8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 12

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Friday afternoons are sooooo slow! I didn't answer the pet question. We currently don't have any pets. DD is trying to talk me into a hamster! I grew up with a small toy terrier/ Manchester for the age of 3 - 19. Her name was Bozo (Hey I was 3 OK!) and we got her from the next door neighbor who worked all day. It was her ds and dil's. They lived in an apartment and got caught with it. She was a funny dog. She lived up to her name!

I would like to get a small dog, but we aren't home enough. I think it is unfair to have a pet and not have the time to devote to it. I have looked into adopting from a shelter, but usually they are large dogs. My property is very small and I have no fenced in area. My house sits on the corner and I have a half lot. It's an older town. So I have a house behind mine that sits along the alley.

So at this point no pet. DD is skitish of some animals. We just got rid of the 2 Pit Bulls next door!
Oh yeah - micro chip your dog if you haven't already.

The microchip also helps in the Katrina type event. Those dogs in NOLA that were chipped were often reconnected with owners, whereas those that didn't were much harder and more unlikely to get reunited.

When our USAR team was checking houses, they came across many pets. They would feed them, mark the house and notify the SPCA and Humane Society who were recovering and attempting to reunite the pets and owners (thousands if not tens of thousands). Everyone involved at the SPCA/HS end was very pro-microchip after this experience.
My dh's cousin did SU parties for a year or so...She was so good at it. I bought a couple sets of stamps but many of the inkpads and such are cheaper at A.C. Moore if you can get them.

ENOUGH talk about Stampin Up!!!! :mad:

As it is DW has weaned herself from them because there's no local pusher to fuel the fire. But she has another outlet for such things: Archivers She saw the store and flipped out! Alas it's not quite as big as the one in ATL but it'll do. As it is, she's on her way to see Nana but not before stopping at the Country Cupboard. It's a Best Western Motel/restaurant/kitchy nick-nack store all in one...at least a full city block! What's worse is she has relatives who work there including the main buyer who travels the country to crafts shows looking for stuff for the Cupboard.

:idea: Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that her bag was lost...I shudder to think what would be coming back! :laughing:
I know what you mean about the retirement. I can't wait and we still have 4 1/2 years to go. How long do you have Andy?

Not that I'm counting, but I can retire in 2 years and 11 months and get full pension with full medical benefits.................;)
ENOUGH talk about Stampin Up!!!! :mad:

As it is DW has weaned herself from them because there's no local pusher to fuel the fire. But she has another outlet for such things: Archivers She saw the store and flipped out! Alas it's not quite as big as the one in ATL but it'll do. As it is, she's on her way to see Nana but not before stopping at the Country Cupboard. It's a Best Western Motel/restaurant/kitchy nick-nack store all in one...at least a full city block! What's worse is she has relatives who work there including the main buyer who travels the country to crafts shows looking for stuff for the Cupboard.

:idea: Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that her bag was lost...I shudder to think what would be coming back! :laughing:

My friend is having a Stamping up get together tonight and crafts are my down fall! I could start a craft store with the stuff I have now! Tell Gabbie that my QVC Disney jewelry came yesterday! See I have too many shopping vices!:lmao:
Almost time to hit the road. See y'all in chat tonight. Probably after 10.
My disney QVC stuff came today also. I love opening up these boxes.

Getting ready for chat tonite. I will have to make strong coffee so I can stay up.

Must be a day to receive packages, my new infrared heating pad arrived this afternoon and I have already put it to use. :goodvibes
Always one better, hows the cold/man flu?

The cold has got worse - there's a chest infection there as well (I get them frequently - I had one on the 10 Day Southern last September and I didn't leave the room for two days !!).

Thanks for asking !!

I haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to thank everybody for the Happy Birthday wishes for Kailey today. I won an enchanted phone call from one of the Disney Movie Rewards.com contests, so we'll see how that goes over today when she gets the call.

Anyone read Family Fun magazine? On a lark, I sent a query letter to them, suggesting the possibility of an article about the cruise. They called me yesterday, so we spoke about it for a bit this morning. It would be one-page, photo-heavy article, if anything. I think the fact that the cruise is so expensive, prohibitively so for most of their readers, and that it is so far away will kill it as a story, but I haven't given up yet. I'll keep you posted.
Travel guru Rick Steves has this advice:
How do you fit a whole trip's worth of luggage into a carry-on bag? The answer is simple: Bring very little. Think in terms of what you can do without, not what will be handy on your trip. Pack for the best scenario and figure you'll buy yourself out of any jams.

Begin by spreading out everything you think you might need on the living room floor. Pick up each item one at a time and scrutinize it. Ask yourself, "Will I really use this snorkel and these fins enough to justify carrying them around all summer?" Not "Will I use them?" but "Will I use them enough to feel good about carrying them over the Swiss Alps?" Regardless of my budget, I would buy them in Greece and give them away before I would carry that extra weight over the Alps.

Don't pack for the worst scenario. Pack for the best scenario and simply buy yourself out of any jams. Risk shivering for a day rather than taking a heavy coat. Think in terms of what you can do without — not what will be handy on your trip. When in doubt, leave it out. I've seen people pack a whole summer's supply of deodorant, tampons, or razors, thinking they can't get them there. The world's getting really small; you can buy Dial soap, Colgate toothpaste, Tampax, Nivea cream, and Bic razors in Sicily. Tourist shops in major international hotels are a sure bet whenever you have difficulty finding some personal item. And if you can't find one of your essentials, ask yourself how 300 million Europeans can live without it.

Whether you're traveling for three weeks or three months, you should pack exactly the same. Rather than take a whole trip's supply of toiletries, take enough to get started and look forward to running out of toothpaste in Bulgaria. Then you have the perfect excuse to go into a Bulgarian department store, shop around, and pick up something you think might be toothpaste…​

Yeah, riiiiiiiiight! I'll pack some small toiletries and buy replacements in Mexico, Jamaica etc but there's just some packing that MUST be done! Sorry buddy, but the whole "adventure" of backpacking across Europe and over the Alps has no appeal for me. I'm not going to look like a vagabond just to avoid looking like a tourist! :laughing:

I can jam everything we need for a one week vacation into three carry ons. On our April 1st cruise I decided to wash a few things on board (which I never do). There was a chapstick in the dryer ! So I was even more limited in the clothes I had to wear !
I mean the cooking appliance, not the dental appliance



...or charcoal?


I've been thinking about going back to the "purity" of coal but DW loves the instant gratification of gas cooking. Any ideas?

Now you're cookin with GAS !!!
Study: Typical Stay-at-Home Mom Would Earn $138,095 a Year
Thursday , May 03, 2007

If the typical stay-at-home mother in the United States were paid for her work as a housekeeper, cook and psychologist among other roles, she would earn $138,095 a year, according to research released on Wednesday.

This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Salary.com Inc, Waltham, Mass.-based compensation experts.

The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.

The typical mother puts in a 92-hour work week, it said, working 40 hours at base pay and 52 hours overtime.

A mother who holds full-time job outside the home would earn an additional $85,939 for the work she does at home, Salary.com reported.

Last year she would have earned $85,876 for her at-home work, it said.

Salary.com compiled the online responses of 26,000 stay-at-home mothers and 14,000 mothers who also work outside the home.

Any idea where payroll is ?
Seems I haven't been getting my checks !!
I'm like that guy in twilight zone who finally had the time to read all the library books...

but his glasses were smashed and he was the last human alive.
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