October 20th 2007 Western Magic Part 2

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Here's Parrot Cay and yes, it still reminds me a little of the Tiki Room.........


Paige wev'e always said that Parrot Cay reminds us of the Tiki Room too!

Nice pictures of your family!
I'm exhausted........I hope someone can see us!!:confused3 I hate to pull myself away but I really should be working.....seeing as I am at WORK!...I'll check back with y'all (thats how we say you guys here in Virginia) later!:goodvibes

I don't know if you changed something but I can see the photos in your posts. What a nice looking family you are.
:banana: :banana: It worked!!!!!!!!!!!:banana: :banana:

Arent they cool!

It makes them look like poloroids!

They are just shots of Ellis that were in my pc already - just experimenting!

Some were Greece last year, 1 from his first ever football match, 1 with his new baby cousin Jack, 1 as a pirate - outfit he'll wear on the cruise if it still fits, 1 as a shepherd for his school play, 1 with Daddy in Rose and Crown Epcot, 1 at a wedding, 1 in my tinsel wig from an Abba tribute concert:lmao: , and 1 inside Bruce:goodvibes

I'm so chuffed they've worked!

Karen those pictures are great!

We have a picture of Rachel in Bruce too but it is from the days before we had a digital camera. It is funny she would let us take that picture but she says she will NEVER ride the Jaws ride again. We took her on it when she was about 5 and she was sitting on the side of the boat where Jaws comes up and splashes. I never saw her move so fast :lmao: she jumped over both me and Al to get herself as far away from that shark as she could. She knows the shark is fake but she still says she will never ride that again :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear about Rachel's friend's mom. That sounds awful. Hope the friend is doing o.k.

Glad to hear Rachel had a somewhat o.k. birthday. Any DQ cake left over? I love that stuff. :cake:
I guess being on at night no one else is on so off to bed it is. I have the day off again tomorrow but I will be at my moms taking care of her. I will check DIS before I go and when I get home. Wish me all the luck in the world. I am going to try to get my mom out of the house and see if she can walk the length of 2 houses. If we don't get her walking soon she wont be walking on the cruise.

Carrie good luck with your mom today pixiedust: Did she have some surgery that she is recovering from?
Now I'm going back to where I left off yesterday to get caught up.

Jeff how many posts do we need to pass up the Repo thread?

We are 50,620 posts behind the repo thread.

Oh, you must have meant the repo that is leaving tomorrow. Silly me, I thought you were trying to catch the repo cruise that Chris, Heather and I are on. :rotfl2:

We are about 1,250 behind the cruise that sails this Saturday. A lot of them should be heading down today, so that thread should start to get quiet. I would assume any major posting from that group during the next 2 weeks will be as a "live from" thread. If we can close the gap to below 1,200 (1,000 would have been nice by tomorrow, but I don't think we'll do it. That would be almost 20 pages :scared1: ), we should catch them before they get back.

I'm wondering how high we will get on this thread. I thought 10,000 wasn't going to be obtained, but we may have to start looking at the next victim, I mean thread, and set our sites on that one. :thumbsup2
Thanks Jeff. Rachel's friend is hanging in there, the girls from school are going to try and keep her busy.

Yes actually there is some DQ cake left but it is under lock and key :lmao: We all love it too! In fact I'd love a piece right now but I won't have one I'll be good and wait at least until Rach gets home from school.
We are 50,620 posts behind the repo thread.

Oh, you must have meant the repo that is leaving tomorrow. Silly me, I thought you were trying to catch the repo cruise that Chris, Heather and I are on. :rotfl2:

We are about 1,250 behind the cruise that sails this Saturday. A lot of them should be heading down today, so that thread should start to get quiet. I would assume any major posting from that group during the next 2 weeks will be as a "live from" thread. If we can close the gap to below 1,200 (1,000 would have been nice by tomorrow, but I don't think we'll do it. That would be almost 20 pages :scared1: ), we should catch them before they get back.

I'm wondering how high we will get on this thread. I thought 10,000 wasn't going to be obtained, but we may have to start looking at the next victim, I mean thread, and set our sites on that one. :thumbsup2

Are you serious? There are over 50,000 posts on the repo thread for next year? WOW and I thought we were a chatty bunch here. I guess that is one thing to be happy about not being able to go on that repo like I had wanted, I would never be able to keep up on that thread, I have a hard enough time keeping up here.
Oh I almost forgot my DH wanted me to explain my name of MinnMick01 and my email address for those of you that have seen it on the other site. He is so proud of himself for this one. We took his kids to Disneyland for their first time back in 2000. While there he proposed to be at Cinderellas castle right when the fireworks ended. My ring was not done being fitted for me when we went on the trip so he got a ring at the park that was 3 diamonds in the shape of mickey and used that ring until we got back home and my ring was done. It had to be redesigned in order to make it smaller for my fingers. So our nicknames for each other are mickey and minnie, (I have a mickey tatt), and we were married in 01. That way I never forget what year we got married in. So if he gets on and asks yes I told the story.

Carrie what a great story and your DH should be proud of himself! How romantic! :love:
Well another hour on the elliptical...whew this eating healthy and working out sucks sometimes! :rolleyes:

Cass it's hard isn't it. Keep up the good work! An hour on the eliptical is something to be very proud of! I have really started trying to eat better too (DQ cake and a cupcake yesterday, yah I'm really trying hard :lmao:) and I got Belle :dog: out for an hour long walk yesterday and were going to go again today!
We went to look at a house today. For those of you who don't know already, we've been looking for a new place for several months now but the housing market in Calgary is just ridiculous!! Anyway, we found a house we really like and it suits us well and the guy who owns it is really nice so I really hope it works out for us. I really don't want to move again, we have so much crap! And the extra expense really sucks but I really do like this place and this is the first place I've seen in about 6 months that I am really excited about!

It's a little too expensive to buy it outright right now but hopefully if it works out we will try to do a rent-to-own thing. The rent is $2000/month :eek: but it's actually quite decent compared to other similar houses in Calgary.

If you wanna peek at it, here's the link:


Cass good luck with the house! pixiedust: It looks really nice!
I lost 2lb this week :banana: :banana:

Making a total of 9lb. In a month.

Im quite large, so sadly its not really noticable yet:sad2: , but I feeling fitter in myself. Its soooooooooooo hard to lose, and so easy to put on! Why cant it be the other way around :confused3

You guys are quite famous, as once I weighed in, my friend said "You had better go and put that on the DIS!!!":rotfl2: I guess your motivation and the fact I will see you all in Oct, is keeping me on the straight and narrow !

Yahooo Lindy :cheer2: :cheer2: 2 more pounds! You are doing great keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Hi everyone!!!
Missy and I are actually working today!:sad2: So we are not getting to get on here much.
Sorry about Rachel's friend's mom. That is so sad.
What a cute story MinnMick01.
All the photos are really cute. Lovin all the Bruce pictures!!:banana:
I'll try to check in a little later!
So just in case my weekend gets away from me, I'd just like to make an early wish for all the moms out there.


What are your plans for your special day?

I'm heading out to Sam's right now to stock up on picnic foods for lunch tomorrow. We are celebrating Mom's Day with my mom on Saturday with the picnic. On Sunday, a little trip to the cemetary with flowers for Chuck's mom (she died waaaaay too early at 59, his dad at 48!) and probably up to the Dells (sorry Jeff, over and up to the Dells) for breakfast at Paul Bunyan's. I just love Paul Bunyan for breakfast but it's horrible for a diet. It's tradition for my family to do this. It's a very pricey gift that no one has to run out to buy. At least $40.00 in gas and $70.00 to feed the 6 of us. $110.00 is a lot of money for breakfast, but what the heck, it's for me!:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm sure I'll be DISing today anyway (the boss is gone again:dance3: ).

Happy Mother's Day Weekend Nancy! Have a good weekend and enjoy your breakfast in the Dells, you deserve it and you are worth every penny!
Are you serious? There are over 50,000 posts on the repo thread for next year? WOW and I thought we were a chatty bunch here. I guess that is one thing to be happy about not being able to go on that repo like I had wanted, I would never be able to keep up on that thread, I have a hard enough time keeping up here.

Well Cheryl, since you won't get this page, I will post.

There are actually almost 58,500 post on the Aug '08 repo thread.

I've stopped posting and reading several weeks ago. It is just nuts over there.

I like this thread. About a dozen to a dozen and a half people consistently posting. Keeps it going, not boring, you don't have too much to read through, and you get to know everyone.

On the repo, there are probably the same amount, maybe a few more, that consistently post, but the count is in the hundreds as to the number of DISers on that cruise. :scared1: You'd never get to know anyone over there.

I will probably just meet up with Chris and Heather on that cruise. Andy, Verandah Man, is no longer on that cruise. He was the only other one I really wanted to meet up with. They will do group meets, but it will be as nuts as the sail away party with that many people.
Happy Mother's Day Weekend Nancy! Have a good weekend and enjoy your breakfast in the Dells, you deserve it and you are worth every penny!

Now I wouldn't go that far. It is Nancy we're talking about. :lmao:

Just kidding you dear. :hug: You're worth double the cost.
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