8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 8

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Was he interviewed anywhere today? Wondering what was wrong with him.

If he was, I didn't see it. I haven't searched the Net, though. I really was hoping Jeff would say last night. Jeff is soooo cute, by the way. Love those dimples!
Were you all waiting around wondering when I'd show up with another massive multi-quote post? Well you will not be disappointed. :rotfl:
Apparently not, because the Captain's pirates are counted separately. This is how the wenches keep us down-- they split off the captain's, even though he is male, they split off the evil twins -- even though he is male.
Yep, you got it all figured out. :)

I guess BIP missed the aka

I remember our local county forester telling me that old trees tend to rot out on the inside, which makes them more likely to be blown over by heavy winds--much like snapping one of those coffee stirrer straws by folding it.

Hopefully, the tree owners will be able to do most of the clean up. Do you know anyone who heats with wood? I bet they'd be excited to see so much wood available, and would be happy to lend a chain saw to the effort.
oh, that does look majorly rotten in the inside! :eek: That looks like it was ready to come down anytime... I'm glad everyone is okay!

I am marinating some mahi mahi steaks. I hope that they are good! I've never cooked them before.
Mmm, I hope they turn out good. :)

I have four DD's, all additional grandparents willing to contibute toward college are welcome.
Um, I need to get on that gravy train... no grandparents here contributing to college!

I love brussel sprouts but can only get them when we go out to eat because my DW does not like them at all.
You LOVE brussel sprouts? I think that's the first time I've heard someone say that. I know people who tolerate them or don't hate them or even like them, but LOVE brussel sprouts? That's just weird. :laughing:

Yes it does.........Did that one in '05..........

Thought about it for this year as well................but $$$$$$ difference was quite large. PM me if anybody wants to know how little the Carnival Cruise cost is........... We chose the Highest level Balconey on the Lido Deck.....just like last year. As for the crown onboard.........different, but we are going without Stinky Teens......

Quoted just to remind myself to PM you. :)

I hope that you all get some answers soon.
Thanks sweetie!

My kids favorite vegetable is brussel sprouts. Here is a good way to try them. Shred or slice them very thin (where it looks like cabbage for cole slaw but thinner). Saute them in olive oil until they just get a little brown on the edges, then squeeze lime juice over the top of them. You won't even know they are brussel sprouts.
Their favorite vegetable is brussel sprouts??? :eek:
Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I want to go to all that effort on the off chance I might be able to ingest said brussel sprouts. Thanks for trying though.
(not listening... not listening.. lala lala lala)

Oh, I love to cook & we all love brussel sprouts - that sounds soo good. Thanks! I'm just making up menus for next week - will add that to one of our meals!
You love brussel sprouts too???

DH is flying back from Seattle today & he called me as he was getting on the plane. Guess what????? Here's the plane he was getting on!
Oh I love that plane!

In all fairness, the Captain was posting before and after the supposed 'run'. I think we all take him at his word that he was not actually trying for that post.

After all, if you can't trust Captan Jack, who can you trust?
Um, no one??

I didn't know that GPs could contribute towards college! I will have to campaign for more of them too. ;)

.... and we look forward to seeing how much they have grown by then as well. I hope not too old to blow bubbles with an old DISer like me ...

Awww, I love that picture! Such sweetness!

It doesn't matter whose yard the tree was in, the house or property that is damaged is the one whose insurance is responsible for repairs. This happens a lot around here when hurricanes come thru.
Huh. That's not how things work around these parts...

Howdy all...
We're back from the land of the mouse & I've mostly unburied my desk at work - but there's *no way* I'm going to be able to catch up on the 30,000 posts made while I was out of circulation. Keeping up is hard enough.

We got selected for a private audience with Cinderella on our last day in the Magic Kingdom - 15 minutes with my 3 1/2 year old in princess heaven (did I mention that Cindy is her favorite?). It was a nice moment or 3, but all we got was the time, no bonus photo, no special sticker.

To top it off, DD was having a "mommie" day, and when Cinderella asked if Daddy could be in one of the photos, she said "Nope!" When pressed and asked if she would include Daddy as a personal favor to Cinderella, she said "No Carpet, No Picture!" (alluding to earlier in the day when DH had asked if he could go on the magic carpets with her, in which he was also turned down flat).

It's a good thing she's cute, or he'd probably kill her.
Oh well, she probably has her "daddy" days too, right? Congrats on the special extra time with Cindy!

Then again, it's pretty sad if he's the only one you can trust because he will leave you for the Kraken.

OY BOY!!! How are we going to get them to play nice if you guys don't behave? :confused3 ;)
I agree!

Although dealing with the aftermath of the plane crash was very difficult for my husband and nephew, and all of the other non-professional people involved in the efforts, it turned out to be an amazing, life changing event for us. Some of you may have read our story in the news at the time. This will be a long post but I’ll share with all of you what happened.

The Alaska Airlines flight crashed into the ocean just off our coast in the late afternoon. Immediately a Coast Guard request went out to all the local fishing boats at sea to come and lend aid. Unfortunately what started as a rescue mission turned into a recovery mission. My nephew was out on one of our boats that night and was one of the first on the scene. It was horrible, but those wonderful fishermen spent the entire night searching for survivors and pulling debris from the ocean. By 5 a.m. the next day, my nephew was exhausted and having transferred all the items he collected to the main recovery vessel he headed to the harbor. Later that morning, he and my DH went down to clean the boat and in one of the hatch handles, my nephew saw something shining in the sunlight. It was a man’s gold Mason Ring. Immediately he showed DH and he called the authorities, but it was so chaotic at that point no one could tell him what to do. He brought it home and we waited for instructions.

Meanwhile in the newspaper a list of the passengers onboard had been printed. Two of the men listed were reported to be leaders of their local Mason’s organization. My hair stood on end when I read that they were from Poulsbo, WA. It just happened to be the same tiny town in Washington where my nephew’s father lived and where he had lived before returning to California. All of the sudden I just felt we were part of something so much greater than we could understand. After a few phone calls we connected to a gentleman who was a fellow Mason and he immediately knew which of the men the ring had belonged to. Within the hour the daughter made contact with my DH and they both sat crying on the phone as she told him how just a few weeks before, she and her father had made an agreement that whoever should pass first would try to get a message back saying they were OK. It was one of the most moving and amazing moments of my life. I have always considered myself a religious person and a strong believer in God, but this was something so overpowering I just can’t describe it.

We contacted Alaska Airlines and they immediately started to make arrangements to fly my nephew up to Washington to personally return the ring to the family. Meanwhile, it became the front page story and we were overrun by the media. Even with my background in PR, I was overwhelmed by the attention. DH and nephew were on CNN and did numerous local interviews. Good Morning America and the Today show both wanted them be interviewed, but we really felt that enough was enough. This was not about publicity, it was about helping a grieving family who had just lost their mother and father.

Enter the local sheriff’s department at this point. Although we had kept the authorities apprised at each step, they were now concerned about “evidence” being improperly handled. While I can understand, this had become something unique and important and the only thing on our mind was getting the ring in the hands of that family as soon as possible. We thought we had everything ironed out when while I was home alone with my DD two detectives showed up demanding the ring. When I refused to give it to them they started proceedings to arrest me. The family had specifically instructed us not to hand the ring over as they were afraid that it would be lost or delayed for months and months so I was fully prepared to get arrested if I had to. At that point we had formed a strong bond with the family and I was determined to put their desires first. News vans in the area had picked up on the fact that the sheriffs were at our home and started to arrive. Calls were placed to the head of the sheriff’s department and at that point his detectives were called off and it was agreed we could proceed with the return of the ring as the coroner had confirmed he did not need the actual ring as long as he had a photo. That night, I was the one on the news holding my infant daughter in my arms explaining why I was almost arrested!

The next day, Alaska Airlines flew my nephew to Poulsbo and the ring was turned over to the family in a moving and lovely candlelight ceremony at the Masonic temple there. We still keep in touch with the family today and have joined them in honoring their loved ones at the local memorial dedicated to the crash victims. For the rest of my life I will always feel like we were involved in something very special and remember the son's comment to my nephew that “When it’s a miracle, gold floats.”

What a moving story. Goosebumps!

Naps: Love 'em!!! And being 6 1/2 months pregnant with a toddler to chase, I've got a good excuse to take one whenever I want.
I agree! Been there done that so I can vouch that in this situation, naps when possible are definitely needed!

Forgot to post that DD's Disney crocs arrived today! She wasn't too happy about them since they weren't a toy but when daddy got home, she wanted to model them...even though they are a couple sizes too big for her...just like I wanted them to be.

Ditto all of that! We received them today also, youngest DD upset that they weren't a toy and that they were too big to really wear functionally- exactly how I wanted them to be. :)

Have you seen the talking urinal cake. People are actually stealing them. Guys are actually putting their hands in a BAR urinal and swiping a urinal cake.

What in the world?!? :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

BIP, I contacted my insurance company and the claims adjuster I spoke with said they would be contacting the owner and the owner's insurance company. The man that lives behind me said his claims adjuster told him the same thing. Ten years ago, it was a tree from my yard that fell into both of my neighbor's yards. Actually my tree was right in the corner of my backyard, where the tree that fell today landed. The insurance companies then took care of everything, now they have to do it again. The claims adjuster from my insurance company is coming out Monday to look the damage over.
Ah, I see.

Some of the quotes I'd clicked totally disappeared. and now way I'll find them now! NO clue what pages they were on/etc. :(

But now that I'm all caught up (atleast for a few moments...)

Guess what I made tonight!

Well first I MADE out like a bandit at Big Lots. Just happened to get the ad in the mail yesterday and I don't hardly ever get the ad and shop there even less frequently. I think the last time I was in there was the day after Thanksgiving sale and before that probably the year before that on day after Thanksgiving sale. But they had a bunch of things on sale that were exactly things I'd been wanting or needing lately AND (this isn't a want or need thing- until I saw it in the ad then i wanted it LOL) I got a Disney smoothie maker!!!!!!! for $20!!!!!!
(please don't anyone else tell me you got one cheaper, okay? Please I'm begging you. LOL)
Now I wonder if I can somehow bring that in my luggage on the cruise. The kids love the banana & strawberry smoothies I've MADE tonight already. :)
(and now I have a little bit of mickey- well his bottom half with his feet and such- in my kitchen!)

The kids were so thrilled with the Thing 1/2 shirts that Julie (Bellelinus) sent for the kids to wear today for the Cat in the Hat day at their elementary school. They were tickled pink! I took some pictures and will post them soon as I get them uploaded.


I am so tired-I don't know that I'll stay up late tonight. Been so busy lately and NO nappy-poo today after staying up all night (again) because of all the school stuff today. Where's a yawn emoticon? I need one over to the right here but I don't see one!

Kids are out of school for spring break now... is it spring yet? Cause I didn't think so.. but what do I know. :) All I know is that bball and cheer season is over and they are out of school for a week- so HELLO, that means we can all sleep in and not have to get up before the sun comes up! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there, that's enough for now... out of me anyway. pirate:
:offtopic: Sorry to interrupt the typical posting of blah blah blah, rugby, t-******, groundhogs, room assignements and when our website will be up...:rolleyes1 I just had to share this...

Sensing that I am a bit down today because of my Dad, my DH :love: and DD:angel: just gave me my birthday present...deciding what our plans will be for vacation this summer. We were originally going to sail Carnival...NOT. DH took it upon himself (I am the compulsive planner, not he) and booked us on RCCL Explorer of the Seas!:banana: :banana: :banana:

It sails 6/9 and sails from Cape Liberty, NJ. NO AIRPORTS!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I am not afraid to fly at all, I just hate the hassle!!! It will be great to wake up, hop in the car and in a couple of hours be on the ship! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Ports are Kings Wharf, St Thomas, St Maarten and San Juan.:cool1:

You may now return to our usual blah, blah, blah...:rotfl2:

WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO !!!! That is so fantastic!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
It's so strange how often I think about it even after all this time. When my own Mom and Dad passed away during the last few years, I really drew strength and comfort from that experience. It's something that will always be with me.


What an absolutely amazing story you have. WOW.
I was born adn grew up in New Mexico. Anything they can do to reduce drunk driving- the better!
OY BOY!!! How are we going to get them to play nice if you guys don't behave? :confused3 ;)

Yeah, we probably shouldn't antagonize the west-bounders too much. After all, they have our ship first and could do things to it we wouldn't like.
Well, that clinches it for me. :thumbsup2 Normally 8.99 lb here. I will pack some away.

Definately....Normally $8-9 pound up here too. One of our best days fishing we caught around 38 dolphinfish (aka mahi mahi) and 3 or 4 mackeral's off Oak Island, NC. We chartered this boat that was very basic (bench seating), but pretty reasonable price. We motor out a couple hours to the fishing area about 9am or so, about an hour later, we hit a school of Dolphinfish. The captain has us reel in the line slow and let the boat back up towards the school. They were schooling by the boat and we were baiting two hooks per rod and just dropping the lines in and hauling up two at a time. The captain and mate were focused on getting the fish off the hooks and rebaiting the hooks, so we were ankle deep in fish flopping around on deck.
Were you all waiting around wondering when I'd show up with another massive multi-quote post? Well you will not be disappointed. :rotfl:


there, that's enough for now... out of me anyway. pirate:


SO BIP has set a new DIS repo record.... I count 24 multiquotes. Anyone wanna say I am wrong about her takin' the cake for now?
I just got back from the doctor and thought I'd try the chat - tried to log in and got "unknown error" - have no idea how it works???
That's exactly what I thought on the cruise we took in October. And to think I'll get to experience that again in, oh 17 1/2 months with another toddler. :love:

(These are the pages I did for my Circle Journal album from that wonderful experience.)

That is really wonderful. You put my kids' baby books to shame!!

Best Buys is clearancing a bunch of TVs and AV receivers today... and I selected a HDTV to get. It is NOT a true HDTV in that the resolution is only 480i. The normal HDTV standard is 720p... and the highest resolution HDTV is 1080p.... however there is very limited content at 1080p available. Only HD-DVDs are capable of putting out 1080p... and broadcast HD is at 720p. After what I have seen - my interest in HD DVD is minimal as I would have to be prepared to repurchase EVERYTHING that interests me on DVD as a HD DVD... and I am NOT interested in that. Plus virtually everything of interest to me was NOT filmed in 1080p resolution. Only the latest and future films will be on 1080p. Having upconverted films is NOT what I want for an HD DVD.

So... this TV I'm about to run out for - I am waiting for my spouse to get ready... I gave her 3 more minutes til I was gonna go... so I was gonna use this as a 2nd TV to watch stuff in the family room. Last year that TV went out... and so - this TOshiba I have them holding for me is a 16x9 screen - CRT TUBE - so it is bulky, heavy and uses a fair amount of power. Aside from that... it is dirt cheap. They originally sold it for $599 at Best Buys.... and the manfg web page suggests a 799 list - and on the web the best price I could find was $524. But they are clearancing it for $399... plus they will give a $200 store credit to boot. And I negotiatied with them and got the store credit increased to $250! SO my net price is only $149! At that price it's a steal. The replacement bulbs for my 57" Epson HDTV cost $275! Here I'm getting an entire HDTV for $149 in 30" size which included the ATSC high def tuners. Only thing is I don't think I can receive any broadcast TV as we live in a plateau area that's pretty far away from the broadcast antennas. Also this HDTV is not a TRUE HDTV since it only outputs 480i.... but it does upconvert standard input to 480i supposedly.

Oh well... time to go. I'm using store credit to buy thte thing - so it will really cost me nothing out of pocket to pick up... what a hoot!
Hi all - been away and have no clue where to start - read recaps but boards seem slow - is everyone gone?

Some people are still in chat. Check Lisa's post for the link if you are interested.
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