8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6

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Goodmorning everyone. Had to work the last 2 days so I'm quite behind. Hope every one is healthy and warm. Need to catch up, will be around somewhat today.

Me and FIN just got back from the gym. We can't let Todd be the only guy in ship shape. Will post rugby update shortly. :)
our story: years of infertility, tests, 2 miscarriages...after a minor surgery and clomid.....finally lucky enough to have DD!!! She is our gift and we know how lucky we are. We might have been able to have another, but I wasn't really feeling up to going through all that again, she came along when we had "planned" to be having our second and last, and at the time other circumstances came up - DH got let go from work (and the financial hit), we were living apart due to the job change, then the move(7 months at my mom's house while we house hunted). So, I don't know if we made that decision or fate did really.....

A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........(buckifan said I should put the tissue warning in bold red letters, so I'm taking her advice).........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, then He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.
I second that...I thought I was the only one who got teary during Terebithia!


Oh nooooooo! Now, I do cry at movies very easily .....In fact, I've been known to tear up at a sentimental commercial (I'm a sap). But I'd bet there were many teary eyes in the theatre.

My dh never cries during movies, or at least hardly ever.....when we left the movie, I looked at him and he had red eyes. I asked him if he had been crying, and he admitted "a little bit....":goodvibes
Here are my two girls Madison 12 and Austyn 6.

You've got beautiful girls, Roger.

My spouse and I had a similar issue with trying to start a family. We've been best friends more or less together for 22 years now... engaged at about the 8th year, then married at 10 - now 12 years married with a 5.9 year old and a 3 year old. SO this means we conceived the older one about 7 years ago. And this older one was the unexpected pregnancy AFTER we had totally given up.

Yeah... totally given up.... You see... we had been "trying" for about 4 years with no luck. My business took me on the road something like 60-70% of the time - 7 days a week the whole year. So if we did the fertility thing she would have needed injections daily for a number of weeks - right? So - she sort of decided she didn't want to go through with that. Plus being a size zero petite - she always got wierd or all too often she would get EXAGGERATED reactions to medications ... so she was also leary of the side effect adominishments. SO we were settled on NOT doing the fertility enhancement approach. And after adjusting my travel to be home when I was supposed to be home... and after watching the proverbial clock tick along... and after trying all the girlfriends' advice on how to enhance our chances... IE every wives tale or mother's clue - we exercised in pursuit of a child the usual way... and we still had NO LUCK AT ALL!

That left us in a condition 7 years ago where we had given up totally - physically and emotionally... and we were planning on adopting a child from China. being Chinese ourselves made it an easy and transparent consideration. It was then when we were planning the adoption... lining up the details that my spouse started screaming urgently for me to run over to the bathroom... where she asked me urgently if I could see the little line on this strip of paper... and as I stared at it she was mutterring that it was as dark as a line should be. Myself - being generally clueless about such matters I mutterred - "yeah I see it" and I turned to leave... and she smiled and admonished me to pause and ... still I was confused... just like when she asked if I had a ring after I asked if she would marry me. And then she said we're gonna have a child!

At that moment we started an excited conversation about the chances of losing this one - and trying again since now we knew the "plumbing was working". Or so we suspected as we still had to see our OBGYN to confirm we were expecting and needed an ultrasound.

The rest is history.... sleepless nites walking with a feverish or finiky child... and all those cherished moments when our kid(s) experience something new and wonderful with us!

Well... the DIS system is about to shut down to refresh = so I'll just leave this where it's at for now.... I seriously doubt I'll be up when the DIS system returns on line...

So ... TTFN!:thumbsup2
CC, great story.:hug:
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, the He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Andy, Hello,

What a story to share, I really don't know how to respond. I'm sad but yet happy that your daughter is healthy.
OK. I figured how to put our picture in my siggie! I tried yesterday and got really fustrated. It's a good feeling when the light bulb goes on! :lmao: Hey, a 12 year old showed me how to put music on my MP3 player. You can teach an old dog new tricks! :cool1:

Good job Tina!!!:thumbsup2 Very nice photo, by the way!!!:goodvibes

I get my DD to help me with my iPod all the time. :rotfl2: It used to be her's until she got a new one last year.
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, the He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Andy....your tissue warning needs to be in bold.....and red....maybe even flashing!!!

Your story is very moving......God did indeed have a plan for you and your dd. And you have two Saints in Heaven waiting for you. God bless you, Hazel and Angelina.

BTW...I can see why you named her Angelina :angel:
WOW! I'm really sorry I missed all of the weekend stuff!
Looks like I missed A LOT!!
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, the He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Wow Andy very touching story. Can not imagine how that was for you and Hazel. With our 6 losses, all of them were early. We were deeply saddened but nowhere near the experience of going to term and then losing a child. I am so glad that you received Angelina as a reward.


More crying again with the younger one...

She seems to be trying to sleep again too as it's not a huge bout of crying...

But this one is more protracted... and now she's sleeping again???

Oh well... it's raining pretty good now so the air should be nice and refreshing come day break....

I've got to try and get some sleep now...


CC, there are days when I wish DS18 were still small.....and then I remember why I am not.
Back from the Ortho Specialist with DD's hip.........Looks like more MRI's.........this time with dye to read bone and cartilage definition........:sad2:

Poor thing just wants to be better...........more tests............more waiting :confused3

Good morning everyone! I'm off to work while DH and kids enjoy a day off which is slightly depressing. But since I'm an optimist by nature I am going with the attitude that it will be a nice quiet day at the office so I should accomplish a lot.

Have a great day!
Good morning everyone! I'm off to work while DH and kids enjoy a day off which is slightly depressing. But since I'm an optimist by nature I am going with the attitude that it will be a nice quiet day at the office so I should accomplish a lot.

Have a great day!

Right behind you Mary. I am hoping that traffic is light this morning with all of the rain we are getting.
After reading the stories about peoples' struggles with having children, I don't feel so alone in my situation. Our struggle has been ongoing for about 3 years now, and we finally let go of the notion of getting pregnant and having a child. We now feel like it is what was meant to be. There are SO many children born every day who need loving families and a good home. We're going to be just that for a child someday really soon! :hug:
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, then He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Wow, so sorry you had to go through such loss. You have a beautiful family (love the photo in your sig)!

Andy....your tissue warning needs to be in bold.....and red....maybe even flashing!!!

Your story is very moving......God did indeed have a plan for you and your dd. And you have two Saints in Heaven waiting for you. God bless you, Hazel and Angelina.

BTW...I can see why you named her Angelina :angel:

Thanks, I made the change above in my post. :goodvibes
After reading the stories about peoples' struggles with having children, I don't feel so alone in my situation. Our struggle has been ongoing for about 3 years now, and we finally let go of the notion of getting pregnant and having a child. We now feel like it is what was meant to be. There are SO many children born every day who need loving families and a good home. We're going to be just that for a child someday really soon! :hug:

I understand what your going through. DH and I were infertile for 8 years. We were tested and they never did find the problem. When we had come to terms with the fact that it just wasn't going to happen for us, we relaxed and started to focus on other things. Fastforward one year, we were closing on a house when I discovered I was pregnant.

Go figure, now I have 2 DDs 8 years apart.

x that's spot :yay: , i'm all ketchup!

judy girl.....you know you kids :thumbsup2 . * you could never get
me /my sisters/or brothers...that close without an incident happening.
[remember those slappin smilies?]

ok..i'm slow...you and lisa been friends for awhile? reading the high
comforts levels..made me realized where i seen you ladies before...
"white christmas"..i can see you guys singing the "sisters song &
meaning it...

oh my, :thumbsup2 your lil'princess: story...has common "grounds"
to us..first, we decided 5years.."no more". a chicken came into
play [ iam to this day fearful...of any sx.] so yes i am!....it was
debated for years, until my wife let me go on a hunting trip...meant to
bride me. that lil'delay resulted in unexpected pixiedust:! even the
way she told me was..near riot, i guess. after one of our family
"dis-cussing" epsiodes..she announced iam taking all '"3"of us
outta here.....wait! leave the dog!.."you don't get it, do you? have
you ever been hit with one of those v-man bricks? :hug: . we
didn't mess around ...and saw high risk doctors....where more drama
awaited....during the amino..he put the needle right into the placenta,
:scared1: . however, this is where experience paid off..he did not
pull right out, instead waiting then slowly...removing. needless to say,
i told him, not to lose this most precious of fluid...[ we actually went
out and celebrating getting thru this ]. the dr. laughed!..never lost
any in the 20years.....ok?..3 years after jordan's birth..my wife tells
me the lab. indeed lost it! :scared1: . but just by my chilling words,
he kept a very small amount back. :scared: ........needless to say,
we [me & her brothers] had a hugh! banner welcoming her! :flower3:

judy..ha, i heard the texas summer is a lil'hot. my brother in tucson ,
been rubbing it in...like flick [xmas story] gets his! i was :yay: last
year..for texas...i miss the old swc! i think tradition is neat!

Hi everyone!! JUst mayonnnaise ing :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thank goodness for a great amnio doc....Yeah when I broke it to Dale he thought I was kidding. He refused to believe it until HE saw the ultrasound pics...MAJOR DENIAL ...At which time I told him we were having twins and he practically fainted....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Just my warped personlality I guess......

Hey Lil Grumpy----did you hear its hot in Texas in the summer???
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