finally figured out a menu design that I liked. It is a long vertical one (4.25 x 11). The only thing I left off of it was the fact that the sorbet will come out in the ice slippers (I was wanting it to be a surprise).

I am still working on the kids menu. Right now the design I have is similar but instead of having "Mike & Kelly" it will say "Carter's Menu" (name of the child). Also, instead of having the initial of our last name faded behind our first names I have a light blue faded Mickey head. I will post it once I finish it up :).

My mom and I finally finished all of the favor boxes!!! :yay: You probably can't tell the difference in this picture but this box is much larger than our other ones because it is for the kids.

Instead of giving them the mints we bought fishing games for them. I figure it will keep them entertained and went well with the Living Seas.

Our table numbers

I finally figured out how I wanted our wedding programs but still have to finish printing them off and putting them together. The outside layer is a green velum. There is printing underneath it that is much easier to see in person - it didn't show up so well on my camera.

Under the velum cover.

The inside.

On the back I have our thank yous to everyone for traveling so far, our parents for helping make it possible, etc.

Some random things... my mom bought the kids coming to the wedding bubble guns for our staged exit. She thought that they would be easier and more fun for them.

I bought these to give to the kids at our rehearsal dinner. I thought they were adorable and fit the 'Ohana theme :) I figure the kids can pour their drinks into them if they want to use them right away.

We also got Nemo light thingys (do they have a name?) for the dessert party. Again just for the kids. I originally was going to buy everyone glow in the dark necklaces but am thinking it isn't in the budget anymore.

I started to put together gift bags for my bridesmaids. All of their accessories for the wedding are in it (purse, dress shoes, sandals, nail polish, earrings... I also am paying for their hair on the day of the wedding). It drives me nuts that all of the wedding things are black and I bought brown bags! I thought the bags were so cute though and were marked down to $10 at Ann Taylor - I couldn't pass them up.

Well, I think that is it for now. Posting all of that made me feel like I've been more productive lately than I really have been. Maybe that will make it easier to fall asleep tonight... the past few nights I just lay there thinking about all I still have to get done :sad2:. I can't wait until all our projects are finished and we are ready to just enjoy our time at Disney instead of worry about silly detals.

Hopefully I'll have more things finished in the next couple days. After that all I will have to post are pictures of our new apartment... hopefully I can finish it all up before our move so I don't have to worry about the wedding and unpacking :eek:.

Everything looks so great! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Where did you find those tiki drink things for the kids????
Hi Kelly,

If you come across two Minnie ones that would be great!! I know they would love them!! You are so very sweet!!

Everything looks so great! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Where did you find those tiki drink things for the kids????

I love everything!!! The tiki cups are at the disney store. They are all on sale now.

Yup, they are at the Disney Store. When I saw them last they were 25% off of $7.50.

Hi Kelly,

If you come across two Minnie ones that would be great!! I know they would love them!! You are so very sweet!!


No problem :) Hopefully I will be able to help you out!

Kellyjo - all your stuff is WONDERFUL. And I am now longing for that machine too!

Thanks :) I really am so tempted to go buy it too. I'm going to miss having it around once I move.
As I've been packing everything up I decided I should take new pictures.

This is an updated photo of what our welcome bags look like

They include:
Water bottle
Magic Kingdom Water Bottle Lanyard
Mickey Photo Album
Disney Sunscreen
First Aid Kits
Wet Wipes
Tissue Packs
Playing Cards
Park Brochures
Snacks (Fruit snacks, crackers, granola bars, etc.)
WDW Buttons (to those having birthday's, anniversaries, or are on their first WDW visit)
Contact List with all of our cell phone numbers (it's attached to that blue mickey sticker you see in the picture)

Here are bags we are giving to the kids before they leave (so they can take some of it on the plane). The elephant is a back pack for the boys that we stuffed with mostly coloring supplies and other Disney things.

There is only one girl coming and here is her backpack. We put in a CD player, CD, color supplies, note pads, etc.

Then we also have buckets for the kids in the hotel rooms. They are stuffed with hooded animal towels, a Disney tshirt, a Disney hat, sunglasses, hand fan, fake Disney cell phone, etc. I have a lot more to put in it, swimming googles, different toys... can't remember exactly what because I can't find them! Hopefully we track them down before the wedding :rolleyes1.



That's all for now... 18 days left to make children's menus and place cards
As I've been packing everything up I decided I should take new pictures.

This is an updated photo of what our welcome bags look like

They include:
Water bottle
Magic Kingdom Water Bottle Lanyard
Mickey Photo Album
Disney Sunscreen
First Aid Kits
Wet Wipes
Tissue Packs
Playing Cards
Park Brochures
Snacks (Fruit snacks, crackers, granola bars, etc.)
WDW Buttons (to those having birthday's, anniversaries, or are on their first WDW visit)
Contact List with all of our cell phone numbers (it's attached to that blue mickey sticker you see in the picture)

Here are bags we are giving to the kids before they leave (so they can take some of it on the plane). The elephant is a back pack for the boys that we stuffed with mostly coloring supplies and other Disney things.

There is only one girl coming and here is her backpack. We put in a CD player, CD, color supplies, note pads, etc.

Then we also have buckets for the kids in the hotel rooms. They are stuffed with hooded animal towels, a Disney tshirt, a Disney hat, sunglasses, hand fan, fake Disney cell phone, etc. I have a lot more to put in it, swimming googles, different toys... can't remember exactly what because I can't find them! Hopefully we track them down before the wedding :rolleyes1.



That's all for now... 18 days left to make children's menus and place cards

Wow I love your bags and gifts. So cute!


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