DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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what a sweet face - so cute!
We live in Boise and the CHP Academy is in Sacramento. After he is done, Maddie and I will relocate with him to California.
If it's really his dream -he'll be happier... try to think of it as an adventure and an opportunity! Attitude is everything! California is beautiful - and there is Disneyland!

My DH and I really need some Peeps prayers and a little bit of pixie dust
Good wishes in the house search!
When I'm not at school, I'll tell you what I did Sunday night... :rolleyes1
Ok - we'll hold you to that!

Change is scary. California is just beautiful, you may love it! Don't stress too much, we're here for you!!!! :hug:
Doesn't Wendy just always know the right thing to say?!

OK sadly I have returned and what did I want to do first, say HEY to my peeps!
Glad you're back - we know you had fun!

:cloud9: Ok....I am in heaven!!!! :cloud9: I am on the new laptop, infront of the TV with DH. No more being in the other room while he watches TV! :thumbsup2

Now THAT is the way to DIS! Isn't it?!

I did 150 situps last night - and I'm off to my regular workout tonight. (But I ate SEVERAL mini nestle crunches today!)
I did 150 situps last night - and I'm off to my regular workout tonight. (But I ate SEVERAL mini nestle crunches today!)

I need to get back on track..went for a quick walk at work today for about 20m. and then went to the zoo with the kids. I wanted to walk tonight but it started T-storming. Going back into the 50's the rest of the week but I will get out there!! :thumbsup2
Heather....I thought about you this weekend! That's one of those situations where you don't hope the team will lose but it would be more convenient if they did. Glad they won and your covered for your trip. :hug:

WHile I was at the tournament my wish was they would play their best, but not make it to state. I know that sounds horrible, but I feel bad that I will not be there for this moment in her life. I know there will be other moments, but nothing like your first. This will most likely be her last season to play. Here soccer is very competitive and even though I played select, travel, and varsity I do not force my kids to do the same. With the new baby in the Fall she will not be able to play--between new baby and DH work schedule I just cannot do it. I tried when Joshua was born, but it about killed me. So to the point I hate that I will not be able to see this event and share in the moment. I have some great people that will try to take my place for the weekend, but it will still be hard on me. I know that there are a lot worse things that I could miss. Enough whining from me. Thanks for thinking of us.

12 days until I leave :cool1:
New to DISappearing Peeps.
I am struggling to lose 30lb before DWD trip June 21 CSR. Loved reading many pages and am impressed with your tight group. Best of luck in your weightloss efforts and congrats to many successfull losers!
Welcome! Hope you stick around and join us. This thread has been highly motivating for me. Great group of people here!
in case any of you are interested, here's an article about my trial from the last two weeks:


they left out the part where the court reporter looked sooooo skinny!!!!! :lmao:

Wow! Thanks for sharing the link.
Afternoon Peeps! :)

I'm pretty sure he's a fluffy pig!



:cloud9: Ok....I am in heaven!!!! :cloud9: I am on the new laptop, infront of the TV with DH. No more being in the other room while he watches TV! :thumbsup2

Yeah!!:cool1: I can't wait until we get a laptop! My husband and I have to share the computer now and sometimes it can be a pain when we both need it.

New to DISappearing Peeps.
I am struggling to lose 30lb before DWD trip June 21 CSR. Loved reading many pages and am impressed with your tight group. Best of luck in your weightloss efforts and congrats to many successfull losers!

party: :welcome: party: This is a great group!
Hi peeps! I hope everyone had a skinny day! I stayed within my points and I was able to get in my walking and situps! My allergies are much better than they were this weekend.

Snack Idea​

Popsicle brand Sugar Free Fudgesicles. They are so good! A serving size is two bars and they come to 80 cals, 1.5 fat, 4 grams of fiber. That is 1 point!! :yay: :woohoo:
Super cute puppy Minnie!! I think you're right about the lab/St. Bernard mix!!! I worked in a grooming salon and we had one come in all the time for baths...he was pretty big!!! When it comes to dogs I'm partial to large breeds!!! I like the name too. :goodvibes
Eventer - I talked to my daughter and told her this! She said she is doing pretty well, trying to socialize him early and has started taking him for walks and car rides already. I'm impressed with how well she's doing, especially at the end of the school year. A coworker of mine said he thought it was probably a good thing he'll be fairly big if she is out on her own walking him. I have to agree!

MinnieMoo I did my situps last night and thought of the pic of that cow- thats definately how I felt. I only commited to 25 a day but since i didnt do any last week due to my cold i said i would do make up work. Well, I went for 100. Ok- 10 at a time. The first 50 actually looked like crunches- the last 50 I think I just had the illusion of moving- but my tummy thought it was so i'm counting them. Really wasnt as bad as I thought.
:lmao: Yay!!! Keep up the good work, Sparkie! I just keep plugging away on my exercise bike bec ause my hips and thighs are my main problem area and I 'll deal with my stomach later!

Calorie Counters- a question for you!

I found a calculator online to get a better total calorie number for myself on calorieking.com. This one seems to make sense and it breaks down cal, fat, protein and carbs for me per day. Anwyays, if I do exercise and find the calories burned for that, do I subtract that from what I have eaten today? In other words, if I exercise can I eat the extra calories I burned? Common sense would tell me I can, but I dont want to make that mistake and eat too many!
Weight Watchers recommends eating calories to replace those burned during exercise, but I would ask our weight loss Goddess Dene' what she does!!!

No time to quote any more tonight, Peeps. Looking forward to hearing Dene's Sunday night story!
DENE...we're waiting. Certainly school must be over by now!!

Ok, posting my totals before bed to be more accountable this week...the race is on, you know!

According to me NEW calculations, I should eat max of 1710 calories, 50g of fat or less, 114g of protein and 201g of carbs. (it also said if I do that I should lose 10 pounds by may 23rd!)

Breakfast- Luna bar
Lunch- left over burbon chicken, on whole wheat bread with come cheddar and a salad.
Dinner-cranberry chicken, with peas and fake mashed pot.
Snack-little debbie fake hohos :rolleyes1
Todays totals-
:woohoo: Well within my daily limits, even without eating my exercise calories!

I am so tired today for some reason, so I am headed to bed a bit early for me. I will be waiting for an update Dene! And welcome back Fidge!!
Welcome wannago! I am a newbie too, everyone here is great.

I am a calorie counter, and I do adjust a bit for exercise. On non-exercise days I try to stick around 1200, and on exercise days, closer to 1500.

I use fitday.com, as it gives a pretty good idea how many calories for certain foods, plus how many calories you burn. It is free to register and basically an online food journal.

Thanks for all the congrats! I can't wait until I fit back into some of my cute summer clothes. Although, T-19 days until a WDW/DDP trip which will erase some of my progress.

I did pretty good today. 400 cals for lunch, then put some boneless pork ribs in the slow cooker w/ a bit of spiced rum, and a few pineapple pieces. Threw in about 30 shrimp for the last 10 min, then took out the pork and put it and the rest of the pineapple on the grill w/ a dusting of sugar/cinnamon. So about 320 cals in pork, 100 in pineapple (half a pineapple is 100 cals!!), and probably 80-90 in shrimp, so about 500 cals for dinner. Also had a 100 cal cookie bite pack, and 2 bud selects, so I am right at 1200.

Exercise was 3 hours of cleaning the house, and 1 hour of mowing the lawn.

Sorry for my summaries :o , I am not good at quoting, I just try and pick up what people have said...
they left out the part where the court reporter looked sooooo skinny!!!!! :lmao:

They OBVIOUSLY have their priorities in the wrong place!

New to DISappearing Peeps.
I am struggling to lose 30lb before DWD trip June 21 CSR. Loved reading many pages and am impressed with your tight group. Best of luck in your weightloss efforts and congrats to many successfull losers!

Welcome aboard!

Weight Watchers recommends eating calories to replace those burned during exercise, but I would ask our weight loss Goddess Dene' what she does!!!

:cutie: Sorry, can't help you with this... I don't count calories. :teacher:

No time to quote any more tonight, Peeps. Looking forward to hearing Dene's Sunday night story!

Now THAT I can help you with... off to write it.:rolleyes1
They OBVIOUSLY have their priorities in the wrong place!

Amen to that!

:cutie: Sorry, can't help you with this... I don't count calories. :teacher:

Oh, I forgot about that! Maybe eating the calories you burned is WW's ploy to keep people on their program longer :confused3 I have been trying not to this week.

Now THAT I can help you with... off to write it.:rolleyes1

YAY!!! :yay:

We old married ladies enjoy living vicariously through you younger, single Peeps!
HEy Moo you can speak for me too11

great, where'd all the quotes go???

I so agree that they have their priorities in the wrong place Punkin!!

Wannago I agree that I think this is a "tight group" too, only the most amazing, bestest thing? We open our arms to anyone willing to jump in!! SO JUMP!! The circle can hold you too!!
(Hi, I'm Sandy, mom to 2 angels, ds 21, ds 19, and a dd 10 - married 25 years - and I'm going back to wdw for free dining... that's wrong I know, but what can I do?? I'm going to the world and try to do a 1/2 marathon Jan '08!!)

Dance I just think about calories - I will count them soon - but for now I'm not there yet - Kat I've heard great things about that website...

Gotta hit the hay - dh was up till 4AM with dd up and crying... I have to teach at the Jr Hi the rest of the week!! 7AM is when I'm to be at school!! :scared1:
As many of you know, Dene' resorted to cleaning her kitchen Saturday night because she was bored out of her gourd. Sunday turned out a bit more interesting.:thumbsup2

Sunday is major cardio day for Dene'... earlier in the day, she had walked approximately 7 miles in 2 hours (Dene' noticed that she walks much faster while listening to her I-pod).

Dene' knew that "the cool kids" were going to be at the Y at about 2:30, so obsessive/compulsive Sunday cardio girl that she is, she went in at 1 to get a head start on the elliptical. Dene' became slightly annoyed that Stacy and Jay (aka Hunky Trainer Dude) both showed up at 1:30... mysterious that they should BOTH be an hour early. Stacy and Jay "did shoulder work" while Dene' stewed on the elliptical for an hour. Dene' kept playing her downer/ticked woman songs on the I-pod and sweat up a storm for a full hour (a new record for Dene' on the elliptical). Afterward, Dene' got over herself and went over to where Stacy and Jay were "doing shoulder work". Dene', Stacy, and Jay went into the small classroom where they often do "Cool Kid Yoga Stretches". Jay decided to take his shirts off (yes, he wears at least two shirts, one being long sleeved, at all times at the Y). Anyway, Jay wants to look at his muscles in the mirrors... Dene' just wants to look at Jay. :rolleyes1 Jay has been "getting his tan on" and building up his muscles and he has a tiny waist and huge arms and... a "happy trail". :rolleyes1 After Jay (and Dene') finish looking at Jay's muscles, everyone decides to do an hour of cardio (okay, at this point, Dene' has already done 3 hours of cardio, but she wants to be a "cool kid" so she hops on a treadmill for an hour). Jay spends most of the hour "texting" his "friend" Amy. Dene' continues to sweat profusely and is extremely glad she brought another shirt that she changes into.

During this time, Christy finally showed up and all "the cool kids" started working on abs. Jay's favorite ab exercise is to hang from a bar and lift his legs or knees. Dene' is not particularly good at these... no upper body strength, bad abs, weighs as much as Christy and Stacy put together. Jay, Stacy, and Christy hang from the "high bar" and work their abs... Dene' passes and mentions that she has done 4 hours of cardio that day. A few minutes later, they move to a lower bar. Dene' does participate this time... and is able to do 10 of the stupid knee lifts. Jay comments that she has gotten better (only did 3 her first time a week ago). Second round, Dene' does 12 and says she's been using her exercise ball at home to sit on while watching tv and on the Internet. Jay is surprised that she has been "doing extra at home" because Stacy and Christy NEVER do anything extra and usually complain about what they have to do at the gym.

They then transfer themselves to the large cardio room where the girls proceed to lay on the floor and do leg lifts while Jay throws their feet back toward the ground. This hurts Dene''s back, so Jay takes it easy on her... but she still manages to pull out 20 and 20 (he doesn't make her do the 3rd set). Dene' does get to throw Jay's legs to the ground... unfortunately, Jay's feet are about "chest" high and come very close to kicking Dene' where she does not want to be kicked. Dene' and Jay laugh about this since Jay is always telling the girls not to kick him anywhere. Dene' leads everyone through Yoga stretches... Jay is never very flexible, even less so at this time, and wonders if it may have been due to extra-curricular activities with Amy. Dene', Stacy, and Christy roll their eyes.:rolleyes:

The "cool kids" shut down the Y and the girls are trying to figure out where they are going to go. Dene' remembers that Jay got new fish for his salt water aquarium and sneakily leads the conversation into an invite for the girls to go to Jay's to "hang out and drink beer" (Jay has a fabulous apartment right on the lake)... Dene' offers to bring beer. Dene' stops at a gas station and buys a 24 pack of Coors Light... and then hopes nobody sees her carry it to her car (flash back to high school). Everybody gives Dene' a hard time about the quantity of beer she brought (but that plus a few more are consumed by 5 people over the course of 6 hours). Dene' is very happy she has begun bringing "extra clothes" to the gym and changes out of her sweaty things.

Dene' does have the chance to talk to Jay... asking him what he thought when he first meet her. He had no idea she would work so hard and was pleasantly surprised (and continues to be surprised). Jay also orders pizza... what, a TRAINER ordering pizza for his trainees? Dene' eats about 5 small squares of Domino's very thin crust veggie pizza to go with her 3 light beers she had already consumed. Luckily, Dene' isn't all that fond of Dominos or she may have been tempted to eat more. Dene' jokes that Monday is her weigh in, but she will not blame Jay if it doesn't turn out well (she doesn't mention that not only is it post-big loser week, it is also AF week). Dene' often calls Jay "Obiwan" and Jay calls Dene' "Grasshopper"... yes, they are mixing their movies/tv shows... but that makes it funnier to them. Monday morning Dene' had to send Jay a text message saying "Obiwan is wise. He would not lead Grasshopper to the dark side. Grasshopper should not question his wisdom... even about pizza. On a week she should have lost nothing, Grasshopper lost 5 lbs! Total 77!" Jay's response is "very good my child".

Back to Sunday night... Tragedy strikes and Jay's spider crab "shanks" Nemo with his rostrum, killing the little fellow and proceeding to carry him off to consume him bite by tiny bite. Jay is quite annoyed (his brother bought the silly spider crab) and vows to return the culprit to the store and get a new Nemo with an anemone to hide in.

During the course of the evening, many humorous conversations ensue and fun is had by all. Then, Dene' reveals a deep-dark secret that she is still (and will be for some time) reminded of by Jay, Christy, and Stacy. Christy has been complaining because she is... "anxious" :rolleyes1 because she has not had... "male companionship" :rolleyes1 in 2 months. In a momentary lapse of judgement, Dene' reveals that she has not had... "male companionship" in something over 15 years.:scared1: Looks of shock and gasps fill the room... Dene' will never hear the end of this and has the feeling that she has now become their "special project".

Just as Dene' suspected, there were comments and smirky looks sent her way at the Y Monday night. Christy also invited Dene' to San Antonio for the weekend to stay on the river walk... Christy confessed that Jay jokingly gave her orders to find Dene'... "male companionship". After Dene' and Christy went and had a fabulous salad for dinner, Dene' sent Jay a text message. This message is edited before it gets censored, but the gist of it is "Obiwan... fear not, Grasshopper IS going to [find male companionship]... just not yet (lol). She has waited this long, what's a little longer?" Jay's response was "lol !!".

This report of Dene''s exploits has taken so long, she has now been released from a prior commitment (the Zoo 5K with her daughter) by said DD, and Dene' is now planning to leave Friday afternoon for San Antonio. She is bummed that she will miss the weekend workouts with Jay, but she hopes to return to town early enough Sunday night to "hang out" and tell him of her trip (no exploits though, there shall be no exploits without Jay).

Stacy just called, she says that Jay thinks it will "do Dene' good" to go to San Antonio and that she thinks Dene' has changed a lot since they first meet... she was always nice, just now she is willing to have more fun and relax.

Dene' has been saying that it was a "fortuitous confluence of events" that Jay became her trainer instead of some of the other people at the Y (Dene' was one of Jay's first people on his first day there... and he became the trainer of Stacy and Christy). Tonight at dinner, Christy noted it was strange how we all came together. On the phone just now, Stacy said something similar. And tonight at cardio class, something happened and the instructor repeatedly said "things happen for a reason". Dene' is not exactly sure what the "reason" is, but too many things are saying things are going to work out. Maybe Dene' will finally find the happiness she desires and the person she used to be so many years (and pounds) ago...
a sweet thing happened tonight. I usually get to the Y by 4:30 - 4:45... but tonight, I meet my Dad at Lowe's to buy some lumber so he can build me a pergola/porch across the back of my house. Of course, they didn't have enough of the cuts of lumber we wanted, so we had to wait for them the get the forklift out etc.

When I checked my phone on the way out, Stacy had called and left a message right at 5... she and Jay were worried about me because I wasn't there yet!
Hi, Peeps!
Thank you all for the kind words. :hug: It made me feel so much better!
I am excited for my DH. It is the separation that will kill me. I will just have to spend more time Dising with my DisPeeps to make the time go by faster!:laughing:

Have a good night everyone! :cloud9:
Calorie Counters- a question for you!

I found a calculator online to get a better total calorie number for myself on calorieking.com. This one seems to make sense and it breaks down cal, fat, protein and carbs for me per day. Anwyays, if I do exercise and find the calories burned for that, do I subtract that from what I have eaten today? In other words, if I exercise can I eat the extra calories I burned? Common sense would tell me I can, but I dont want to make that mistake and eat too many!

My WW leader said you could eat the excess calories burned by exercise, but only do it if you "need" to. Don't feel like you have to eat them. Leaving them uneaten and eating your suggested amount (WW points; or goal weight X 12) should lead to faster weight loss.


I haven't been on in a while ,I just haven't felt very PEEPISH.:sad2: The house,kids,etc has felt a little out of control and my weight has followed it.I skipped Friday's weigh in for the first time because I just couldn't handle facing the scale.

:hug: and it sounds like you're doing the right thing for your DD.

wannagoWDW-Welcome. come on in, the weight loss is fine!

Well everyone, 2 sweet things. I was right and DH was wrong:woohoo: and the HOT TUB should be set up at my house this Saturday. You're all invited. See, Daisy, CA is the place to be.

It's the start of a very busy week for me. I work with college students and this is their last week of school here before finals. We have lots of events, planning, layout/design of docs, care packages to be assembled and mailed, etc. etc. Not too much DISing from work this week, I'm afraid!
I have some great people that will try to take my place for the weekend, but it will still be hard on me.
I know! But your right....there are worse things to miss so don't feel bad. All adults need some "adult time" once in a while and this vacation has been planned for a long time. Enjoy it! :hug:
New to DISappearing Peeps.
:welcome: Get on in here and talk to us! We won't bite!
they left out the part where the court reporter looked sooooo skinny!!!!! :lmao:
That should've been the headline! :laughing:
Breakfast- Luna bar
Lunch- left over burbon chicken, on whole wheat bread with come cheddar and a salad.
Dinner-cranberry chicken, with peas and fake mashed pot.
Snack-little debbie fake hohos :rolleyes1
Todays totals-
:woohoo: Well within my daily limits, even without eating my exercise calories!
Jen....Good job on the calorie counting!!! I always tried to do without the extra calories when I exercised. There's no harm in eating them if you're starving (and some days you will be) but if you don't really want them, then take a pass and watch the weight fall off faster.
Sorry for my summaries :o , I am not good at quoting, I just try and pick up what people have said...
Kat! I made a poor attempt at telling you congrats for breaking 200 so let me try again...
WAY TO GO!!! YOU ROCK!!! :cool1:
Dene' stops at a gas station and buys a 24 pack of Coors Light...
In KY we call that a CASE of beer. :laughing:
In a momentary lapse of judgement, Dene' reveals that she has not had... "male companionship" in something over 15 years.:scared1: Looks of shock and gasps fill the room... Dene' will never hear the end of this and has the feeling that she has now become their "special project".
"Special Project", heh? Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to be Jay's special project? :laughing: Seriously, Dene...tell the cool kids that the time lapse is all the more reason to find the right guy not just an available guy. He's out there looking for you, too, I'll bet. :hug:
And tonight at cardio class, something happened and the instructor repeatedly said "things happen for a reason". Dene' is not exactly sure what the "reason" is, but too many things are saying things are going to work out.
God's timing, Dene. I believe good things are coming for you.
Maybe Dene' will finally find the happiness she desires and the person she used to be so many years (and pounds) ago...
YES!!! She will! :thumbsup2 I have no doubt about it!
Stacy had called and left a message right at 5... she and Jay were worried about me because I wasn't there yet!
Awww......sweet friends!
I would like to ask for some prayers and Pixie Dust for my DD8.She had her checkup last Thursday and has gained 21 lbs in less than a year.:scared1:
Amy....I became concerned about my DD around that age. You are doing the right thing to get the junk food out of the house and get her moving. I quit buying chips, snack crackers, and cookies all together. Pretzels, granola bars, and cereal only. I try to keep fruit she likes in the house and yogurt. She now does dance team at school and I try to limit TV and puter. She has "grown into" her pudge and is now taller than me. In 3 or 4 years your DD will grown into it too. Hang in there! :hug:
the HOT TUB should be set up at my house this Saturday. You're all invited.
See ya Saturday!

....The trip??? Don't leave us hangin!!!


Check in people! Don't make us come after you!

Hi Melinda:wave2:

I've been busy ummm on another thread ummmm which might have had something to do with the ummmm tag fairy :blush: :laughing: It was moving so fast I just couldn't keep up everywhere!

I'll try harder!
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