8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6

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Hello everyone!! I have been reading and reading and reading and thought I should jump in to say our family is on this cruise as well. We consist of me - Laura, my DH and our 3 children ( 1 DS and 2 DD's). We are so excited to be going on this trip :banana: Anyway, I'm really looking forward in chatting with you all for the next 16 months, bye for now,


party: :welcome: party:
Join the club of reading, reading and more reading! :rotfl: Smart choice to jump in and say hello!:thumbsup2

Check out the first page of the thread for summaries and other good info.
DH was able to replace my power jack. The part was about $14, but the replacement job requires taking the computer apart & doing a little soldering. If you have an independant computer repair place near you, they should be able to do the job for you.

I'm leery of the big-chain computer service places. Best Buy's repair place always seemed to manage to skim the most expensive parts off of my laptop, replace it with cheaper stuff and claim it was the way I sent it to them. :scared1:

If I didn't have 1/3 of our belongings still packed up in moving boxes, i *might* have considered resoldering the jack. But no matter...the laptop arrived at the depot repair facility at 1002 CST today (nevermind that FedEx shows it was signed for at 0809)...repairs underway at 1103 and I got an email update that says they have fixed it :yay: and it's being shipped back as of 1302! hmmm maybe this will be that one time that CC actually comes through for us! :rotfl2: Actually, I heard from a buddy who said CC changed service repair facilities due to problems with their old depot.
Thank you Karen!!!!! Someone who actually didn't enlarge and read name tags. Yes as you can see Drew loved them. Monica cried at the end and she got us going too...So sweet!!!!

Nope, didn't cheat! :thumbsup2 DD happened to be walking by while I was on the boards and flipped!:rotfl: We were disappointed that on our Oct DD he was back home, but it worked out well. Then we met the "2 Jennas" who were great as well!
I was going to reply to something, but by the time the page loaded up, I forgot what it was I was going to reply too. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh yea, now I remember..........Thanks Diane, we feel very blessed to have Angelina in our lives as well!!! She came from a very poor area of Mexico, so we know we have enhanced her life over what it would have been like there.

Andy, that is exactly why we are totally at peace with our decision to adopt. We truly feel that God just had a really special job for us to do...:goodvibes
We're adopting through our state, but it's the same concept. A lot of these babies are born drug exposed and drug addicted, and would otherwise not have much of a chance at life. :sad1:
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........(buckifan said I should put the tissue warning in bold red letters, so I'm taking her advice).........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, then He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Andy thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
Thank you Karen!!!!! Someone who actually didn't enlarge and read name tags. Yes as you can see Drew loved them. Monica cried at the end and she got us going too...So sweet!!!!

Before our cruise, I would read posts about people getting attatched to their servers, stateroom attendants, counselers, etc....and I thought to myself...."self (I'm stealing that from sk8)....how can these people possibly get attatched in just 7 days?" Well, now I understand.....we loved our servers so much!!! Our asst. server Nedege from France, told me the last day that she hopes when she has children one day, they turn our like mine.....:goodvibes

Don't tell me she says that to everyone.....(fingers in ears).....I can't hear you....lalalalalalala
Umm, if you are going to store than you can't be 'captive', can you?

That's why I *NEED* To get out to the store. After a week, we're out of everything but toilet paper.

I'm back. The driveway is still a scary place, in which my van becomes a big blue pinball bouncing between the ice banks. But, we have FOOD! :cool1:
After reading the stories about peoples' struggles with having children, I don't feel so alone in my situation. Our struggle has been ongoing for about 3 years now, and we finally let go of the notion of getting pregnant and having a child. We now feel like it is what was meant to be. There are SO many children born every day who need loving families and a good home. We're going to be just that for a child someday really soon! :hug:

Your comments sound EXACTLY like where my spouse and I found ourselves ... and just as we had heard from others ... when you sort of relax on the tensions associated with TRYING so hard.... then it seems little miracles happen. Of course, it depends on all kinds of things. Assuming the "plumbing" is working properly and in our case we were both working. (rereading this it sounds kind of funny... what i meant to say is my spouse and I were both gainfully employed). Some would say we each had busy occupations and then heaping on "everything else" made things... complicated. For the guy it was difficult to quantify... but I always knew my spouse was the worrying sort - so the tension must have been greater then she showed.

So - having spilled all them beans... I would like to encourage you and your spouse to totally relax on the issue! GO ahead and pursue intimacy the way it way when you first met and forget about any silly "objectives". I have to confess... I was the most AMAZED person...

Oh yeah... there were a couple other things we had going too... there was this testing device we paid like $100-150 for that gave us the timing for ovulation... and then there was a progesterone imbalance or deficiency that our OBGYN detected. So ... we had been using these things for some time... but no results... and then we really gave up and .... something came along! Wierd... really wierd... but it was true.

Alternatively, it's a beautiful thing to pursue alternative aproaches... as my spouse and I were considering.

I hope I conveyed the "right" impressions. I mean only to be encouraging and candid in our thoughts.

Oh well... our prayers and hopes shall sing for you... :)
That's why I *NEED* To get out to the store. After a week, we're out of everything but toilet paper.

I'm back. The driveway is still a scary place, in which my van becomes a big blue pinball bouncing between the ice banks. But, we have FOOD! :cool1:

Glad you got out, shopped and got home safely. Food is a good thing!
Our DD had her braces on and off before most of her classmates were getting them on. The dentist told us DD's mouth was about two years advanced for her age (like we needed a professional to tell us that). :rotfl2:

DD had to have 6 baby teeth removed in order for her larger permanent teeth to come in, while the 6 were being removed, a 7th tooth fell out on it's own. I think DD might have been 10 at the time. At least she has one beautiful smile now!!! She also wears her retainers two nights a week, and is supposed to the rest of her life, we'll see what happens when she leaves the nest.

A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........(buckifan said I should put the tissue warning in bold red letters, so I'm taking her advice).........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, then He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Oh, Andy, there are not enough tissues in the whole world for that story. :grouphug:
That's why I *NEED* To get out to the store. After a week, we're out of everything but toilet paper.

I'm back. The driveway is still a scary place, in which my van becomes a big blue pinball bouncing between the ice banks. But, we have FOOD! :cool1:

Sounds like the ice is treacherous in your neck of the woods...


Take it easy and stay safe everyone ... where-ever you are!
So Todd....how is that bedroom painting coming? Your doing it neon pink with lime green trim, right?
I'm always trying to get DH to do what needs to be done. Usually the only way I can get it accomplished it by totally freaking out and screaming like a banshee!!!!!!!
Which by all means I do not like to do....but after a year of asking nicely to finish the molding in the br I HAD IT:mad: I snapped and it was done the next weekened.

Hmmmm maybe I should lose it more often :rolleyes:

And here i thought i was the only one who had to resort to such tactics...

I asked for hooks to be put up in our closet over a week ago...Still no hooks...

i hate flipping out cause then my blood pressure goes up but sometimes it's like he never listens.....
Our DD had her braces on and off before most of her classmates were getting them on. The dentist told us DD's mouth was about two years advanced for her age (like we needed a professional to tell us that). :rotfl2:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I hope I conveyed the "right" impressions. I mean only to be encouraging and candid in our thoughts.

Oh well... our prayers and hopes shall sing for you... :)

Yes, your thoughts came across the way you meant them. :goodvibes
Thank you for your kind words. :thumbsup2
And here i thought i was the only one who had to resort to such tactics...

I asked for hooks to be put up in our closet over a week ago...Still no hooks...

i hate flipping out cause then my blood pressure goes up but sometimes it's like he never listens.....

I always tell my dh...."Now, you know how I hate to nag, but....."

Still goes in one ear and out the other......
Our asst. server Nedege from France, told me the last day that she hopes when she has children one day, they turn our like mine.....:goodvibes

Don't tell me she says that to everyone.....(fingers in ears).....I can't hear you....lalalalalalala

We had Nedege for one of our cruises, she was absoluetly wonderful!!!

Yes, we also get attached to our servers as well, by the time we get off the ship, they feel like family to us!!! :goodvibes
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