Just back and my feelings on Saratoga Springs

BroganMc, interesting "factoids":goodvibes , (ok, lovin that word) about the distance figures from place to place. But you left out one important one, distance from BCV elevators to gift shop for my milk very late at night!:lmao:
Seriously, there's nothing like stepping off the bus and going right in there and right to bed. Couldn't do that at SSR.

For those that are saying how nice of a walk it is from Carousel to the main bldg. I am not contesting that. It is a very pretty walk, in fact, I loved my walk to the quiet pool every day in the Paddocks. Its not the walk that bothered me!!! Please understand that. Its the TIME that it took, when I got home from the parks at night, and the inconvenience of not being able to just drop into a gift shop and pick up a few things. Why do posters keep talking about the beautiful walk, that is not my point.

For the poster asking about needing a car. I did answer that a few posts back, but I'll say it again. It would have made a huge difference to have a car, and in my opinion, you can't do Carousel without one. Would I have rented a car? Absolutely not. We have been to DW for eight years now, and have never rented one. I drive enough at home, I leave the driving to the bus drivers. Thats just me and my DH, don't try to convince me otherwise. I'll just stick to my home resort from now on, thats all.
But as an "experienced owner" yourself, why is it that you are not making your reservations at 11 months out, so that other resort owners wouldn't have an impact on your resort availability? And why is it that you apparently did not know that there were no point charts, since you clearly stated there were, for BWI, WL and BC? Or is this a case of one neophyte owner pointing fingers at other new owners? Certainly a "seasoned owner" should not be making such "neophyte" mistakes.
I have the DVC video from last year when we bought in at SSR and it says, "depending on your use year you have a certain amount of time to bank or use your points. It sets the DEADLINE for certain vacation DECISIONS.."

So everyone in DVC should be making their Decisions well in advance. And if not then others have the right to take those rooms whether you like it or not. It doesn't say that you have to get the permission of the owners at a specific vacation home because they might decide at 7, 6, or even 2 mths out that they want to use their home.
Basically everyone has a Home Resort between 11 and 8 months, after that it is first come first served for everyone. At 7 months I have as much right to book anywhere as does someone that owns there. It is a moot point at that time to home resort ownership.

I don't think any guides are misleading anyone, I think some are rushing to purchase something they did not research and then taking the easy way of blaming the guide who is not present to give her or his side of the situation.

If staying at your home resort is important best book between 11 and 8 or else live with that decision.
Basically everyone has a Home Resort between 11 and 8 months, after that it is first come first served for everyone. At 7 months I have as much right to book anywhere as does someone that owns there. It is a moot point at that time to home resort ownership.

I don't think any guides are misleading anyone, I think some are rushing to purchase something they did not research and then taking the easy way of blaming the guide who is not present to give her or his side of the situation.

If staying at your home resort is important best book between 11 and 8 or else live with that decision.

Not recently, but so many times I have passed people in WL's lobby asking the person selling there "If I buy at SSR, can I still stay here." I'm sure the answer is the standard response. I doubt that a guide has ever said "You know what, if this is where you really want to stay, I can sell you VWL points, but you won't get the current SSR program." When we were ready to buy, we first tried VWL resale and it was taken by Disney, so we didn't know what to do...didn't want to risk that happening again...so bought BWV from Disney, and did an add on immediately at VWL. Even though we knew we wanted "in" Michelle knew we wanted "in" she never said that she could sell me VWL without our buying BWV. Now, I am not complaining...we are thrilled with our mix of resorts, because BWV has the standard room rates without which, we wouldn't have been able to do the party for DM that we did with as many rooms as we had.

By not mentioning that they could sell any of the sold out resorts, I think that is misleading and setting people up for disappointment.

But as an "experienced owner" yourself, why is it that you are not making your reservations at 11 months out, so that other resort owners wouldn't have an impact on your resort availability?

I guess you haven't read my other posts on DVC on these boards. I repeatedly preach the gospel of "buy where you primarily want to stay, and book at 11 months day-by-day." When I have gone outside my home resort, I target off or edge seasons, and then am always on the phone with MS at 8:59:59 exactly 7 months to the day out to book 'em.

And why is it that you apparently did not know that there were no point charts, since you clearly stated there were, for BWI, WL and BC?

Are you discussing the time share or inn elements? My boss (who eventually "sold" me into looking into DVC) actually rented me points for a stay at the Wilderness Lodge (not villas, Lodge) before I bought. Was there a published schedule for that? Apparently not, but he got 'em non-the-less. Likewise, I got the Boardwalk Inn for MIL last year (an MS ressie CM was actually the one who led me to that). "Flukes?" That's one label to explain things that aren't in the "textbook."

Another -- perhaps representative of an "ahem, look beyond the textbook" orientation -- is "Disney uses occasional ad-hoc opportunities to creatively move unsold capacity." For if there's anything that company knows how to do, it's making money off of existing clientele.;)
Actually, I was referring to you saying
Go onto the DVC website and you can readily find the point schedules for every hotel at WDW and DL; they're all part of the "Disney Collection."

The BWI never had a point chart, and WL did have one prior to VWL opening. Yet you criticize SSR owners for asking neophyte questions, when you obviously aren't up to par on DVC yourself. You simply can not call and ask to reserve those locations with points.

"Disney uses occasional ad-hoc opportunities to creatively move unsold capacity."
Uhhh... is that an actual quote from something? Since "unsold capacity" at DVC resorts isn't turned over to CRO until 60 days out, it is then Disney's to do with as they wish, not DVCs. Just like when Disney upgraded some folks from Value resorts to one bedroom units, they can do that...DVC can not.
By not mentioning that they could sell any of the sold out resorts, I think that is misleading and setting people up for disappointment.

Given the fact that all Guides are consistent in pushing prospective customers toward the current resort(s) being actively marketed, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that it is DVC policy to do so. It's not "they" (the Guides), it's Jim Lewis and the higher-ups at Disney.

And who can blame them? They don't want people sitting on a waiting list for BCV or VWL points...they want people paying $96 per point to offset the millions in construction costs committed to AKV or SSR.

DVC Guides are merely doing what they are told...selling the product they were hired to sell. People who don't do their jobs are easily replacable.
Not recently, but so many times I have passed people in WL's lobby asking the person selling there "If I buy at SSR, can I still stay here." I'm sure the answer is the standard response. I doubt that a guide has ever said "You know what, if this is where you really want to stay, I can sell you VWL points, but you won't get the current SSR program." When we were ready to buy, we first tried VWL resale and it was taken by Disney, so we didn't know what to do...didn't want to risk that happening again...so bought BWV from Disney, and did an add on immediately at VWL. Even though we knew we wanted "in" Michelle knew we wanted "in" she never said that she could sell me VWL without our buying BWV. Now, I am not complaining...we are thrilled with our mix of resorts, because BWV has the standard room rates without which, we wouldn't have been able to do the party for DM that we did with as many rooms as we had.

By not mentioning that they could sell any of the sold out resorts, I think that is misleading and setting people up for disappointment.


First off, the DVC contact people in the hotels are not "guides", you can not buy DVC from them. They present an overview of the DVC product and answer basic questions without details, and schedule sales tours with guides.

As far as being able to buy sold out resorts as a new contract, it certainly is NOT misleading for a guide not to mention that possibility. Sold out inventory is always in flux, you never know if they have enough to sell a new contract or not, or what may be "on hold" waiting for someone to respond from a waitlist. Unless you know for certain that DVC had invenory for a new membership at a sold out resort on a given day, how could it possibily be misleading...do you think any salesperson is going to say "Oh, don't buy now if you want a different resort, wait a few months, maybe, just maybe, we'll have some inventory to meet your needs then. But you certainly, in the meantime, can check with a reseller and try again...of course, it will probably cost me a sale..."
In my recent dealings with Disney I was upfront and honest with them ,,I don't need or want 50 years and want one of the older resorts. They were great --never once said I'd have to buy SSR or AKV .
They provided me a list of older resorts VWL, OKW, BCV BWV,HH<and VB ,this was done two weeks ago and put it in writing. Price per point was listed direct through Disney.
They provided me with a tour of SSR and a pass to visit all the other resorts. OKW people took time to give me a special tour (on short notice). They even drove me over to OKW in the little red van. Icecream was offered.
They even suggested that it;s kind of nice to work with someone who already knows what they want and like.
I have until April to make a decision --however I still think I'll be doing resale
as I'm waiting on the sale of some property here. I truly think the guides are doing what they are paid to do ,,however in my case I felt they went out of there way to go the extra mile but then again I went on the tour with a bit if DIS knowledge. I bought my home in 10 minutes after looking at it ,purchased my car after a quick test drive ,choose my career because it sounded like fun
but Buying my first DVC contract seems to be all consuming . Just a newbie's thoughts on this interesting thread .
Not recently, but so many times I have passed people in WL's lobby asking the person selling there "If I buy at SSR, can I still stay here." I'm sure the answer is the standard response. I doubt that a guide has ever said "You know what, if this is where you really want to stay, I can sell you VWL points, but you won't get the current SSR program." When we were ready to buy, we first tried VWL resale and it was taken by Disney, so we didn't know what to do...didn't want to risk that happening again...so bought BWV from Disney, and did an add on immediately at VWL. Even though we knew we wanted "in" Michelle knew we wanted "in" she never said that she could sell me VWL without our buying BWV. Now, I am not complaining...we are thrilled with our mix of resorts, because BWV has the standard room rates without which, we wouldn't have been able to do the party for DM that we did with as many rooms as we had.

By not mentioning that they could sell any of the sold out resorts, I think that is misleading and setting people up for disappointment.


Depends on what the standard response is, If it is you can buy SSR and stay at VWL anytime you want at 7 months; then yes that is misleading.

However I don't think that is the case, I think the answer is "You can buy at SSR and stay at VWL", which is true.
By not mentioning that they could sell any of the sold out resorts, I think that is misleading and setting people up for disappointment.



Cool Moose graphic. :)

Not aimed at you but at the thread as a whole

I have to ask where one would put the blame, on a sales person selling there product for the best price, or an uneducated buyer.(when I say uneducated, I mean regarding the product they are buying).

I blame the buyer for not having a full understanding of what they are buying and what they could be buying as well. Caveat Emptor regardless if you are buying from the Mouse or from Joe the Snake Salesman.


My money is to hard to come by to give it away without some research. Grant it, I did not know everything about DVC when I bought, but it took me 3 years (my wife wanted it the first day we looked at DVC) before I was comfortable in letting go of my $$$$.

My person
I actually think trading into DVC is going to become MUCH easier with the addition of new resorts. Dean has posted how easy it is to get OKW or SSR thru trades, and I have another good friend (who does not post here) who "trades" to get DVC (although he rarely sees BWV in the trades, and has yet to get VWL or BCV in one).
I've traded to all you quote and have seen 2 BR units at all of them as well. SSR and OKW are by far the most available though and many of those at the destination DVC resorts are studios far more so than at SSR or OKW. VB and HH are actually the most available overall. I've seen spring break and 4th of July, even Xmas on occasion.

This actually concerns me a bit. I HOPE that DVC does not have so many offers of owners wanting to trade out, that it gets "devalued" in the trading system. I might never trade my DVC points for something else (I don't think it is such a great "deal"), but I would certainly not want my trading ability to be limited to "iffy" properties because DVC is so large that it does not trade well (too many people wanting to trade out, making a "glut" in the timeshare trading inventory).
Far too late IMO. DVC does not appear to have nearly the trading power that one is led to believe by DVC or even by II at times, the question is whether it ever did. It's likely due to more availability combined with the fact it's just Orlando but only II knows for sure. I see the trade power of a given DVC resort go up and down simply related to the number of units currently showing in II.
Okay, I am dumb.

I didn't know DVC could be traded through II :confused3
Or maybe you were the smart one staying away from something that is risky and usually not a good value.
I know that there has been a recent thread telling about how good a rating SSR/DVC has with the BBB...so I don't think anything is wrong with the selling, and people don't feel they are being cheated.

This thread was begun by someone who wasn't happy at SSR and didn't own SSR, so my thoughts about buying/selling really aren't what the thread is about. I hope Jillpie never has to stay there again, and if she does, that she has a better time!

Not that I want to trade, I just didnt think II could trade into DVC.
That would be incorrect, I've done it a number of times and see DVC units almost every day of my life as I have done the search at least once almost every day for years. I could probably have stayed in a DVC unit almost every single day for the past 2-3 years if I had enough weeks to trade. Many would like you to believe that DVC is so difficult to trade in to that one shouldn't even try. That's simply not true but one does need to be realistic as to unit size and time of year.
In general, we're on the same page here, albeit I do suspect AVK will be more attractive to existing DVC members than SSR, which may result in more sales to the existing client base. If that happens, we'll see less "neophtye impact."

Undoubtedly that is the situation at the moment. But AKV cannot sell itself by existing membership alone. It'll have to have a majority of new membership if it ever hopes to be completed.

The situation existing now is that new buyers have two choices: SSR and AKV. SSR is a bit cheaper, mostly completed and within walking distance of outside resort entertainment. New members are overwhelmingly going for SSR leaving AKV for the existing members and enthusiasts. But when SSR sells out later this year, that leaves only AKV as the route into the system (outside resales and wait lists for big points).

That's when we'll see the influx of neophyte questions, but I suspect with an entire host of new quarrelsome problems. Such as: room occupancy for that 5th person, wanting to stay within walking distance of something, and mass confusion about point requirements.
BroganMc, interesting "factoids":goodvibes , (ok, lovin that word) about the distance figures from place to place. But you left out one important one, distance from BCV elevators to gift shop for my milk very late at night!:lmao:
Seriously, there's nothing like stepping off the bus and going right in there and right to bed. Couldn't do that at SSR.

Jillpie, I agree if my goal was to have easy access to the gift shop, I'd ask to stay in the Springs or Grandstand. (In fact, the Springs room I stayed in last December would have been perfect for you. Right across the street from the pool, canal view with the bus stop on the street-side. I was always stopping over at AP for drink refills, shopping and collecting my park package pickups.)

Unfortunately, you ended up at the furthest point out because the resort was full. Such is the disadvantage of no booking categories and busy Spring Break seasons.

Think of it this way. You decided to stay at BWV for F&W, but they put you in the farthest wing MGM side because it was packed. You'd be a bit miffed about that too. Does this mean BWV is a terrible resort and one you can never enjoy? Or did you simply draw the short straw and perhaps next time you'll get a better one.


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